Incoming Auto-Loot for Components/Crafting Materials! (06/21 Livestream Spoiler)

I shall enjoy the auto-loot feature, but what if I don’t want the parts to get auto-combined?

UPDATE: To prevent another “why”:

It’s a lie! There is no 800x600 or 1024x600. It would be very handy for my laptop. Also, they are still unable to draw stretched out 4:3 picture like GGG (PoE) does it for ages.

Not sure I understand the reasoning behind this… :thinking:

Watching that video of the pick ups is oddly satisfying.

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why on Earth would you not want that ?

I’ve been wanting this for a long time, it’s a great QOL feature to add, thanks.

I kept thinking a partial component has a lower character level requirement than a whole one… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Sure, there’s no reason to keep them apart. My apologies.

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Great news! Thank you!!! =D

No worries. And no need to apologize. Just wasn’t sure what you were thinking. Just chuckling a bit, remembering how long it took me to figure out on my own that I could combine them in my inventory, when I first started playing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My God, thank you!

Since Grim Internals is only x64, this function is like a gift from Heaven. :slight_smile:

At long last. You’re the man Zantai!
Now all that remains are health bars on monsters and the game is golden!
I have over 1200 hours played on the game, will be getting Loyalist Pack later today to show my appreciation for this amazing amazing game!
Thank you for all your hard work and the support you show for this game via free updates.
Got all the expansions and will gladly purchase any additional content for Grim Dawn.
It is by far my most favorite ARPGs of all times.
Love you Crate!

I watched the stream and was pleaseantly surprised, such great news! Just a few days ago I told someone that it won’t happen, yet here we are :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll still keep using GI for the health bars and damage stats display which come in handy when testing skills and stuff.

Can’t play the embedded video in Opera either (no thumbnail image, pressing play does nothing), works fine in Chrome though.

Thanks Crate! :grin:

Obligatory request for an update on the loot filter to be able to show single rare MI’s when the double rares filter is active. Let us have that flexibility

Hail Sithis!

Thank you, Zantai & Crate!

Good bye bruh!! A great loss to the GD community :disappointed_relieved: A single tear shall be shed regarding your departure

Autopickup is easy. It´s a simple toggle. On/off.

Healthbars though… would you want to use the color scheme GrimInternal does? Special colors for hero mobs and bosses? Nameplates, yes or no? And so on.

GI internal users have been saying “Just implement it already and make it optional” for months.
I am (pleasantly) surprised CE decided to implement autopickup at all.

So thanks for that. Healthbars and nameplates next, pretty please. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just to counter this – this change makes we want to buy an additional copy of the game!


Amazing, thank you Crate, though i’ve to admit it’s kind of a bummer and makes me sad(or even more it kinda p*** me off) the attitude of some people here. We in Austria / Germany have a old saying: “Give someone the little Finger and he takes the whole Hand” (which should be an english-equal “give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile”).

Instead of being happy and thankfully to get an optional toggable QoL-Feature there are some who mourne about HP Bars, and even one who wants to quit the Game because of that (and i still hope this is a troll-attempt instead of seriousness). Oh boy this community sometimes <.<