Help needed to vitality caster end game

Just got my vitality caster cabalist to 94, and am checking out the end game builds, it seems like there’s generally 2 end game sets to go for, either Valguur’s or Dark One’s.

I found the following builds Dark One’s Gift builds

I also found a Valguur’s Hunger build here

Are these builds’ still viable in HC for high SR(65/75) or Morgoneth dungeon?

I think with some tweaking by changing the pants to MI pants or well rolled heavy pants, as well as getting a different roll on luna or switch it for maggots, I think I can get most of them to 2k armor 92% absorption, or 1800+ with 100%.

Is the 2k armor with 90%++ absorption all that important for vampiric vitality casters?

Thanks for help!

Here’s another Vitality Caster Cabalist for you to consider: [] Blood Knight/Oblivion Cabalist -> CR 5:35-5:5x/SR 100/Crate + Ravager killer/SR75-76 farmer although nowadays I think you play it with Reaping Arc instead of Oblivion and it becomes melee.

Also another recent Dark One:

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I take it that Valguur got hit too hard with the nerf stick?

nah, its still useable.

here’s a valguur toon I use for farming SR 75-76.
the recent nerfs sure hit it alot but its still very durable.
so if you dont mind not being a zoomer this toon is fairly good.
also if u plan on going for HC I would physique dump it instead of spirit dump like I did here.

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Oblivion is still better, because of range and AoE. You have one gap-closer so swarm of range hero mobs and DoTs will hurt you a lot if you’ll use Reaping Arc. Oblivion is slower vs bosses (not by much since most of your damage comes from Bone Harvest) but much better against huge crowds (so overall it’s faster).
I think Reaping Arc needs more tankier approach than just slapping it on vit caster which relies on life steal because you have those small moments when your aren’t attacking anything and it becomes hairy very fast if there are some DoTs on you…
Maybe it was my bad piloting but I died a few times with this build in SR65 while using Reaping Arc. Oblivion was much safer and smoother.


Oblivion also inflicts 25% fumble & impaired aim debuff, and is unaffected by same debuffs from enemy, that’s why it’s so much better. You might think, that Reaping Arc deals more damage, but with 50% fumble debuff it’s actually less.