[MOD] Cataclysm (aka Apocalypse)

Is it normal to have a text error on the login page, where the class name is supposed to be? I mean… is it just me or it’s a known problem?

I have it as well.

That is a known problem. When starting the game for the first time, since a MOD has not been loaded yet, it is impossible to display the class name unique to MOD, and it is displayed as “tag not found”. Once you have run a MOD and return to the main menu, the class name specific to the MOD is displayed.

I’ll try to upload the fixed version tomorrow.


is the Database from Catalysm combatible for Grim Dawn Item Assistent? Items which are not included in the vanilla game, are not shown in DGIA. I loaded the Database from the Menue, but that doesn´t work.

It is compatible with Grim Dawn, i.e. uses the same format as the game. So if the items do not show up in IA you should take that up with IA.

Hi 3JIou,

Ive got 2 questions :

  • I’ve droped a flask of ascension and i’m already at 64/64 devotion points. If i use this flask, can I get 65/64 points ?
  • I’m using Shadow bolt skill and I can’t bind any devotion skill on it. Is this intended ?

Great work !

  1. Try and tell me :slight_smile: I have no idea but I think you can’t exceed the limit.
  2. It already has a celestial skill attached.

Result of the test : 64/64. No exceed limit
You’re right about Shadow bolt. I didn’t notice the celestial skill attached to it.


Please fix Mercenary’s Breaking Blow! :frowning:

What’s wrong with it ?

It doesn’t actually use weapon damage, despite saying it does

Uploaded on Nexus and Mega.

Thanks a ton :smiley:

Your classes are really lore friendly ))
But this XP potions. Could you half it drop ? If not i can made a mini-mod for that.

Thank you!

The hotfix is up on Nexus and Mega. Fixed the devotion points limit and adjusted the class selection screen so the xpac’s classes are displayed and are working now. Nothing else has been changed, I have to take a closer look at recent additions and changes before I can continue working on this mod.

Kinda unplayable because Stasher is fucked up with the new stash added with Ashes of Malmouth

It’s still working nonetheless, I wouldn’t say it’s unplayable.

Yeah, didn’t mean it in a bad way, I just like collecting as much Items as I can, specially with a huge stash, let’s say it’s just… a little annoying. Obviously playable otherwise