[GrimTools] Monster Database

Yep. But only two Magi on Monster database is listed for spawn location. But not all other Magi.

Dammitt, is this correct? Why does Warden Kreig have info on Summon Familiar in the monster database?

Is just an odd skill name + description in game data, cause some skills are copy/pasted and since this skill is related to a monster, its name/description aren’t displayed anywhere, so devs don’t waste their time to change it. The skill in question summons aether trap.

I see, thanks for the explanation Dammitt and as usual thanks for all your hard work on making grimtools. It’s much appreicated. :star_struck:

Not sure what but going to Namadea, the Screecher’s page and checking the Notable Loot tab seems to freeze Grimtools. Her loot tables don’t load and the buttons to go back to her skills or spawn locations, or return to searching monsters stop working. Changing her level or viewing the other stat window tabs works though.

Noticed this first on Microsoft Edge but it occurs on Google Chrome as well.

Same behavior for me as well with Firefox.

The issue is fixed.

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It’s a great tool, you intend to make an offline version?

Any chance we can get more powerful query options in the monster database? I’d love to see, for example, the ability to see monsters ordered by a particular resist, or a list of monsters with abilities that shred DA.

Dammitt, could you please update SR database as well?
It was changed it this patch, and i’m really curious about the numbers.

Sure, updated.

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102 level Training dummy’s armor (https://www.grimtools.com/monsterdb/1294) is incorrect and is 1461 instead of 1565. I’ve confirmed this both in files and in-game (by a precise test / calculation that needs this value to be correct): Post

Thanks for the report. However I made a quick check and I don’t see 1461 value anywhere in armorbase04.dbr in the files extracted for build 1191, not sure why.

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Ups, sorry, I play beta, I guess dummy’s armor gets changed in it. I didn’t think of it.

Hi Dammit, great tools, thank you for creating them!
Is it possible in the future to have an offline version of monster database? As we do for map, items and builds?
Thank you very much for the awesome resources provided.

Hey! It’s on my todo list, I’ll get to it eventually.

Thank you very much for having this in your list and confirming it.

Offline / desktop version can be downloaded here, monster database for Shattered Realm is here.


Thank you! That was fast

I used to be able to find Crucible towers in monster database and check their stats. Now they’re not on the list. However, I still have the links in browser’s history and when I use them, they work.
Here is tier 3 Deathchill beacon for example: Grim Dawn Monster Database
Its name is blank and faction says “Chthonics” but otherwise data exists.

Is it a bug that they’re not on the list of monsters or an intended change?