I have stopped playing Grim Dawn completely; because

Why should a player that can play 30min/day get as much loot and quality as a player that can play 3h/day? These kind of games are supposed to have grinding elements. And what is the fun of finding all items in 100 hours? Fun to keep playing then? Learn how to play and enjoy the game without having BiS stuff.

If you don’t have time, don’t play ARPGs. If you don’t have money, don’t buy a Ferrari.

I have no idea what is even meant by “I need that item”?

I can’t say I completely agree with either those who say that GD’s rng is alright or those who quit the game just because of it.

  1. Playing legit, it’s kinda hard to do anything in GD. Finish up gearing a build? For everyone outside hardcore players with 2000+ hours and 10 mules stocked to the fullest - almost impossible without trading (I consider trading 100% legit btw). Respec a char? 60-100 blooms, 20-30 battered shells/frozen hearts, 8-16 ancient armors, some chthonic seals, 1-3 mil iron, etc. Except blooms which were somewhat fixed sometime after all these mats are a nightmare to farm.

Seriously, Crate, this is how to fix it without destroying GD’s hardcore spirit: every time a drop roll fails next roll will have a set increase in value (say dropping a Chthonic seal from a Bloodsworn Summoner is 15%, so if it fails next roll will be 18%) with a cap at another value (in this example maybe 30-40%), until it succeeds whereat it’s reset to the base value. It’s still possible to run and get nothing, you still have to put in farm time, its just much less frustrating. Also, a user, knowing this, has the awareness that killing this particular Bloodsword Summoner did not go to waste - “next time will be easier…”.

  1. As for legendaries, I think they are more or less alright. It’s supposed to be hard in ARPG. People are supposed to trade - it consolidates the community. Problem is with near-impossible MIs but I guess they are supposed to be near-impossible… so no rant here.

I’d add options to spend accumulated capital other than Stoneplate Grieves and Badges of Mastery and definitely lower the cost of the latter.

It is an issue with ARPGs in general that

  • n00bs/people with little time will complain about the low drop rates.

  • n00bs/people with little time will never do any endgame stuff, so they don’t “need” good items anyway

-n00bs/people with little time will very seldom write reviews, make videos or such things. They will just play for 20 hours and move on to another game.

  • l33ts/nerds who still live with their mom, are more willingly to play the same game(s) for thousands of hours.

  • l33ts/nerds who still live with their mom, will not continue playing the game if they already have all the itemz in the game after 300 hours, what is left for them to find/try out?

  • l33ts/nerds who still live with their mom, are more inclined to write reviews, make videos.

So how are devs gonna satisfy both the casual players that make up 95% of their sold games, and the nerds that stands for a very small % of their direct income but has a large impact on indirect sales due to reviews and videos etc.

I think devs have met this pretty good. The game is easy enough to play through normal/veteran and also Elite with almost anything you will find along the way. The game is hard enough so that you have to think and plan a bit to make a char that can do most of the MC on ultimate. The game is hard enough so that there are still some challenges left that even the most skilled and experienced players still might struggle to complete. The drop rates are such that you can get a reasonable pool of “BiS” items only with a few hundred hours into the game, but still might miss a few - even after thousands hours of gameplay.

Sigh. Mates.

This is exactly why crate supports modding. They cannot possibly cater to both ends of the extreme. Most people (myself included when I was playing 100% legit + trading) find the loot system acceptable.

Sure it has its flaws, but FG is addressing these issues with the set item transmuter.

Also, trading is great. I’m pretty sure that without it, the forums would be far less active than it is. You’ll also see how damn awesome our community is.

Back when I traded, most people with blueprints would be willing to craft items for players free of charge.

People with duplicates would give their loot away for free to help newer players.

Heck, mad_lee and myself have both done MASSIVE loot giveaways too.

Point being - trading fosters a genuine sense of community and is IMO a perfectly healthy and legit way of supplementing the loot system. As such, the “shortcomings” of loot drops are easily fixed.

If droprates are too high in your opinion, you reserve the option to NOT pick up the loot, or to give them away.

Lastly - if crate didn’t want there to be trading, they wouldn’t have implemented such a feature in the first place.

I don’t have any problem with the legendary drop rate in this game. I do have a problem with the drop rate of monster infrequents with the affixes I want. That’s the only thing that really bothers me.

Maybe the rng-part could be somewhat lessened by a weighted system. Everytime a legendary from the global pool drops, it’s chances to drop again compared to all others would be slightly reduced. Items like outcasts secret would not be affected of course. Alkamos rings or other “groups” of items dropping from a certain mob could be their own pool.

If the new transmutation mechanic coming in FG would factor in the weighted tabels, even better.

Of course people who are unsatisfied with the rolls on their desired legendary would be at a slight disadvantage, but this is offset by the pros imho.

I know this won’t be implemented in GD, but what do you guys think, perhaps considering a sequel?

I agree, trading is a great system. But just because there are mods (some of witch increase drop rates) at least make myself less inclined to trade with strangers.

Very very true my friend

Not to mention that I’ve read quite a few stories of save-reload rolling for stoneplate rolls and other craftings (BoMs, etc).

Trade is as subjective as any other single player modding aspect, yes.

I consider myself semi-legit as I only use item assistant and don’t save and backload…but still am using a mod that allows me to never have to make item space choices…

(I played for the first while without IA and after many hours of juggling/selling - I simply gave up and found a QoL mod. And similarly, I’m sure there a many various interpretations of what is QoL for other players)

that is just sad, why not just create them in GDStash in the first place?

Trading system in an easily mod-able game is not optimal.

