Men and Women Stereotypes in Games

I also am responsible for the global warming :rofl:

Which Pokemon you are playing? Hmm, I like Triss, but that isnā€™t her. See what one random pic can bring. Butterfly effect for real.

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Ready, set, go!



Yes, I split it and put it into General Discussion. Zantai I assume moved it to Off Topic. I umā€™d and ahā€™d about where to put it then decided to start in General and move it later if needed.


Zantai moved my dumb joke here. And now Iā€™m the OP of this whole shebang.

Are you proud of me now, mum?


Pokemon X. Tho only on emulator, not a real 3ds.

And yeah I like Triss. i chose yen on my first playthrough but in real life Iā€™d hate that kinda girl haha.

/Looks up to Media Fleaā€™s post

Nopeā€¦ her fault :laughing:

*She made it and moved it out, then he moved it to its final resting placeā€¦ here.

Proof! :smile:

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One tab only open!


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Never have more than one. But Discord is there and my e-mail server and usually Edge will be open and Steam as well. Only if I need to find a thread link or quote from another thread will have have more than one tab open on Firefox/Edge.


WoW! I have just one questionā€¦ What kind of Cabalist you are playing. Letā€™s reverse the tactic, talking about GD in the off topic section :sweat_smile:

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:wink: was playingā€¦ it was mayaā€™s skulls n bones but Iā€™ve already lost interest and moved on (pet builds are hard to keep me going).

Make a chiseled shirtless dude with a huge whomping ā€œappendageā€ at full salute, not a vienna sausage, but a giant kielbasa, and I might get excited over it. Moobies and mipples just donā€™t quite do it for me.

Mate. I got you covered.

I strongly oppose the notion that Jordan Peterson has anything worthwhile on the topic of stereotypes or even in general. I would even argue that his views are actually damaging the discussion and that he is "a preacher more than a teacher. "

And in my opinion, female objectification in games is just cringy fanservice and even worse if man are sexualized too to ā€œeven out the scaleā€

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How exactly are his views damaging?

Iā€™m open to having my perspective broadened. Please educate me.

I would love to hear the rationale behind your claim.

@powbam, @medea_fleecestealer, @nery: The rest of the guide is irrelevant


You shall not pass. until you say that my pecs are awesome that is.

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