I’m trying to create a two-handed fire melee Elementalist and would like to have Light of Empyrion to add some otherwise non-existent toughness. Usually I just copy devotions from similar builds but I can’t find any with Empyrion since the extra devotions were added with Forgotten Gods. Is there a standard two-handed melee fire devotion route you can recommend?
Full disclosure: I’m testing Barthollem’s Warmaul with it’s increased targets to Fire Strike to max Upheaval procs. Maybe nothing will come of it, but I’d like to try.
There are other ways to get damage reduction on such builds. I wouldn’t search for it on the other side of the devotion map. For example linked build has boots with it. There is also ring augment, movement skills, amulet with aura: Search - Grim Dawn Item Database
Haha that’s the build that got me thinking about it. I’ve never leveled an Elementalist so I’m in the process for the first time now. I have a very substantial stash from GDIA but don’t use Grim Stash cuz creating items ruins it for me, but I don’t fault anyone for using it.
I appreciate the advice for using movement skills and ring augments, I hadn’t considered those.
Light of Empyrion is pretty hard to justify for fire since Red + green is so good.
For my money I like something like Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
swap hydra for either fiend or berserker (if your doing axes) or finish ghoul and take spider(if you need attack/cast speed).
I know that having Savagery active grants Tenacity of the Boar’s OA increase and Storm Touched’s attack speed increase as well as Might of the Bear’s % Physical Resistance, but is the % Total Damage Modified also granted from Might of the Bear? Been busy but if that applies too, then I’ll have 48% Total Damage Modified to Upheaval which might be promising.