I must really thank u alot. I usual dont visit the forums exept when i need to find a location, But i have seen the GDStash Sticky but did not care to even visit it.

I Only Play HC(multiplayer) And so far i have created 30ish different builds. 99% of them are fully geared with atleast 2 complete change of gear(build)

I do understand that ppl enjoy the game differently!

I enjoy to learn all the mechanics of the World, How bosses move/sound before they use spells/attacks, How their attacks can be countered/avoided and how my Hero will suffer if they manage to land a attack on me.

I Dont read other ppls builds/guides as i dont benefit anything from it, i dont watch youtube videos of encounters for the same reason.

About me having “a very toxic approach to computer game” cant be more wrong,! Its hard to for adolescents to understand Sarcasm especially if its written.
I Dont think i have ever fooled anyone to use equipment that acctually arent good towards their build/class!
But i give away pretty much everything i find if im in a party.
Trading(selling) items just take up time i can spend on better things.

But i must admit that one of the the funniest and most “Rewarding” actions i do ingame are to convice another hero to take my Rift Gate and “help” me kill a boss that drops the item im looking for, But what he/she 100% of times dont know is that MY Rift Gate Are Located in the deepest furthers Aether Area Swarmed with enemys.

good for you mate

Don´t have to use my glasses to read here in the forum, nice! ;):rolleyes:

I have no problem gearing my heroes , I have problem always needing to create more and more heroes just to get the Personal Stash Tabs.

D2JSP when i used it i traded InGame Items/PowerLeveling/PvP Protection, Name it , i Sold it! And as Payment i got “ForumGold” that i cud use on a wide range of games and even REALLIFE items and services.

But about the gear, im atm creating some COMPLETELY Green Builds/Setups.
Im not saying that they are the best of the best, But they really fit my skill and playstyle.

Because it’s a single player game you numpty. What does it hurt your fun if someone spends 3 minutes vs. 3 hours vs. 3 days on a game? Why should someone be rewarded for having more time to perform a rote action, or punished for having less time to throw away? Does it hurt your delicate fee-fees if someone doesn’t waste their life in front of a screen to enjoy themselves in the game that they paid the same amount for? Do you get some intrinsic sense of “achievement” for punching the Skinner Box that will be lessened if made less necessary to the real goal of advancing in the game?

Games are for fun. Fun in an ARPG is being able to advance. Progression in skill is a personal matter, but progressing in gear is a gate; no matter how good you are you’re not going to kill Ravager in all yellows, therefore anything that makes getting the gear you need easier makes the actual goal of gaming a more direct path. If it were up to me, everything would be a BP and every boss+ enemy would guaranteed drop a BP you don’t have yet or a purple MI, because “decked out in purples” doesn’t mean shit! It doesn’t mean you’re good at the game, it doesn’t (generally) mean you’ve killed X boss, and it doesn’t make you a better or more interesting person.

If you want to waste your life doing the same thing over and over again to no benefit, you can; no one is stopping you and you can ignore all drops if that’s what pops your boner. Wanting everyone to have to do that to get their money’s worth from a game makes you a colossal tosspot.

Numpty…that’s a new one. :eek:

Let’s maybe not reduce this forum to needless, um, name-calling?

Farming loot is a fundamental of the genre and what drives fans of it. Why should a player that spends more time farming have more awesome loot? I suppose because that is the primal signal in our brains that feels rewarded for our efforts? The frequency of loot drops is a fine balancing act between just enough to not be frustrating, but not so frequent that the excitement of getting a drop is gone; and that feeling is important. Completing sets, for example, borders on frustrating, so a new feature of Forgotten Gods was added specifically to alleviate that.

RNG is the great equalizer though. Just recently, I loaded in to test something and got a Legendary from the first pack of fodder mobs right out the riftgate. Someone else probably spent who knows how many boss runs trying to get that same Legendary (although that one can’t drop yet, so I suppose nobody’s had to do any runs for it just yet ;)).

But we allow modding for a reason…

And the means to make such a mod exist and you are more than welcome to tweak the game to your liking.

That seems like a rather extreme thing to bring into the conversation. Some players absolutely treat games this way, for better or worse, but we made Grim Dawn singleplayer-centric for a reason. Anyone that feels superior to another for playing a singleplayer game may want to rethink their priorities.

If you want to get philosophical, aren’t videogames (and all entertainment for that matter) fundamentally a “waste of time”? I mean, you could be spending all those game hours learning a new craft. There is a different value to entertainment though. It helps us unwind. It enriches our lives with stories and experiences we would otherwise never have in the real world.

Let’s reserve the softball insults for some friendly MOBA/Battle Royale matches, or something, shall we?

If Grim Dawn is a game that becomes known for “you drop all items in the game in 5 hours” then I do not think that many would play it.

because as long as the amount of loot dropping is mostly a matter of time you spend playing, there simply is no way that someone who spends a fraction of the time would get the same items

The only way you actually could accomplish that is so crazy that it should show you how nonsensical that idea is. The game would basically have to drop 1000 or so items right when you play for the first time and nothing ever after that, that is pretty much the only way someone playing for a few minutes gets the same items as someone playing for days…

Also, if I play for an hour, my progress is one hour, this is independent of whether I played and hour straight or 20 minutes each for three days. The time spent to complete the game will be similar, whether it takes the player one weekend or three months to get that far. At any point in their in-game time they will have had similar luck with drops. I see nothing wrong with that.
If you think you need a much higher drop rate for whatever reason, use a mod.

Do not blame the game for your incapacities, you are just stupid for posting such thing, personally i would nerf the exp and loot to the ground, i play only hc and the game is still too easy.