[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

What weapon will monk use?

all the melee weapons, also there will be a passive that enables the ability to dual welding

All the melee weapons. Also, there will be a passive that enables dual wielding.

two very productive days, just finished a good number of skills (which I’m just knowing now, I’ve never played D3’s Wizard lol)

Looks awesome nice job

testing this skill right now, lot of fun with it :smiley:

Stop, stop, it’s toooo much to handle.

Ps. Looks nice.

waiting for the witch doctor update. Those spiders are awesome, need those little ajusts casting them, including the queen.

Nice!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t like d3, but this mod luce nice! :smiley:

Wait, do those cast the actual skills you currently have access to? All the summons I’ve see need to have predefined skills that they have. That’s amazing if they’re dynamic with what you have, second mastery included.

I doubt it would be dynamic, afaik there is no way to do that. Unless Grimer found a way by jumping through hoops with autocasted skills I would expect the summons to simply have access to all the skills at the wizard’s disposal and nothing more. Not to mention, there is a limit to how many skills a pet can have. One attack skill, 3 self buffs, 3 ‘buffother’ spells (raven storm spirit), a heal, a death skill, an ‘initial skill’ (for buffs, used as soon as the pet spawns), and 5 ‘special attacks’. More than 5 special attacks, not possible without using skill chain, which you can only include one of.

Yes, the skills are predefined, they use five of the Wizard’s skills.

exactly, this “Mimic Mechanic” is impossible to recreate on GD, one of the Witch Doctor’s masks, the Grin Reaper, allows you to summon mimics that use the skills you cast on enemies (at the same moment)… the same happens with Mirror Images, but only on D3

it’s cool :smiley: there’re only 3 skills left to make (Archon, Black Hole and Energy Armor) then I’ll turn attention to Monk again.

I need monk in my life

That’s why I asked, between the description and the fact that it didn’t show skill numbers it was unclear if he had pulled something off.

any benefit you guys would like to include on it?

Is it possible to increase duration so as long as you’re killing enemies the skill is still up? Just like the ingame rune btw

unfortunately it’s not possible :undecided: