[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Since itemization and the balancement of skills are almost completed, next patch will focus more on VFX improvements.

Here are some skills that will receive new visual effects on Patch 3.4:

Necromancer - Death Nova (modified by Wrath of the Bone King and Trag'Oul's Avatar Set) | Decrepify (modified by Pestilence's Master Shroud set).



Demon Hunter - Elemental Strike | Flying Strike | Multishot



Witch Doctor - Firebats | Horrify | Spirit Barrage

firebats horrify spiritbarrage

Wizard - Apocalypse | Ray of Frost | Wave of Force

ROF wave_force

Monk - Crippling Wave | Fists of Thunder | Wave of Light/Transmuter

crippling_wave fot wol2 wol3

Crusader's Heaven's Fury (no longer 'blinding' players)



More more more, looks fantastic :slight_smile:

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They look great! :ok_hand:

Would you consider nerfing “Piercing the Veil” a bit, and also lower the regen cost at the same time? Even with maxed spiritual attunement and a decent amount of energy regen I can’t keep it up (936 base spirit).

I only put one point in it, but due to me having +4 to witchdoctor skills in total it becomes 5 and costs 105 energy to maintain (which is nuts!). :dizzy_face:
How is it possible to maintain this aura at higher ranks? I don’t even want to imagine how much it costs at rank 12 (or beyond that…).
Or is it designed to work as a temporary buff and not something you have activated all the time?

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I’ll take a look.

New Inventory UI


- Gears of Dreadlands set for Demon Hunter.
- Patterns of Justice set for Monk.
- Several VFX improvements to items and class skills.
- Some bug fixes and balance changes.

Patch 3.4 is available now! Click on the image to download it.


Gears of Dreadlands - Strafe skill preview

Patch Notes 3.4:


  • Fixed an issue where Jade Harverster’s Joy had a totally unbalanced health bonus.
  • Fixed the skill names of Blood Golem and Ice Golem auras.
  • Fixed the Earth Ally’s Aura of Might skill description.
  • Fixed the name of Kanai’s Cube: Jace and Kanai’s Cube: Quang.
  • Fixed a bug where the death effect of Blood Golem wasn’t working properly.


  • Grim Scythe: Arc angle increased by 45º.
  • Frost Scythe: No longer decreases damage, however it reduces the arc angle of Grim Scythe by 45º.
  • Arsenal: Now rockets deal piercing and lightning damage.
  • Pierce the Veil: Active energy cost reduced to 15-135. Total damage reduced by 2%.
  • Zombie Dogs: Improved response after spawning.
  • Firebats: Now firebats that haven’t hit an enemy or environment will return to you after a brief moment, dealing damage to enemies on the way back.
  • Justice: Removed cooldown, which was not intended.
  • Fan of Knives: Number of projectiles increased to 16.
  • Leech: Life steal removed (it wasn’t working properly). Added -% target’s life leech resistance.
  • Teleport: Cooldown slightly increased.


Gears of Dreadlands:

  • New 4 pieces set for Demon Hunter.
  • Normal version (Level 75) and Mythical version (Level 94)
  • Focus on pierce and elemental damage.
  • Hand piece modifier - Chakram: 40 Elemental damage | 100% Fire damage converted to Elemental | 100% Physical damage converted to Pierce | 10 seconds duration | +1 summon limit | Reduced target’s OA by 100 for 3 seconds.
  • Set modifier - Vengeance: 50 Elemental damage | 15% crit damage | 100% Physical damage converted to Pierce.
  • Set modifier - Entangling Shot: -15% pierce resistance | -15% elemental resistance.
  • Granted set skill - Strafe: Travels in a reduced speed, while shooting at random enemies around you.

Patterns of Justice:

  • New 4-pieces set for Monk.
  • Unique version (Level 94)
  • Focus on Cold-Lightning damage and Energy Regen.
  • Hand piece modifier - Dashing Strike: 180 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds | 100% Physical damage converted to Cold | +3.0 meter range.
  • Set modifier - Sweeping Wind: 200 Frostburn damage over 2 seconds | +2.5 meter radius.
  • Set modifier - Mantra of Conviction: -15% Cold resistance | -15% Lightning resistance | 80 Lightning damage | 100% Fire damage converted to Cold.

Seeker of the Light:

  • Now complete sets grants the Falling Sword skill: Launch yourself into heavens, crashing upon the targeted enemy, dealing holy damage to all foes close to the impact location.

Ronald’s Legacy:

  • Improved the Shield Bash’s lightning visual effect changed by modifiers.

Armor of Akkhan:

  • Added new textures to Breastplate of Akkhan.


  • Sun Keeper
  • Nailbitter
  • Ruinstoke



  • Added a golden glow fx to the item.
  • Improved the fx effect of Holy Skeleton’s aura.
  • Fixed an issue where Sacred Sacrifice didn’t have an explosion effect.

Twisted Sword:

  • Added a new visual effect to Energy Twister.
  • Fixed the Energy Twister’s pet name
  • Increased the movement speed of Energy Twister and reduced its radius from 3.5 to 2.5.


  • Improved the visual effect of Fist of Heavens granted skill.
  • Slightly increased the speed of Fist of Heavens lightning bolts.

Blackfeather Raiment:

  • Improved texture borders.
  • Added new visual effects to Anathema pet, such as spawn and aura fx effects.
  • Increased the size of Anathema and its fire orb.

Warsword of General Quang:

  • Improved its texture golden color.

Sultan of Blinding Sands:

  • Fixed the position of its glow effect.

Serpent Sparker:

  • Improved the glow fx of the item.
  • Improved the aura fx of Arcane Hydra.
  • Reduced the response time of Arcane Hydra after spawning.

Convention of Elements:

  • Added some purple particles to the aura effect.
  • Removed flat lightning damage from the granted skill stats, which was not intended.

Crashing Rain:

  • Crashing Beast skill gained the new visual effect from Flying Strike transmuter.


  • Added new fx effect to its granted skill.

Boots of Disregard:

  • Added new fx effect to its granted skill.
  • Fixed an issue where the stats of the granted skill weren’t improved on its mythical version.

Flow of Eternity:

  • Added new visual effect to its granted skill.
  • Fixed a bug where the item had a blue glow effect rather than a golden one.

Demon Machine:

  • Added impact sound fx and a new visual effect to the Explosive Bolt.
  • Radius of Explosion Bolt reduced by 0.5 at all item versions.

Death Watch Mantle:

  • Fx effect of Fan of Knives improved, since it uses the same effect from the Demon Hunter skill.
  • Number of projectiles from Fan of Knives increased from 12 to 16.
  • Cooldown of Fan of Knives reduced to 1 second.


  • Improved the spawn fx effect, aura fx effect and the glowing wings from the Angelical Guardian.

Nayr’s Black Death:

  • Now the item modifier also changes the visual effect of Grim Scythe.


  • Since Frost Orb uses the same visual effect from Wizard’s Frost Orb transmuter, it got improved as well.

Ashnagarr’s Bracers:

  • Fixed an issue where Galvanizing Ward wasn’t working properly.

Scepter of Woh:

  • Heat Wave skill removed.
  • New skill - Explosive Blast → Become a conduit of blazing energy to release explosions every 0.5 seconds, burning enemies around you.

The Flying Dragon:

  • Flying Dragon skill removed.
  • New skill: Fire Storm → Surrounds yourself in a vortex of fire, burning nerby enemies for a few seconds.

Swampland Waders:

  • Added new visual effect to Locust Swarm.

Mythical Wrath of the Bone King:

  • Now it changes the visual effect of Death Nova using the same particles from the original skill.

Mythical Storm Shield:

  • Condemn modifier removed.
  • Added modifier that turns Bombardment’s fire damage to lightning.

Mythical Manticore:

  • Added new poison vfx to Rain of Vengeance’s modifier.

Mythical Gabriel’s Vambraces:

  • Now the Sweeping Wind’s modifier adds a golden visual effect to the skill.

Mythical Spirit Guards:

  • Now it grants 55% weapon damage + 18% reduced target’s damage to Fists of Thunder.



  • Decrepify
  • Bone Spear
  • Frost Scythe
  • Command Skeletons
  • Skeleton Archer
  • Bone Spirit
  • Final Service
  • Blood is Power


  • Justice
  • Holy Bolt
  • Punish
  • Condemn
  • Heaven’s Fury
  • Smite
  • Reciprocate
  • Reaping
  • Shield Bash
  • Shield Cross
  • Shield Glare
  • Indestructible
  • Iron Skin

Demon Hunter:

  • Hungering Shot
  • Spray of Teeth
  • Elemental Strike
  • Multishot
  • Arsenal
  • Flying Strike
  • Fan of Knives
  • Marked for Death
  • Vengeance


  • Wave of Light
  • Fists of Thunder
  • Dashing Strike
  • Exploding Palm
  • Alacrity
  • Sweeping Wind
  • Cyclone
  • Serenity
  • Breath of Heaven
  • Near Death Experience
  • Epiphany
  • Crippling Wave


  • Frost Hydra
  • Electrocute
  • Frost Orb
  • Glacial Spike
  • Ray of Frost
  • Apocalypse
  • Wave of Force

Witch Doctor:

  • Horrify
  • Zombie Dogs
  • Piranhas
  • Spirit Barrage
  • Jungle Fortitude
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Pierce the Veil
  • Fetish Army
  • Summon Gargantuan


  • Ignore Pain
  • Cold Rush


Awesome. :+1:

Great job as always .

It is possible to create a visual effect that covers the player and hides the weapon/offhand?
Some skills hide the weapon when used and i was thinking that a visual effect aura, form of a Werewolf /Other Beast , that covers the character and hides the weapon/off can make a “Shape Shifter” build possible .
Of course it will not be a shape shifter but it will create that impresion .
Your artistic talent and exp can make that possible i think :thinking: .

Again great job and keep up the good work :hammer_and_wrench:

Thank you!

I think all modders have tried something like this, no success however. It’s impossible for now.

:sob::sob::sob: Maybe “Crate” will surprise us in the near future , i hope :star_struck:

And what plans do you have for the next update for D3 Mod ?

Idk, maybe in GD2 only

Next patch is about new items and 2 new sets.


thanks Grimer :slight_smile: i will finish medianxl season and back to D3.

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Thanks for the update! The Strafe skill looks amazing.

One question though: the glove of Dreadland set seems to be categorized as Shoulders (both 75 and 94 lvl sets). Thus it’s impossible now to wear the full 4 pieces.

Patch 3.4 reuploaded.

Download links updated on first page and annoucement post.

(Or click here to download it again)

Patch Notes 3.4 - Update 01:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Crusader’s Flying Dragon didn’t have the new Firestorm granted skill.
  • Fixed an issue where the animation of Smite and Electrocute wasn’t working properly while using a 1h weapon with a female character.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dreadland’s hand piece was considered a shoulder piece.
  • Fixed some issues with the new VFXs.
  • Thanks @mamba for the bug checking.


  • Battering Ram: Reduction to target’s speed removed. Added reduction to target’s defensive ability.

Hello, Grimmer.

I would like to post my suggestion about Pestilence Master’s Shroud set, in particular about its bonus skill. I suggest making it work like the Soul of Nazaran skill from the complete Blood Knight set. Instead of summoning 4 Skeletal Mages for 15 seconds, you summon a single permanent player-scaling Skeletal Mage who attacks enemies with the Poison Orb spell. It deals 180 Acid damage, 180 Vitality damage, 220 Poison damage over 2 seconds, has a 3-meter radius and reduces enemies’ total speed by -20%.

I didn’t expect that playing berserker would give me so much fun.
Skill graphic effects are small works of art, refined in every detail, really great job :heart_eyes:

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All i can say, is thank you so much for keeping this mod up to date. You keep adding to this mod and its been so fun to play. Thank you.

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Thanks for the mod, really liking the added classes! Quick question about the Blood Golem transmuter, is the heal burst when he dies suppose to effect your other pets? It says allies but they dont seem to gain any hp when it dies.

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It seems like a bug from 3.4 only. I’m gonna fix it, thanks.

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Cool. The mod has reignited my interest in GD, double necro is so much fun ;D

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Thx Grimer for the updates. It was a while i didn’t play your mod.

Now with my issue:
I installed the latest patch, rolled a new character and went through the base game with no issues up to lvl 45, but then i went to Forgotten Gods area and i started to crash frequently, 1st in temple of isyr or something, and now even in open areas. It usually doesn’t take more than 10 min to crash.

I usually don’t have issues with GD, modded or not, and in this case had none for few hours in base game. My specs are well above requirement. So i’m wondering if anyone has this issue with this mod and Forgotten Gods specifically.