[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

That’s new and idk why it’s happening. The only modded part of FG expansion is the Shattered Realm, so no idea what’s the issue.

Does anyone else have an issue where helmets from this mod don’t show up on the character select screen?

It’s just the way mods in the game work I think. None of them show in the character selection screen.

mano eu baixei o arquivo mais e agora tenho que fazer o que
? me ajuda ai

eai mano boa noite me ajuda pfv eu baixei o arquivo mais e agora tenho que fazer o que ?

tenho que apagar meu jogo?

Download the mod and install it in:

(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods

Then start the game, go to the character selection screen and click on Main Campaign. That will call up a new tab where you can select Custom Game, the select the mod and accept it. You’ll need to make a new character to play the mod with.

  • New set for the Witch Doctor.
  • 36 new items.
  • Several rare affixes improved for D3 classes.
  • A few changes and bug fixes.

The D3 mod is now content complete!

Thanks to all modders that helped me during all these years. Specially to Okami for adding cosmetic wings, items and pet 3D models, the Barbarian class and all bosses from Diablo 3. Thanks to all players who contributed with feedback and kind words about my work on this mod. It’s been a nice experience. I hope you guys had as much fun playing it as I had while modding it.

The Patch 3.5 is available now! Click on the image to download it.

Stay safe and Happy Holidays!


Patch Notes 3.5:


  • Fixed an issue where the healing from Blood Golem’s nova wasn’t working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Haedrig didn’t have one-handed versions for the Skorn axe.
  • Fixed the Chain of Shadows bitmap size.


Helltooth Harness:

  • New set for Witch Doctor.
  • Bonuses to Fire, Burn and Vitality damage.
  • Head modifier - Firebomb → +25 vitality damage | 40 burn damage over 3 seconds
  • Head modifier - Firebats → +1 projectile | 70% weapon damage.
  • Set modifier - Soul Harvest → 100% Vitality damage converted to Fire | 100% Cold damage converted to Vitality | 28 reduced target’s resistances over 5 seconds | 220 fire damage.
  • Set modifier - Firewall → -10% fire/vitality resistance | 100 burn damage over 2 seconds | 40% reduced target’s movement speed for 3 seconds.
  • Set modifier - Firebomb → +1 second duration | 50 fire damage | 20% reduced target’s resistances for 3 seconds.
  • Granted skill - Explosive Beast → Summon a burning zombie dog that runs towards enemies and explodes, dealing fire and vitality damage to nearby foes.

Tal Rasha’s Elements:

  • Added “-25% energy cost to Blizzard” while with full set.
  • Added “-2 seconds skill recharge to Blizzard” to the head piece.

Zunimassa’s Haunt:

  • Reduction to Fetish Army cooldown decreased from 22 seconds to 16 seconds.


  • Reduced the level requirement of some modded prefixes from 8/12 to 5.
  • Increased skill points to D3 skills on modded prefixes for armor and 1h weapons, from 1 to 2 at early levels.
  • Increased skill points to D3 skills on modded prefixes for 2h weapons, shields and off-hands, from 2 to 4 at early levels.

Restored rare affixes:

  • Eldritch’s
  • Runecaster’s
  • Of Shadows
  • Of Kings
  • Of Amarasta’s Flurry
  • Of Blades
  • Of Oleron’s Wrath
  • Of Scorched Ends
  • Of Destruction
  • Of Winter Storm
  • Of the Abomination


  • Enchanter’s (one-handed weapons): Skillpoints to Magic Missile.
  • Glacial (one-handed weapons): Skillpoints to Avalanche.
  • Rimefrost (all weapons): Skillpoints to Seismic Slam.
  • Gravekeeper’s: Off-hands only. Replaces the “Caustic” prefix. Grants +4 Grasp of the Dead.
  • Intercessor’s: Skillpoints to Condemn.
  • Rampage: Skillpoints to Ancient Spear.
  • Seraphim’s: Skillpoints to Reciprocate replaced with skillpoints to Spectral Blade.
  • Lawbringer’s: Replaces the “Ancient” prefix. Grants skillpoints to Laws of Hope.
  • Formidable: Added skillpoints to Dashing Strike.
  • Celestial: Added skillpoints to Heaven’s Fury.
  • Tempest: Added skillpoints to Crippling Wave and Wave of Force.
  • Sandstorm: Off-hands only. Added +4 to Hydra.


