Stasher - increased stash size mod

I doubt anyone has done that, and crate has told us that it can’t be done. It would require a custom template which would also need code support, which we obviously don’t have access to. Here’s the topic where I read it

How does this work if you select a tiny resolution?

I don’t mess with modding so I’m not making the connection with that link you provided. The person in that thread is asking how to make a brand new skill outside of a template. Stash tabs are already in game, is it not just adding more of something that already exists? Or is it not viable because the stash is a file of its own?

Does anyone know if someone managed to make the stash this big or is it photoshop?:rolleyes:

Quick explanation of the files:
we can edit Database Records (.dbr), while they can change a different number of things they are restricted to a template (.tmp). The templates only 2 purposes (I believe) is to create the fields you can edit with the DBREditor and to tell the code which field/value pairs to use for lets say a stash tab. As far as I have seen the template only supports the current 4 tabs, making a different template and add another tab wont change anything unless there is the code for a 5th tab.
On top of that… Im not sure we can change/add templates with the currently available tools.

Download Link
Stasher v3.rar

I tried this expanded Stasher v3 right now and it seems to work if you use it on a new character created in the mod.

Don’t use it on symbolic link characters though. It will fuck up your main stash. What I assume is happening is that if you load a symlink character in the mod, the mod will force an overwrite of your bank stashes. They will appear in the default game even without the mod loaded, but without the additional arrangement of windows, the whole thing becomes a mess.

If you use it as a standalone though and make sure you use a new “mod” character, so far I haven’t found any problems.

On the right track. I think we could get something usable out of this. It does flare up with the usual issues though of mod compatibility. A bad load of a character and you could be fucking up all your storage.

got a bug for the TT300 version

click sort and it overlaps on teh right side

even more space… I consider that a feature :slight_smile:

Been trying to figure out how to look into the files of the stasher v3 mod, but I cant seem to find out how to open the Stasher v3.arz file located in the database folder of the mod and the ui.arc file located in the resources folder of the mod.

I think I figured out that .arz and .arc files are some sort of compressed files the creator of the mod has made to share the mod with the community but I don’t know which tool I should use to open that type of file.

Hope someone can help me out :slight_smile:

The probably easiest way (not the fastest) without batch knowledge is to rename the Stasher.arz to database.arz and use the asset manager to extract game files… when you do this rename the database and resources folders inside your grim dawn directory or it will overwrite some files.
Once done you have to rename the database/resources folders back to what they were before. When I rename stuff I usually go with _X or X2/Xb. In this case _database and _resources.

Sorry to bother you with what must be basic knowledge for most people who work with modding but I am not really sure how to use the asset manager to extract game files as you suggest.

Should I do it by clicking on tools in the menu of the asset manager and the select extract game files? Or is there more to it?

No, it is not BUG, but I deliberately extended in the future to share reserved.:wink:

And you redo the map files to the original transparent region revealed itself.

My English is not good, I’m sorry ~

Thank you tt300 !

Download Link
Stasher v4.rar

Stasher v4 (contains the source data) :rolleyes:
Correction “item Stash” using the shortcut of-range storage BUG.

Install Stasher mod by unzipping contents into GD\mods folder
(Probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods )

Thanks, Ill upgrade to v4 with my next mod update.

ok, how does this relate to the rorschachrev Stasher mod ? Did you just post yours in his thread ?

Very good mod, thank you!

Seems to be the case. tt300 pretty much just hijacked rorschachrev’s thread, as far as I could tell…

Stasher v5 (contains the source data)
Fixed item Stash of-range storage BUG.

Install Stasher mod by unzipping contents into GD\mods folder
(Probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods )

Stasher v5.rar