I need major help

I am new to the game. I am running gargoyles for a fire to cold conversion belt. And can’t get one to drop. Same with the pants the build needs. And the swords. I am stuck in Elite because every time i try to do runs the nemesis shows up and spoils my fun by being unkillable. So i leave that session.

I have no idea how to upload my build to Grim Tools. But this is the build i am following. I need help or i am finding an easier game to play. Spent a month just getting this far in the game, to be stopped in my tracks. This is no fun.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

To upload your character to Grim Dawn Build Calculator click the ‘import’ icon in the upper-lefthand corner. If you have cloud saves enabled (enabled by default) your save file will be in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata########\219990\remote\save\main_{character name}\player.gdc

Otherwise it will be in \My Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\main_{character name}\player.gdc

Then click on the ‘share’ icon and copy the link shown to paste here.

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Ok, took a bit to figure out, but here it is. I am stuck in elite. I have started ultimate act 1, but don’t get far when the nemesis shows up.

here is the link: Grim Dawn Build Calculator

It didn’t paste my build, ugh.

Ok, hopefully this is it.

On first glance I noticed one thing: You heavily invested in Fire Strike, but it seems you are not using it at all. You have to bind the skill to LMB or some other button to use it. Your LMB skill is the default attack, which deals just a fraction of the damage that Fire Strike would deal. That’s probably the reason why the game is harder than it should be for that build you’re playing.

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First of all are you actually using firestrike? Seeing basic attack on your left click in grimtools makes me wonder

Assuming you’re using firestrike I don’t see why you couldn’t kill nemesis

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My main attack is suppose to be firestrike? But i thought this was a cold build. How does firestrike do damage if i don’t gear for fire damage?

Yes use firestrike it’s a million times better than basic attack. Your medal and helmet already converting 80% fire to cold so its fine. That’s how the build works

Also the gargoyle belt is vitality to cold, not fire to cold. It’s main feature is +1 nightblade skills and converting vitality damage of bat devotion. So don’t worry about it too much. Just switch to using firestrike and game should be much easier

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i found a b’zillion of those. still doesn’t help with the rest of the unfindable pants i need. nor the weapons. Ah well.

Well it gets converted, as mentioned above.

But also, how did you think it was worth investing into it and not use it? It’s not a passive.

You already have the weapons though???

Those pants only drop from one specific enemy and they’re not a big deal. Don’t worry about it they won’t make or break the build Guardian of Solael - Grim Dawn Monster Database

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The helm and the medal convert all your fire damage to cold damage, because it modifies your buffs to have global conversion.
Some of the chaos damage on Fire Strike is also converted.

So Fire strike actually deals mostly Cold damage. You can buy the blueprint for Nightstalker Pendant from the Cult of Bysmiel and craft it, then you will also converted your remaining physical damage to cold.

Build should feel pretty strong, if the skill points are in the right places, and if the devotion map is updated to a version that isn’t several years old.

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Just farm them, the gear is not that hard to acquire. And get attack speed suffixes on the weapons. Look for ‘Rimefrost of Alacrity’ or ‘Frostborn of Alacrity’.

Also what does this mean? Farming the pants, swords, or belts shouldn’t cause any nem to spawn except maybe Kaisan. A workaround for this is to spawn him in an area you don’t need to farm, and then teleport away. He won’t spawn again during that game session.

those aren’t the pants that are in the build. i would have never known to look for them. I have no clue how to build anything, at all. I follow the guide, if it doesn’t suggest alternatives, i have no clue to look for them. The learning curve in this game is extreme.

I don’t have the weapons either. They are not exactly what is on the build. one of them has no attack speed to it. So i keep looking for them. i also don’t have the exact amulet, either. So i keep farming for it.

I have no idea about buffs, debuffs, nor any of that stuff.

Well that’s how you learn, GD doesn’t have the most complex mechanics but it will take some effort and time to understand them.

They never will be. Affixes (“Chilled”, “of the Elements” etc…) are random and you won’t end up with the same ones in most cases. Your weapons are fine, eventually you might pick up another one with attack speed.

I’d suggest these changes (amulet, pants, devotion). I didn’t add affixes to the pants, something that adds elemental resistances and HP would be good.
You can also pretty easily upgrade the helm, “of Thorns” is a dead affix and does nothing for you.
If you have the recipe for Stoneplate Greaves, you can usually craft sth better than the Final march (anything with slow res is good.)

Edit: if you have a random lvl 94 blue set piece, you can also transmute it into the Eastern pants at the inventors. Unironically some of the best pants on a budget.


Ok, I will try this. I found a good gargoyle waistguard and the solael-sect legguards with health and elemental resists. I made the amulet.

I am confused on the boots though. I made several stoneplate boots, not one of them came out with slow resists. The final march boots do have slow resists. If i want anything with slow resists, why change them?

The affixes on the boots are also random. Some will have slow res, most will not.
It’s an item that you have to spam-craft to get roughly what you want.

If you can’t get slow res on them, other boots will be fine. But you can find much better than the Final March, Mythical Amatok’s Step would probably be the best thing you can find.