[Idea] Can Pierce/Physical/Bleeding caster off-hands have Cunning requirment instead of Spirit one?

I just don’t see the reason why people are that much against such logical changes.
I guess its because mad_lee suggested that
If it was fluff or anyone else, everyone would vote yes


Ceno agreeing with me and me agreeing with Ceno? What timeline is this??


I’d vote no no matter who it is tbh. Disagreeing with lee is more fun tho.

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Voted No, because if we start here where does it end? Removing cunning req from magic dmg caster or pet pistols and 2h guns? Removing cunning req from Magic dagger? Removing spirit req from pierce daggers? Etc. It will become a mess sooner than later.
It should be easier to just buff the items in need or to add -%spirit/cunning req to another devotion. Also e.g. (corrupted) Inashkor’s Battlemage/Witchblade need like 0 points into spirit if you choose the right devotions (+ inner focus).


Obviously a physical/pierce spec with Arcanist doesn’t need points in Spirit (or needs just a bit). But it’s still physical/pierce spec with Arcanist meaning it’s anti-synegetic and weak 99% of the time. Can you give an example of Witchblade using this off-hand that doesn’t need Spirit?

I think many agree that there is an issue, but this topic started directly with the OP’s conclusions. If we had been asked how we build around these off-hands, or if we agree that you are at a disadvantage, then the discussion would have been less polarized. Nevertheless, it still generated some interesting feedback.

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Tailoring off hand reqs specifically for a build is not how things are done generally. That is why lowering spirit is more reasonable, and even -% spirit req. But you have to be reasonable with what you ask not throw numbers around that are convenient

Do you have any idea how often none of my feedback gets implemented or only like 10%. Lee makes so many poll threads and feedback threads public (which i don’t) so part of that rejection is out in the open for everyone to see. That’s all there is to it.

You either deal with it or not. Victimizing doesn’t do well.

and tell me the last thing i suuggested here on the forum that you saw being implemented? You didn’t

The last thing I gave proper feedback on with @romanN1 on Deathguard on Reaper side since it really struggled compared to Dervish with videos and gt’s suggestions etc. which yielded some buffs, but not everything stat was suggested. This and Noctirn in testing…can’t remember the last thing…

so it has to be glaring issues which i’m sure the build shown by lee could have. I’m just saying be reasonable with the suggestions that’s all. Didn’t say no…


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hey, man, I don’t understand why discussion stirred into direction of how “convinient” are those numbers or me being “reasonable”. What does it have to do with the fact that Physical damage is still a dumpster fire and builds with physical off-hands are still memes with no item support?

Personally, I don’t care about all those meme off-hands, I am not intending to make builds based on them even if you change their requirment to cunning. Last patch was the worst from the point of view of endgame balance, hotfix made it a bit better but overall endgame balance is in shambles. Making three unique (they weren’t even in the game before the last few patches) physical/pierce off-hands have Cunning requirment is, imo, cool and thematic and might help a bunch meme concepts that use them.

I remember that when I suggested changing Bleeding part of Korba set into something more reasonable a lot of forum members got really vocal disagreeing with my suggestion saying that somehow having bleeding damage on Korba is important because it’s thematic (like before the set was introduced Korba wasn’t even a part of the lore). Well, where is Bleeding Korba meta now? Nowhere. Now people defend Spirit requirment because “you have to be smart to use off-hands” (like what??) somehow equating “Spirit” to “smarts” and making all kinds of false logic leaps and hoola-hops just to keep those three petty off-hands the way they are - in the realm of frustrating meme items.

Hey, I don’t mind, if some forum members and Crate want to be stubborn about whole “thematic” argument, let those items remain memes. There is a bunch of stuff that Crate refused to change/buff properly that is still gathering dust on mules of thousands of players, why not add another stash tab for those off-hands, right.

Was on mobile before, that’s why I wrote “like 0 points” not “0 points”. On PC now and obviously Witchblade does need some points into spirit, mine needs 23 attribute points. At least that helps with energy regen :smiley:

do you use Arcane Harmony pants or Tranquil Pants?

Barbaros. So I’d need less spirit with the ones you mentioned.

Edit: To make it clear, I’m not against buffing those offhands at all, but I think reducing spirit req doesn’t really help a lot. They need buffs on dmg numbers instead.

Can you share a calc, please?

I do have spirit from belt and weapon though as you can see, but those aren’t hard to get and I’m not using spirit pants.
Also the build was made before the change to the offhand to focus around Doom Bolt. That’s why it’s an IT DEE+BA build.

I see, interesting spec, however, it really lacks %physical damage because of all the sacrifices you had to make to use conversion items and some devotions. And it’s super memey in terms of damage of course. So it would definitely benefit if Spirit requirment was changed (but it would still be memey in terms of damage).

Exactly, a meme build for a meme offhand (dunno about the new physical doom bolt part). Reducing spirit req isn’t gonna change its meme status.
At least the build can still do SR 50 and kill Lokarr on HC :rofl:

no sure if it’s a reply to everything i’ve said from the start, but if it is i’ll assume you didn’t really read it since the above has nothing to do with it

I am YesMaya :scorv:
I like Ceno’s idea to remove item requirements <3


I voted no but it’s a close one. I agree with the argument that builds with those off-hands generally suck. But I’d rather find a different balancing solution than changing the fundamental rules of the game to squeeze more cunning out of those builds. Besides, what about off-hands that support both physical and magical dmg?

I like Superfluff’s idea of lowering spirit requirement of offhands altogether. Magical casters do spirit dump anyway. Non-magical casters suck. Pets will get a little more physique. Everyone happy.


I can’t disagree with @mad_lee initial suggestion about these off hands. There are still some items out there that have thematic stats on them that /boggle my mind. However I think there could be a more elegant method to solve this problem without changing spirit to cunning on these off hands.

The -% spirit req on crane and dryad…move or add additional devotion nodes that have this on the yellow/blue/purple devotion routes, add this stat to veterancy and or to other masteries skills, change those off hands to include both spirit and cunning like daggers, include off hands in the -% spirit to jewelry. Just some ideas. More complicated/creative but not necessarily better or good as far as ideas go.

Otherwise I would agree with mad and like to see an easier way to equip these items.


The point is that people voting “no” likely don’t agree with you because your two-option poll is poorly constructed. There are many more options here than two. Besides, I’d argue that any poll containing only two options shouldn’t be posted as a poll at all. I take issue specifically with the fact that many of your recent feedback posts are polls, and these polls are constructed in an effort to get people to agree with your specific suggestion; by including only two options, you’re raising the likelihood of people voting for the change. It’s a sleazy way to construct a poll, and that’s why I voted “no”.