  • of Cruelty: Skillpoints to Cleave replaced with skillpoints to Berserk.
  • of the Decrepit: Replaces the “of the Cabal” suffix. Grants skillpoints to Decrepify and Languish.
  • of Heroism: Added skillpoints to Sword and Board.
  • of Singularity: Chest armor only. Grants +4 to Black Hole at all levels above 20.
  • of Guildam Arcanum: Hand armor only. Grants +4 to Energy Armor at all levels.
  • of Haunted Visions: Replaces the “of Shattered Reality” suffix. Grants skillpoints to Haunt.
  • of Arcane Winds: Leg armor only. Added +4 to Cyclone.
  • of Survival: Added +4 to Spirit Walk and Smoke Screen.
  • of Rapid Reflexes: Added +4 to Swift Harvesting and Alacrity.
  • of the Honor Guard: Hand armor only. Added +4 to Divine Fortress.
  • of Hatred: Hand armor only. Bonus to Ballistics increased from 2 to 4 at all levels.
  • of Arcane Might: Hand armor only. Added +4 to Slow Time.
  • of the Oracle: Off-hands only. Added +4 to Land of the Dead and Confidence Ritual.
  • of Shattering: All one-handed weapons. Added +2 to Shatter.
  • of Falling Arrows: All two-handed weapons. Replaces the “of Ruthlessness” suffix. Grants +4 to Rain of Vengeance after level 26.
  • of the Spirits: All armor. Replaces the “of the Void Harbinger” suffix. Grants skillpoints to Spirit Barrage and Bone Spirit.
  • of the Blazing Grounds: All armor and jewelry. Replaces the “of the Arcane Blaze” suffix. Grants skillpoints to Firewall and Immolation Shot.
  • of Death’s Chill: Off-hands only. Added +4 to Bone Spikes.
  • of Darkness: All armor. Replaces the “of the Dranghoul” suffix. Grants skillpoints to Shadow Power.
  • of the Untamed: All armor. Added skillpoints to Fetish Army.
  • of Scorched Runes: All armor. Added skillpoints to Cyclone Strike and Elemental Strike.

New Epic Items

  • Flesh Tearer
  • Genzaniku
  • Sky Splitter
  • Moonlight Ward
  • Golden Gorget of Leoric
  • Dovu Energy Trap
  • Eye of Etlich
  • Squirt’s Necklace
  • Robes of Rydraelm
  • Devil Tongue
  • Telranden’s Hand
  • The Final Witness
  • Blackguard*
  • Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker*

New Legendary Items:

  • Hack
  • The Butcher’s Sickle
  • Utar’s Roar
  • Night’s Reaping
  • Harvest Moon
  • Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis
  • Fulminator
  • Rimeheart
  • Azurewrath
  • Faithful Memory
  • Crystal Fist
  • Scarbringer
  • Blade of the Warlord
  • Arreat’s Law
  • The Three Hundredth Axe
  • Inviolable Faith
  • Bastion’s Revered
  • Blade of the Ascended
  • Remorseless
  • Johanna’s Argument
  • Starmetal Kukri
  • Homunculus
  • Trag’Oul’s Corroded Fang
  • Anajinn’s Spellblade
  • In Geom*
  • Blade of the Tribes*
  • Pride of Cassius*
  • Fury of the Vanished Peak*
  • Skull Grasp*


New Kanai’s Cube Relics:

  • Kanai’s Cube: Hack
  • Kanai’s Cube: Utar
  • Kanai’s Cube: Night
  • Kanai’s Cube: Zumakalis
  • Kanai’s Cube: Fulminator
  • Kanai’s Cube: Rimeheart
  • Kanai’s Cube: Faithful
  • Kanai’s Cube: Rimeheart
  • Kanai’s Cube: Crystal
  • Kanai’s Cube: Scarbringer
  • Kanai’s Cube: Arreat
  • Kanai’s Cube: In-Geom
  • Kanai’s Cube: Tribes
  • Kanai’s Cube: Kukri
  • Kanai’s Cube: Homunculus
  • Kanai’s Cube: Skull


  • Blessed Hammer: Damage increased at ultimate ranks.


  • Wave of Force: Radius reduced from 7.0 to 6.0.


