[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Is the Barbarian’s ‘Battle Rage’ skill supposed to be a toggle OR have a duration? It seemed like it was working like a toggle in my game, but maybe I just didn’t notice it drop off, or it has a really long duration (especially for such a low energy cost)?

it’s a toogle buff, I think it’s energy reserve what is missing.

I downloaded and patched the files for the avalanche fix and it is still showing missing textures any idea as to why?

which textures exactly? Do you have all the expansions?

I have all the expansions, so the big boulders show. however, the smaller boulders with the big ones show as checkerboards

Well, everything seems ok, try to reinstall it. Remove the folder, download and extract it again, then overwrite the other files with the hotfix

edit: for those having the same issue, the texture doesn’t work on low quality settings.

Hello! First of all, thank you for the mod, but I have some issues.

I played the base game with no problems (monk+sorcerer), but as soon as I got to FG areas, I got constant crashes every 3-4 minutes or so. The screen just goes to black and i have to end the process via Task Manager. My pc is more than good enough (16GB, GeForce GTX 1660 Super, Ryzen 5 3600). Cloud saving is disabled, tried running it in WIN7 compatibility mode, nothing works.

I attached the crash report if it helps, but if anyone had a simmilar issue, please help me resolve it.

Crash_report.zip (26.1 KB)

Thanks for the awesome work!

A few suggestions for future versions:

  • Firebird’s Finery set bonus should give a gigantic duration bonus to Burn damage
  • Witch Doctor’s Corpse Spiders shouldn’t show the spiders individually in the pet area

Also I’m missing the Locust Swarm ability. :slight_smile:

Hello,Weber !

I had the same problem,Disable Auto Item Tooltip,then it doesn’t crash anymore.

Nice Greetings

Thanks for the feedback. Locust is basically Shaman’s Devouring Swarm, so I didn’t add it. However it’s still a granted skill by the Swamp Land Waders leg armor.

Hi Grimer, there’s a bug in Halo of Arlyse, the RATA on Magic Weapon is not working as it should.

Yeah, it was reported earlier. That bonus was supposed to go to Spectral Blade.

Do you mean there would be no RATA to Magic Weapon for the next update? :frowning:

No, only to Spectral Blade.

Hey, awesome mod. Do you have any new FX for Aegis of Menhir by any chance (or seen one in a different mod)?
I’d like to swap it for a different one. I checked your Crusader but he doesn’t have it.

  • Added 3 new items from the latest and upcoming Diablo 3 patches.
  • Increased the number of Forgotten Souls drop.
  • Buffs to Exploding Palm, Bone Spirit, Wave of Light and Hydra.
  • Nerfs to Electrocute, Bone Spear and Spirit Barrage.
  • Added translation to two different languages: Portuguese-BR and German.

German Translation - Credits: @RalfDenner

Patch 3.6 is (really) available now! Click on the image to download it.


Patch Notes 3.6


  • Fixed an issue where Lianna’s Wings attack speed was too much unbalanced.
  • Fixed an issue where Harvest Moon was using the wrong weapon model.
  • Fixed an issue where Cyclone Strike and Wall of Wind had wrong tier requirements.
  • Fixed the name of the Earth Ally’s aura on the active buffs bar.
  • Fixed an issue where the sword wield by Necromancer’s Skeletons doesn’t look pale.



  • Improved the description of some skills.
  • Reduced the freeze duration of the Hurricane transmuter (Whirlwind) from 2.0 seconds to 1.5 second.
  • Now Cold Rush transmuter has 3 skill points and reduces the total speed of enemies by 15%/20%/25% over 3 seconds.
  • Added aura fx and sound fx to Battle Rage.


  • Holy Bolt: Total Damage penalty reduced from 15% to 10%.
  • Fervor: Removed unecessary information from its description.
  • Heaven’s Fury: Damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Smite: Stun chance from ultimate bonus reduced from 20% to 12%, duration increased from 1.0 to 1.5 second though.
  • Condemn: Added 5-20% retaliation damage added to attack. Chance to reset cooldown at rank 16 reduced by 10%.

Demon Hunter

  • Perfectionist: Updated its description text.
  • Pinpoint Accurracy: Added 50% increased stun duration.
  • Multishot: Energy cost slighty increased. Pierce damage scaling greatly increased at ultimate ranks.

Witch Doctor

  • Spirit Barrage: Damage overall reduced.
  • Well of Souls: Damage overall reduced. Chance to confuse enemies removed.
  • Horrify: Cooldown reduced from 5.0 to 4.5 seconds.
  • Corpse Spiders: No longer displays pet icons on the left corner, now it shows the current number of spiders alive instead.
  • Fetish Army: Damage/Health % scaling increased, following the changes from GD Patch Base health of Fetish Warriors increased. Added 10% pet weapon damage to the Fetish Shaman’s Firebomb.
  • Zombie Dogs: Physical damage reduced. Base health reduced. Added 25% pet weapon damage to the Rabid Dogs secondary skill.


  • Bone Spear: Weapon damage reduced from 20-50% to 5-20%. Damage scaling rebalanced, intended to make the skill not look weak at early game or too strong after gaining the Teeth form.
  • Decrepify: Description text fixed. Reduction to target’s speed increased. Energy cost increased by 8 at all ranks. Cold damage reduced at regular ranks, max damage reached at ultimate ranks unchanged.
    Dizzyling Curse → Now it grants 15% chance to confuse enemies.
  • Command Golem: Added 50% pet weapon damage to the Charge skills of all golems. Added 20-50% pet weapon damage to Ice Golem’s Frost Nova. Now it shows details of the skills from the Ice Golem and Blood Golem while using one of the transmuters.


  • Electrocute: Lightning damage reduced.
  • Chain Lightning: Electrocute damage slightly reduced.
  • Frost Orb: Chance to freeze reduced to 15%.
  • Ice Armor: Freeze retaliation duration reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 second.
    Frozen Storm → Chance to freeze reduced from 25% to 15%.
  • Blazar: Now it also increases crit damage by 35%.
  • Hydra: Damage of all Hydras increased. Chance to stun and freeze from Frost Hydra and Lightning Hydra reduced. Improved the description of the skills while using one of the transmuters.


  • Wave of Light: Damage overall was greatly increased.
  • Wall of Wind: Freeze duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Exploding Palm: Now the first explosion also applies Frostburn damage over 3 seconds, increasing the chance of killing an enemy to cause another explosion. Damage overall increased. Explosion radius increased from 3.0 to 3.5.
  • Shocking Grasp: Lightning/Electrocute damage slightly increased.


The Shadows Mantle

  • Head piece modifier: Now it grants 66 cold damage | 12% reduced target’s damage for 2 seconds | 100% lightning damage converted to Cold to Entangling Shot.

Natalya’s Vengeance

  • Level changed to 94. Set bonuses adjusted to the new level standards.

Raiment of a Thousand Storms

  • Hand piece - Fists of Thunder modifier → Lightning damage increased from 60 to 90.
  • Set Modifier: Dashing Strike: Added +2.0 meter to the dash distance.
  • New Set Modifier: Wave of Light: 500% Electrocute damage + 100% increased duration.

Pestilence’s Master Shroud

  • