Legendary Torso and Helm feedback

  • Soulare helm is a decent item. It’s kinda meme-ish, but usable. Here is my aether reaper using it: [] The Divine Reaper - DW Aether WPS Reaper. Aether EoR honestly have no item support in other armor equipment. IDK why the dev want EoR work in all damage types. It will just messing with their item design.

  • Venomancer’s guile will not be used anymore after the next patch when venomblade helm give RR to bloody pox. Just redesign the damn thing.

  • Venomancer’s railment, caster armor, but converting pierce to acid, then give plus skills to RE, then it gives plus skills to ABB. Just redesigned the damn thing.

  • Crown of the Revenant King. I was so excited when this design of helm got revealed. So cool. Only to find out that it’s a caster helm that gives modifier to smite? The Lore said “Death bows before its king.” The only thing that dead is the player who wear this helm. Just redesigned this item as a pet item supporting raise skeleton.