  • Sunburst: Burn damage increased at ultimate ranks.


  • Fire Wall: Fire/burn damage reduced. Added vitality damage. Cooldown removed. Energy cost reduced.
  • Firebomb: Added an ultimate bonus called “Flash Fire” → Enemies hit have 33% chance to miss their attacks for 3 seconds.
  • Pyrogeist: Vitality damage increased at ultimate ranks.


  • Iron Impact: Damage absorption removed. Added bleeding resistance.

I said it before but i will say it again THAK YOU FOR THIS AWESOME MOD .

Do you plan on creating other projects in GD ?

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Thank you for playing! And… I don’t think so.

Patch 3.5 was reuploaded!

This update brings a lot of buffs for the classes skills, such as new “ultimate bonuses” and better damage scaling at higher ranks.

Download it here. Link updated on the first page as well.

Patch Notes 3.5 - Update 1:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Harvest Moon and Rimeheart weapons were not included on loot files.
  • Fixed an issue where Kanai’s Cube: Homunculus had the name of another relic.
  • Fixed an issue where Bloodthirst prefix didn’t grant skillpoints to Barbarian’s Bloodthirsty at higher levels.
  • Fixed an issue where Near Death Experience was activated at 98% health.

Loot System:

  • Since now the variety of D3 items is bigger, the chance to drop these items was increased.


  • Shatter: Holy damage reduced. Added 6-35% weapon damage.
  • Reciprocrate: Lightning retaliation increased.
  • Shield Bash: Weapon damage increased by 10% at all ranks.
  • Shield Cross: Added 5-16% retaliation damage to attack.
  • Consecration: Retaliation added to attack from Bed of Nails reduced from 12% to 8%.
  • Shattered Ground: Fire damage increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Laws of Justice: Added 6-30% resistance to stun and freeze effects. Increased resistance to chaos, vitality and aether by 5% at higher levels.
  • Heaven’s Fury: Chance to reduce portion of enemy’s current health removed.

Demon Hunter

  • Multishot: Piercing damage increased.
  • Arsenal: Removed the old fire damage. Added lightning damage as intended on Patch 3.4. Damage overall increased. Crit damage increased by 10% at higher ranks.
  • Ball Lightning: Damage massively increased.
  • Immolation Shot: Damage of the scorched ground increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Awareness: Cooldown slightly increased at early ranks.
  • Shock Collar: % Bonus lightning damage removed. Lightning damage increased. Added 12-100% bonus piercing damage.
  • Vengeance: Added 18-40% weapon damage to Side Guns, however the elemental damage was reduced. Cooldown slightly increased.
  • Shadow Glide: Added 10-120 defensive ability.
  • Shatter Shot: Electrocute damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Chakram: Damage increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Razor Disk: Burn damage increased.
  • Shadow Power: Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.


  • Grim Scythe: Aether damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Cursed Scythe: Vitality decay scaling slightly increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Dark Reaping: Aether/Vitality damage increased. % Damage bonuses reduced.
  • Decrepify & Leech: Damage massively increased at ultimate ranks. Updated the text in the Leech’s skill description.
  • Command Skeletons: Aether damage scaling slightly increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Skeleton Archer: Bolts now has chance to pierce through enemies. Cold damage increased. Piercing damage reduced. Damage overall incrased at ultimate ranks. Added an ultimate bonus called “Freezing Grasp” → Skeleton Archer gain 10% chance to freeze enemies.
  • Bone Armor: Damage absorption scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Land of the Dead: Bonus offensive ability increased by 2%.
  • Frenzy: Bonus to all pets damage increased.
  • Ice Golem: Now the Frost Nova on death scales properly with pet bonuses.
  • Blight: Poison damage scaling increased.
  • Bone Spirit: Cold damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Commander of the Dead: Health increased by 40 at all regular ranks. Health scaling massively increased at ultimate ranks. Offensive ability to pets increased.
  • Serration: Crit damage increased.
  • Bone Golem: Bone Tornado now deals physical and vitality decay damage and is displayed on pet skills description. It also confuses enemies for 2 seconds.
  • Sudden Impact: Total damage modifier increased from 50% to 100%.


