We old folks are still kids at heart

I had licensed Honeycombs merch…

The original mail-order only Cobra Commander…

A 2600…

You might be surprised. Some of us are probably older than you think. :wink:

I think you are ~4 years older than me…

That depends on how old you are. :smiley:

I had licensed Honeycombs merch…

The original mail-order only Cobra Commander…

A 2600…

About that old… I remember Reagan and Lennon being shot.

I was in class when the Challenger exploded…

I bought Pretty Hate Machine the day it came out, on cassette…

My first PC game all-nighter was Curse of the Azure Bonds.

NES was Ultima: Exodus

You think you bad, sucka!? :stuck_out_tongue: j/k
Maybe we’re suckier players than.
There is an outlier in the math somehow.

I think it comes down to some area/zone replay based on smaller sessions and just wiping and starting over.
Just finding those damn rifts in blood grove alone…
The xp death penalty for normal is almost nothing.

I was in elementary school when President Kennedy was shot.

okay, ~18 years older :smiley:

So many old people in here. Starting to smell like an old folks home ;/

Jk jk I’ll be 40 in less than a month :frowning:

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You’re about as old as my ma then. She remembers being in elementary when he was shot.

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If she was 25/26 when she had you, yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit - and how did we get so far off topic!

She was 17 when she had me :wink:

As far as off-topic… this one ain’t my doing this time… but it looks like the thread needed it anyway.

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It’s Chinatown, Jake.

Younger than me then.

As for your fault, no - but given your reputation we’ll blame you anyway. :wink:

Created dedicated thread. Now remind me please, where I put my crutch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Next to my Superman Underoos.

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Well, she was born in '61 so… I imagine not by much. She remembers the day it happened quite clearly. She was in class when it occurred.

Then again, considering the direction some threads seem to go into I think it’s more the adults behaving like kids. :smiley:

Everyone under 25 looks like a teenager.