I’m just curious what build or skill has the largest single hits in the game?
I know Doom Bolt has potential to hit really hard, or looking at things like cadence? Aegis of Menhir looks like it could hit pretty hard too, since Avenging Shield can add a lot of crit damage to it. Same with Shadow strike I suppose?
I have a near 900k primal strike CRIT vs the dummy on my rajajax vindi (on test update)… I know shadow strike, cadence, and bone harvest can go higher. I know I’ve had 1.2mil awhile back from boneharvest Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator rakajax vindi
Just check and it shows 1,570,271 as my highest hit… now I’m sure that’s from crucible, and possibly tagged 2 hits together
Check my passthrough savagery druid, and it says 1,848,464. Again due to how passthrough upheaval functions probably was due to a multi hit registering, but still. That build is more or less dead now though after test patch drops.
It’s an old build that is not truly optimised, but the idea was to throw blade trap to reduce enemy DA and then follow up with a series of high weapon damage hits for burst damage.
Aside from that, using 2he high damage Savagery/Feral Hunger combinations can get up to 1.5 - 1.6m damage fairly comfortably
Cadence is the big bonker i think
i have had 1.8 mill from cadence
madcritt had a screenshot where he did 2.8 mill cadence i think (back before armour bypass)
i have had 2h Righteous Fervor with Smite wps hit on for 1.6mill (before smite modifier reducts but after armour changes)
those are my biggest hits
aside from that shadow strike and doom bolt can hit big - never actually done a fat bone harvest hit myself, maybe it’s time i do a proper stacked BH toon
if you don’t care about the nr itself in page 3 sheet, then you can get pretty fat DoT numbers ticking(DoT dmg don’t get counted in page 3), or Trozan hits (trozan is multiple projectiles and dmg wont be combined “per hit” from them, but from the highest value a single projectile hit) - since it’s this little effective cluster nuke it can do pretty fat dmg when all projectiles hit a boss in a single hit
I believe doom bolt with harbinger set on deciever can get you to crits like 2,5 - 3 million. But that was some time ago before dying god devotion nerf. Might be a bit different now.
i mean, not like MC trash mobs have much defence, so nothing stops you from getting a 1.5 mill hit outside SR “buff” - and that’s assuming your char doesn’t get constant bad mutators with player -total dmg and monster increased resist to your specific dmg type
hahahhhahaha i am the blood gunner and my oathkeerp occluist is a beast so i dont know what yall mean i own everything in seconds im only using red skills and i even will make em move at 150% speed so they die faster maahhahaahahhahaahaha the power of Blood Blast legend guntank is op