Is there any inventory space expansion planned around FoA release?

Okay, bad me. Please educate me. Provide sources of your mentioned devs statements. It is your argument, so support it. I’d like to see the exact wording they used. You do make it sound like a much greater challenge than I do, so please, let’s see how it sounded from the devs.

You can’t expect everyone who got tired of the stash limitations and come here to tell about it to investigate devs’ statements on the subject, consider potential technical issues of the increased stash, explain why they don’t use stash tools or that they don’t have specific mindset to truly enjoy the game with the limitations etc. Don’t be baffled that people just come here to express their experiences unprepared - it’s the most expected scenario.

And yes, it is not the players’ concern to do all that. Here is the FF feedback guideline from our lord and savior and I think it sums it up quite nicely. The points marked with bold are especially applicable for our debates.

Zantai invites players to express personal experience. He doesn’t need defending. The only requirement is to respect the forum guidelines and it says nothing about being aware of devs statements on technical limitations of the engine if they want to say their stash is too small.

So less gatekeeping would be appreciated.

I didn’t see anyone who asked for the stash enlargement casually rejecting the devs statements (which they didn’t even see, mind you). Nor were they disrespectful or dismissive towards beloved Crate. But I did see a share of lazily put arguments or lack of ability to comprehend what they are arguing against coming from the pro-limited stash crowd. It’s baffling too, you know.


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