[Deprecated] [Mod] Mapping/Rifting is coming to GD (First WanezMod)

ETA please?

Hard to say. Roughly 48 hours, most likely sooner.

Excellent. Not pushing, just need to mentally prepare myself for an intense night of that mod. :slight_smile:

By the way, it is going to be stand-alone or a soft mod?
And I see that you have included me in to the thanks list, I am honoured :smiley:

standalone, because of map editing, but thanks to the map decompiler it would be possible to add it to the main campaign.
The main campaign(custom game) can be played regardless since you can just copy the levels.arc into the mod dir and pick a *.map when selecting a custom game.

Hello WareBare

Are you planning on expanding the stash space in this mod as well?
Looks like a guy named TT300 has managed to expand the stash space largely with the stasher mod v.3

Because of your mod’s “replayability” I imagine that it would be great to have a lot of stash space to store loot and “DGA-drops” to access different tiers of DGA :slight_smile:

I wasnt planning on it, but its in now. Its in files Im not messing with so why not :slight_smile:

Since I believe those playing the BETA-Version should start a new character to avoid any loss in skill points or items. I made a repeatable quest to speed up leveling, that quest will grant you a Level and a Devotion point on completion, but only on normal difficulty, higher difficulties are going to grant you different rewards(in the future). While alot of work went into normal difficulty, the next update will have the main focus on ultimate and will follow shortly after the first version is available.

I have only made changes to the shaman class BUT every skill is still linked to my directory, so if you intend to use an old character… RESPEC or you may lose your points. As I have mentioned before, I plan on adding Items/change Masteries aswell, which is why I will always upload this version to avoid skill point loss to those of you only playing my mod, but future versions will have a seperate upload with only the DGA stuff, to make it easier to merge with other mods or compilations.

In addition to the quest and fast leveling there had to be gear to get with less RNG influence, you can use a new item type which progresses with your character by finding the necessary crafting materials from monsters. These drops replace component drops, but again you dont have to miss out if you dont want to use it… you can sell them and buy the component you want. Its also possible to exchange them for Scraps/Dynamite at any Blacksmith.
The new Gear is for leveling only right now, but if I keep enjoying it I will add endgame gear aswell. A few more details on how it works:

  • you need a base item, in the case of leveling - merchants are selling them (T0) If I add this whole concept to endgame you’ll have to find them
  • monsters drop items (called currency at least for now) you can use at a blacksmith for different materials to upgrade your base item you bought, had to find or get by completing quests
  • upgrading is crafting so it will add a random affix out of a pool, these affixes will become at least 50% of the items stats (probably even more the higher you upgrade it)
  • yes, thats right, there are several tiers with higher requirements to upgrade and the higher it gets the more RNG is involved
    At the risk of repeating myself, I wont force you to use any of it, every old item will still drop with the exception of blueprints and components. The first version is only going to have leveling gear and not many of these features apply to it, but I listed them anyways, because I wanted to know what everyone thinks about it and if I should start working on it once DGA-Content for ultimate is in a good place.

Quick Progress report at the end of what became much more text then I intended: Im pretty much on schedule for the first version in less then 20 hours, unless something unexpected is going to happen with layouts or the special area. You may also get some teaser images when I do my quick playthrough to test everything.

sounds great. is there n ETA on when we can try it out?

Not much feedback on those items, Ill leave it at T2 for now.
Im adding more monsters to the pools and test a couple of things, after that it should be ok to upload.
Areas are still fairly empty but its mostly about gameplay right now. 3 different base DGA are done with 2 layouts, the special DGA will be delayed for a few days but that endless DGA is working.
There is a blacksmith with most of the core blueprints. Compontents are combined but I havnt gone through them to increase their stats, so they are probably less powerful for now.

More content will follow quickly, since most of the scripting and bug fixing is done. After a couple more base DGA and one or two more endless layouts, Ill work on chests/breakables and a few special DGA.

Really excited about this mod. Thanks for all your effort and I can’t wait for a sample to be uploaded!

Hehe this really is just a sample :slight_smile: but I plan on making daily updates.


I was pretty close to calling this alpha… :smiley:

There is still an issue with spawns, when its spawning too many monsters you have to relog, if it doesnt spawn anything, just use the riftgate and pick different map, something weird about that… because its working just fine the next time.
Other than that I need feedback on packsize, if its too many or not enough and if its lagging or crashing.

But thats it for tonight… Im too tired :smiley:

EDIT: And remember to respec when using old characters

logged in one last time with the beta files and it didnt spawn anything… so yeah I uploaded the wrong files, sorry about that, new .zip its the same link… Im really to tired to do anything :slight_smile:

I am unable to download the file to my computer… Is there something wrong?

Just a quick FYI I’m getting an error on unzip “Can not open file ‘…’ as archive”. Probably something on my end – I’ll look into it more later tonight. Thanks for the upload!

should work, but here the direct link:

maybe its your browser

Good now… But my browser gave me a heads up as a “hurtful” file. Dunno what it could be.

ignore it :stuck_out_tongue:

Now the file is fine, thanks

maybe the wrong program… I could make a .rar if that helps

Hey WareBare. can I include your mod in my compilation? Also. did you include the working directory?