Make Dunefined Acid again!

[] Acid SS Dunefiend Witch Hunter. SR 90/Ravager of Minds/Crate of Entertainment - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

i have found two builds using Dunefiend Set.

Full set coverts 100% cold to acid on Shadow Strike (not on Nightfall!).

So my question is: are there any secret pierce/acid hybrid Dunefiend builds which are super niche and super performing and is somebody willing to keep things as they are?

As with recent changes both daggers have base physical damage with 100% armor piercing, effectively making them pierce daggers with flat acid and whole set going what? Hybrid Piercing/Acid? Has this ever be a thing? Considering the relevant devotions are in different part of the map?

Could not find acid/pierce in this thread.

Please change base phys damage on Dunefiend Blades to acid damage and remove armor piercing entirely.

i’m not sure why you think the AP is detracting from the acid portion?

the set still gives you the same amount of acid dmg as it did before, the AP increase has 0 change on that, because of the way conversion order works

physical conversion comes first/before AP, just like it always did, so the AP only interacts with unconverted physical dmg leftovers, just as usual, so you’re still getting the same amount of acid before/now regardless of the AP amount there


I still don’t understand why Dunefiend daggers are physical instead of acid to begin with.
Thanks for clarification on the conversion, believe it would be more straightforward to make them fully acid and remove % pierce damage at all, as whole set screams acid and poison damage, but ok.

A quick search of Grimtools shows that most if not all 1h weapons have base physical damage that needs to be converted, whereas most two handers have appropriate damage as their base. It’s just how the game is balanced I guess.


i think, not 100% sure, that it’s like a older/OG Grim Dawn weapon “theme”/design concept where all swords, maces, axes = base physical with potentially +15%phys->x conversion, and then swords having AP,
with only “caster” class weap(dagger/sceptre) having base magical dmg types, but then no phys conversion as base concept

and then weapon’s had their base dmg balanced/factored in based off that notion you only got to use X converted amount of it/had some remaining phys

in this specific instance that then just carries over to the unused phys = piercing dmg (which then now fits with the set having %pierce boosters even if not oft used as such)


I was going to say you can use them without the set as pierce, but they have phys->acid on them already, so :man_shrugging:


What you say is true for 1H swords, however it’s the opposite with the daggers

all daggers have their themed based damage (fire, chaos, vitality, elemental). Literally none of them have base physical damage.

Since all 1H swords are designed like this (with base phys damage), probably it will not be changed, somehow i thought Dunefiend were daggers, not the swords. Anyway, thanks to everybody for the contribution.