I hate the enemy level-scalling

No I wrote that some people thinks that modern ARPGs like GD are just flashy graphics and facerolling, as a response to your claim that those that still plays D2 have wires disconnected in their brain.

I know that people have these feelings towards modern ARPGs since I talk to many of them on a daily basis.

If feels like if someone writes negative stuff about GD, you guys takes it personally and call people liars and have disconnected wires in the brain…

I did not say disconnected but crossed :wink:

I know that people have these feelings towards modern ARPGs since I talk to many of them on a daily basis.

you sounded like one of the still-D2-playing crowd to me, so I lumped you into your statement of ‘some people’ feeling that way about newer ARPGs

If feels like if someone writes negative stuff about GD, you guys takes it personally and call people liars and have disconnected wires in the brain…

Just to clarify that ‘wires crossed’ comment, I did not mean stupid or crazy (trust me, I would spell that out if I meant it…), but rather biased (nostalgia or something affecting objectivity).
I agree that this might have been misinterpreted

Did steps once. Skipped Valbury. Didn’t finish Bastion.
Did some bounties but most of that rep is just random world-bosses with faction mandates from a previous char.

We learned last time that crucible levels us up to fast so we don’t get crafting drops from over-levling so we learned that lesson.

What is irksome is we went into this round of playing GD with the plan that we wouldn’t over-level this time lol…and you see how that worked out :stuck_out_tongue:

We really should of skipped all bounties. It’s that rover shrine quest that started it. Before that, we were avoiding bounties.

it has been mentioned before, but it apparently bears repeating you are not overlevelled

Enemies are higher level, you struggle, classic signs of being overlevelled… not

It’s no good Jake…

This is our situation exactly.
Co-op a few hours a night after work. I tank, gf DPS.
We will sometimes stop before hitting a rift so we have to start back and find it the next day or later on.
Also some wipes so having to re-clear areas.

We’re probably older than avg players and probably die more than avg.

Like Mamba said, you are not overleveled, you are actually four levels below the cap of Normal. The final boss of AoM is level 75 in Normal.

So you skipped Valbury, a dungeon that gives a lot of exp in Normal because of enemy density and didn’t finish Bastion, probably the dungeon that gives the most exp.

Again, i do absolutely everything, i don’t miss a spot on every difficulty. Everything combed from top to bottom, quests, enemies, everything. I still end Normal at level 68. How you are level 71 after skipping a whole dungeon, not finishing another, still missing some quests and still having another whole dungeon is beyond me unless you cleared several areas more than once.

Am i missing something here? Does multiplayer give more exp or something?

Seems to me you should be playing hardcore to really push that. Saying no-deaths in softcore is good and all, but doesn’t really put any pressure on.

But I digress.

Yeah, I see that terminology is a sticking point here.
It could be a perspective thing.

This is my thought.
3 tiers. Still on 1st tier. Max lv cap of 100. 70% of total.
I would think (I admit rooted in D2-think here) I should be somewhere within the first 1/3rd of the max level being [close to] completing 1/3rd of the tiers.
BUT I’m already into the last third of the max level-cap while still being in the 1st tier.
So not sure what I should call that.
The feeling I’m getting here it’s a ‘feature’ I should be happy about and am totally out of line to think any other way.

I get it. The dev-team chimed in. It’s by design (according to him).
So I’ll have to deal with it and plan accordingly if I make another char.

This way i don’t lose gear i spent time farming or gear from trading. That’s the last thing i want to happen. Plus this makes death actually punishing, which doesn’t really happen in SC if i just die over and over.

Plus it’s a challenge i force on myself and not by the game.

Keep in mind that gear makes a tremendous difference. I’m not commenting on your gameplay with this.

With really good gear, you can almost literally stand around where you would normally have to move to survive. I think a lot of the vets with huge stashes forget this.

The challenge mostly relates for killing all Nemeses, do all rogue dungeons and do both secret quests without dying. And even with really good gear, a lot of builds can’t afford to take too much damage.

Plus dying means i have to level another character and that’s enough punishment for dying. And a lot of HC players already have multiple copies of each item and they can just replace the ones they lost for another character they level.

My top-level character started Ultimate at lvl 92, and very close to 93. This was also the first character I beat the expac with. Obviously, leveling slows way down in Elite and Ultimate. It’s meant to be that way. On the higher difficulties, you are refining your skills, exploiting upper-tier devotions, and finding gear that helps your build. Which is what keeps it replayable at those levels, imo.

I’m neither a casual ‘play-through and move on’ player nor a crucible gladiator. I try to keep both in mind when I post anything here. Most of the active members on this board are in the latter camp. As Zantai said, the game is designed for people in the former camp…

you do not gain 1/3 the levels in normal, elite and ultimate each. The progression slows down, I am level 72 after act 1 Elite, which I started at level 69 I believe

Not entirely sure when I will reach 100, but your base assumption is already flawed. Its more like 70/90/100 than 35/70/100 for the levels at the end of each difficulty

Since base content scales to 50-60, and AoM scales to 75, and ultimate scales to max level +2 to even +11 with some bigger enemies, you can’t really outlevel content. The only thing you can outlevel is your gear, which is a strange case where getting XP and rewards you negatively as the differences between 89-90 and 100 are earth and sky for enemies, while your gains from leveling are pitiful, and the only improvement that exists is mostly hard to acquire, ultra rare uniques that even when you farm dungeons that drop 1 guaranteed legendary at the end are unlikely to give you in any reasonable timeframe, since even the legendary loot table is so diluted it’s less than 1% per legendary drop to get an item for your character, because rather than having a few “easier to acquire but useful for many builds” sets/items, we have extremely mediocre “normal” gear (epics and faction gear) that might let you pass through most normal non-endgame content unless you see a nemesis, which brings us to the next point.

Suitably, the challenges which reward you with likely legendary drops are “soft-locked” behind certain builds (relying on inquisitor seal and a reasonably high amount of Defensive Ability) that can take down “nemesis” and roguelike dungeon enemies, and even in that case gear dependency is just… there. It’s just like the worst aspects from diablo 2 and diablo 3 taken together.

You will be a bit overlevelled when you enter the second difficulty. Given the time I need to level up a char to 100 I tend to skip the rogue-like dungeons on the first difficulty, start the second one at about 60 to 65 and eventually reach max level in the middle of the third difficulty.

Here is what I expect with FG

  • increase the max scaling level for any area by 10 (or maybe somewhat finer tuned, i.e. leave act 1 as is, scale acts 2,3,4 up by 20, act 5 by 15 and act 6 by 10, with FG having the same limit as act 6)
  • increase the char level limit by 10
  • done…

You sure about that? Coulda sworn that one of Zantai’s quotes from the streams in medea’s FG thread had him stating something to the effect that the level cap would be unchanged.

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no, just my expectation, would be really surprised if there were no cap increase at all.

Didn’t see anything definitive yet, but it sounded like they are still figuring out how much to increase the cap. Obviously I could also have missed something somewhere… I know the devotion cap is unchanged, didn’t think the level cap is too.

Zantai said new cap was very close to the old cap - and that devotion cap isn’t changing.