Men and Women Stereotypes in Games

Probably the best introduction to someone who never heard of him before is his Cathy Newman interview

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I actual don’t agree with some of the points he makes, but he is arguably one of the leading philosophers of our generation. I’ve learnt so much from him.

Only read the part on wikipedia that’s relevant here and:

I agree with this statement. Of course if he expounds I might disagree with some of it but in general I agree.

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Dude. Watch the video. It’s top notch.

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We are they!

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not sure if you’re joking or not, but I had a good laugh.

He is definitely sharp as a tack and all these people that keep trying to discredit him aren’t paying attention. He just lets them destroy themselves and the video evidence of it is in abundance.

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@x1x1x1x2: If I were to summarize his stance, it would be that…

  1. We live in a society which encourages a post-modernistic outlook on the world (i.e. there is no objective meaning to anything. Every act is equally valid. aka #yolo)
  2. Since nothing is of objective value, then all goals we set for ourselves are inherently subjective
  3. Ergo, we are not obligated by any objective morality/rule to do anything.

It is this lack of responsibility which makes “men” directionless, and which is possibly the biggest existential challenges faced by the younger generation.

To quote Sartre:

If existence is nothing but possibility, man’s destiny is a hard one. At every moment he faces various alternatives between which he has to choose. This constitutes his freedom, but it thrusts upon him a frightening burden of responsibility. He is forced into cruel situations, in which a decision for any of the various possibilities will be portentous and will reveal the close relationship between freedom and guilt. Thus man does not cherish his sovereignty, which not only enables but compels him to make his own choices. He feels himself condemned to be free . He tries to avoid a state of being in which he must ceaselessly decide for himself. But when man seeks to evade the decisions with which he is faced, he is really attempting to escape from his own self. He tries to escape what he cannot escape . . . what he is. Yet so deep is his anguish that he feels himself driven to slip away into a world in which he is not any longer committed to his own self but can follow the choices of “the others,” of that anonymous collective which is called “they.”

@Boromonokli - no. I wasn’t. I’ve watched hours of his lectures in his youtube channel


Well, if you enjoyed Lobsterman, more power to you. But don’t mistake him for a practical philosopher and his conclusions are often off the mark, to say the very, itty, bitty least.

Agreed. I don’t agree with all his points, and he never makes the claim that his perspective is THE perspective.

He’s always been very upfront about how that’s his understanding of things.

I enjoy trying to look at things from his PoV, and while he and I may not always agree, I do learn from it.

Watched the video (well not all of it cause I’m distracted by a lot of things). Lmao it looks like everything there wasn’t even out of preparation for him. He was prepared for everything that was thrown his side. I wasn’t able to listen to every argument (sorry my attention span just isn’t cut out for philosophy and such) but to me it looks like the woman chose the wrong phrasing for all her questions and it totally didn’t turn out to be any good to her lmao.


That’s why he gets thumbs up from me. When it comes to his thoughts on where the left is trying to steer society and misconstrue facts, I think he’s dead on the money. But that’s leaning into political talk so, that’s that.


Nothing to apologize her for mate. <3

You do you, and I’ll do me. #nohomo

@powbam: Forgive my nitpicking, but it’s the radical left. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just like how the radical right gave rise to shit like nazi germany (aka the far reich)

Indeed and I actually thought about typing as that but I was just like “ah fuggit” :wink:

fucking conservative :stuck_out_tongue:

How did we get from a skimpy picture of a fire sorceress to overt political debate? :laughing:

I blame medea…DAMMIT MEDEA!!!

It’s mostly my fault for questioning if I’m being honest :stuck_out_tongue:

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This has been a real roller coaster

Medea_fleecestealer has left the lobby. <---- That’s why we haven’t heard from her since.

Oh snap. I see medea typing - I was joking mate. You know I love you, medea <3