  • Dashing Strike: Physical damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Blinding Speed: Internal Trauma damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Breath of Heaven: Physical and elemental damage bonuses slightly increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Crippling Wave: Holy damage scaling slightly increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Mangle: Burn damage increased.
  • Fists of Thunder: Lightning damage scaling slightly increased at ultimate ranks. Charge duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
  • Thunderclap: Number of targets increased to 4 at ranks 22, 23 and 24.
  • Near Death Experience Cooldown increased by 5 seconds.
  • Serenity: New ultimate bonus called “Peaceful Repose” → You gain massive health regeneration while Serenity is active.


  • Frost Hydra: Total speed slow removed. Freeze duration reduced from 2.0 to 1.5.
  • Lightning Hydra: Stun duration reduced from 2.0 to 1.5.
  • Arcane Orb: Elemental damage reduced. Added 10-34% weapon damage.
  • Frost Orb: Chance to freeze reduced by 5%. Freeze duration reduced from 2.0 to 1.5.
  • Electrocute: Chance to stun reduced by 5%. Stun duration reduced from 2.0 to 1.5.
  • Magic Weapon: Elemental damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Astral Presence: % Offensive ability scaling reduced at ultimate ranks.
  • Diamond Skin: Added 100-550 energy regeneration over the 3 seconds duration.
  • Molten Impact: Burn damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Ice Armor: Frostburn damage increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Frost Nova/Shatter: Cold damage increased. Frostburn damage massively increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Black Hole: Elemental damage and energy cost reduced.

Witch Doctor

  • Haunt: Cold damage increased at ultimate ranks. Disrupt duration from Resentful Spirit increased from 1 to 2 seconds, chance increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Acid Cloud: Poison damage increased at ultimate ranks. New ultimate bonus called “Bad Medicine”: Acid Cloud reduces the damage of enemies by 20% for 3 seconds.
  • Slow Burn: Vitality damage increased at ultimate ranks. Vitality decay damage slightly increased. Poison modifier scaling increased.
  • Acid Rain: Now it also increases Acid Cloud’s damage by 5-60%.
  • Fire Wall: No longer reduces enemy’s offensive ability.
  • Soul Harvest: Vitality damage massively increased.
  • Languish: Vitality decay damage increased, its scaling greatly increased at ultimate ranks. Enemy’s damage reduction removed. Added reduction to enemy’s offensive ability over 5 seconds.
  • Spirit Vassel: Cooldown increased by 5 seconds.
  • Spiritual Attunement: Added ultimate bonus called “Blood Ritual” → Gain 80 health regenerated per second.

Barbarian’s frenzy skill isn’t stacking properly, it only gives you the bonus that you would get from having one charge – any additional stacks do not increase the bonus.

I think I already know the answer, but is Spectrum included amidst the added items?



Dang, no skittles sword I guess.

Playing a Witch Doctor build using Dawn of Masteries and seems that the Ultimate boost for Corpse Spiders doesn’t spawn 2 spiders per jar as it should.

Dunno if this is just a Dawn of Masteries thing, though, so could be a useless report.

Edit: By the way, does Barbarian whirlwind tick scale from Attack or Cast speed?

Which DoM version are you on ? For me it works, I get 3 spiders at level 16

Updated to the newest patch that came out a few days ago and it seems to work now, so there was something iffy in the last DoM patch. :slight_smile:

Great to see this mod being constantly updated, love the classes.


Patch 3.5 - Hotfix 1

Small patch to fix issues with Helltooth Harness set and Barbarian’s Avalanche skill.

Download it here

Just extract and overwrite the files.



  • Fixed an issue where Avalanche’s ultimate bonus wasn’t working properly. Added new ultimate bonus called “Tectonic Rift” that increases crit damage of the rocks by 50%.
  • Fixed an issue where Explosive Beasts skill granted by the complete Helltooth Harness set didn’t have a cooldown, becoming too overpowered. Added 1.5 seconds cooldown.


  • Improved the description of some skills.
  • Reduced the freeze duration of Hurricane transmuter (Whirlwind) from 2.0 seconds to 1.5 second.
  • Now Cold Rush transmuter has 3 skill points and reduces the total speed of enemies by 15%/20%/25% over 3 seconds.
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Does Rend (Barbarian) proc off all attacks, or is it only from default attack skills? It just says requires melee weapon :smiley:

Default :+1: