GrimSheet: Endgame Build Table - ETE edition [v1.41]

Same here. I would just play crucible instead

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Most people likes camera exploit and Zantai said they will not change it due to it. In deep SR it gives more possibilites for squisher builds and open additional gameplay. For tanks or meeles just go at start into opposite side of the room, die there so bosses going to change positions and you can agro abuse them without camera. Sometimes it is needed few times, enjoy 30 minutes boss rooms.

I am against camera thing only in presenting builds in like 65-75sr (very deep shards are okay, itā€™s additional challenge for only few players) because it can bait less experienced players into inconsistent build on ā€œnormal basisā€.


looks like iā€™ve chosen color in Reqs and Criteria right. Cool.

as Stupid dragon has already said, we simply do not posses enough data. I can ask some builders about some builds, but like imagine me asking banana about the average timer on the build he played in June. If builders start to link average timers and it becomes a trend then we will change it. Right now simply not enough data.
For the same reason we decided not to create a metric for sr75-76 speedrun (not only because of that though).

After i completed SR75-76 with faction gear + budget MIā€™s DK, I view SR75-76 as MC with extra step (ultimate elitist move, apparently.)

pretty much what Dmt has said, look at RetalAbuserā€™s chaos AAR for instance.
you can freely change skills and augments/components though - that wonā€™t be considered as s different build.

i thought of banning all DR items except for weapons and banning magic/rare sufficex with specific skill bonuses (e.g. nightbladeā€™s for +2 to bs/ss). But then i just forgot about. Maybe we will add that requirment in the future.

Well, thatā€™s not the thing I care about, but I can see why some people can be conserned about it. So letā€™s do like this - table provides huge chunk of raw data. You can simply not use our metric, and instead, use this info to create your own. At the end of the day - itā€™s all about picking measurment system.

broke gamedesigner: analysing 150+ builds to decrease their performance
woke gamedesigner: adding Callagadra on 170th wave.

i think i have explained everything regarded certain ā€œdependanciesā€ in Reqs and Crit paragraph.

the way i see it - thereā€™s literally no difference between agro abuse (pulling bosses one by one w/o camera rotation) and camera abuse. So unless youā€™re fighitng all boss arena simultaneously, i consider sr75-76 to not be worth a point.


Waiting for more builds from you then. and thanks, that actually mean something to me.


That was more or less what I was referring to. Not rotating the camera, then moving toward the bosses causing full agroā€¦

I wasnā€™t talking about the feature itself, just the weird effect it has on monster agro. I wish more aprgs had camera rotation :wink:

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allright then, if you record like 2 or 3 full runs with full agro - iā€™ll consider that worth a point or two.

In my opinion some honorable point may be added for pulling all bosses in 75-76 but only if build was not tested higher. Being able to handle all bosses at once means build can go way higher than just 75.


well said.

Please no. Iā€™ve seen enough of those NO AGGRO ABUSE SUPER PUPER DUPER MIGHTY BUILDS fighting 2 Zantarins and Laria

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Well, thatā€™s true too :rofl: In theory there can be a rule like some bosses (Kaisan, Reaper, Iron Maiden, Grava etc) must be killed but it would be just better to go for 85 shard than wasting time fishing for it.

If you want itā€¦


Oh okay, my bad man! I agree- the camera rotation adds so much to this game (my opinion) and elevates it even further above its competitors, so whenever I see people talking about camera abuse being removed I start getting nervous that it will bleed over and somehow result in camera rotation no longer being a feature, IE; If camera abuse issue cannot be fixed through manipulating the programming of enemy AI.

E: Lol this is what happens when I skim threads.

Camera rotation has nothing to do with the existence of the exploit. It enables the exploit, sure, but Iā€™m 99% sure @Valinov was referring to ā€œremoving the exploitā€ with this quote:

I agree with the sentiment you each share - camera rotation is by far GDā€™s biggest advantage over its competitors. However, Iā€™m also a strong advocate for the removal of aggro abuse in SR. I believe a ā€˜fixā€™ has already been identified, but it hasnā€™t been implemented because of public outcry at the notion. But, as Valinov said,


There is a big difference between using the camera thingy(I donā€™t like to call it abuse) and not using it.

Mostly because even with perfect control, if you just try to straight up aggro abuse, you can still easily end up pulling 1 or 2 bosses in the small room as of the current patch.

But rotate the camera and zoom in; you can aggro them one by one without a sweat. Yes, zooming in also works in addition to rotating the camera.


I pull more of them often even with camera pointed away from them, especially in that small boss room. I would say like 1 in 5 times in that small room.

And how did we play after the FG releaseā€¦ Overbuffed merciless SR with double Gravas, noone knew about camera abuseā€¦ Oh, wait, we played w/o abusing camera


Zoom in max. That is the fwuffy trick for SR 90+ :3

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Aggro abuse is just rng as mutators. There is no certainty of your little steps wonā€™t pull more than one creature and sometimes even I move furher from the boss I want it to be the last, while pulling the closest one can trigger more and as a chain reaction I have to deal with all. For some builds itā€™s easier to kite when you have to deal with all but for melee builds itā€™s harder. So itā€™s just dumb luck. Yeah you get %50 of the time 1 or at most 2 of them at the same time with this method and I see it as a tactic not an abuse. Because when I first enter the room and if non of them jump at me right at the beginning, I check the bosses and calcute which one or two I can handle first. I consider the possibilty of pulling two while this process. But rotating camera provides you a pulling success. And that success is equal to most elite buildsā€™ SR performance.

PS: I fixed the camera rotation. Itā€™s stable and map always looks the north, I removed the keybind so I can not accidently change the angle. I also zoom out max when I first entered the game with a character because Iā€™m more comfortably like that. I never zoom-in in the boss rooms either. I like to see all as much as I can. Also there is a map bug for a few patches. Minimap sometimes doesnā€™t show the boss icon so you only see it on big map by clicking ā€˜ā€˜Mā€™ā€™. And I sometimes encounter that boss icons doesnā€™t show up even on big map. So I blind fighted in boss rooms too.

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I have max zoom out, that will be it. But I donā€™t like that close zoom in like PoE has that is just unplayble to me camera so close to character.

