This is not a guide,just build demonstration;)
Default Setup(physique bonus craft)
Pyrahna Reupdated
Greenless Justicar Setup(slow res bonus craft)
Pyran Setup OLD(Don’t recommended)[]
==============STAT PANEL===============
Default setup
(All permament buffs + iskandra’s relic)
Justice setup
(All permament buffs + iskandra’s relic)
Default Setup — 6m 06s
Pyrahna — 5m 29s
Greenless Justicar Setup— 6m 41s(Should be faster with more unrandomized situations)
Pyran OLD— 5m 55s
============NEW SET===================
Well, i’m somewhat disappointed.Yes, overall damage is pretty good , but completely lacks overall protection(0da,0cdr,0phys res,0hp,0armor), so it’s makes sorcerer almost unplayable now and even regen doesn’t save this moment. So in current patch( i highly DON’T RECOMMEND to use until defensive buffs and use alternative sets(justicar, ulzuin) that would give you almost same perfomance with much better survivability