do you have patchnotes anywhere? im not sure but i think the marked for death stalker skill was removed, wasnt sure if intended or not.
nvm i found it on the nexus page, but doesnt specify in the notes.
Yep, sometimes I forget what exactly I’ve changed thus the changelogs like this appear:
“Lots of changes I forgot to write down”
Does anyone have a link to Cataclysm without the stasher v5 mod? My stash is like 60% offscreen so whenever I click the sort button or shift+click an item I lose it. (I can’t get my resolution high enough because I have a really small monitor)
Alternatively, Is there like a folder I can delete or something to get rid of this problem?
Try the Scale UI slider from the options menu.
It worked! Thank you very much! It was very aggravating forgetting about the resolution problem and losing items.
Feeling really dumb right now, but I downloaded and installed the mod as described in the instructions (extract to Grim Dawn/mods), clicked “custom” and selected "cataclysm~world map and clicked accept, created character and started.
When I hit level 2, none of the new classes are available.
I previously had DAIL installed, and though that might be doing something, so I deleted all three of DAIL’s folders (as well as Cata’s), uninstalled Grim Dawn, re-installed, and re-installed Cata. Same problem (created new character and everything).
My only other idea was the saves from DAIL might be carrying over and affecting things, but I didn’t delete those or move those yet.
Any ideas?
Thanks for any and all help!
Quote from Matt50 on Nexus page:
I expect you got the mod installed with a double folder that is Grim Dawn\mods\cataclysm-37-1-93\cataclysm\ instead of Grim Dawn\mods\cataclysm
The double folder means the game cant find the database and resource files.
I believe you cannot select “” when you have double folders so that is not the cause.
The double folder was the issue, even though I was able to select the cataclysm-worldmap custom map.
It’s been a while since I’ve been this happy to feel this dumb
Thank you very much for the help!
Having a blast playing this mod. Very well done!
But… I’ve had problems with a newly created Druid that i made yesterday together with a friend of mine. First of all, pet summon didn’t work at all. Energy was used but no pet popped. I relogged and that seemed to sort the problem. Just a heads up on this problem.
Biggest problem though is that i can’t make the heal spell to work. I push it but no heals are applied to me or my friend. Tried it many times with no luck. Any ideas why this doesn’t work for me?
Also, when we get one of those mystical/mythical (don’t remember the name) bags it seems that its random who gets the loot. Is that intended?
i updated to 1.9.5 and mercenary’s breaking blow no longer does mainhand damage, it does the flat bonus from the skill and thats it. and when using a ranged weapon it did no damage at all, unless i was within melee range.
Hmm come to think of it, my char most likely has the same problem.
I’ll fix that.
when was flask of ascension added? i’ve never found before 1.9.5, and ive played for a few hundred hours in this mod, but i did in 1.9.5
In v1.9.1 I believe. Why, something wrong with it?
no not at all, im just surprised they exist, i thought i wouldve found more than one if they did.
I guess because they can only be dropped by bosses and quest mobs, and their drop chance is quite low.
Is there any possibility to add “chance to pass through enemies” to Arcane Shot? Something like Hunting school have. Also, it would be great, if you will add same chance to pass through in Mercenary main attack…
Hey there! Any news on when you will update with fixes?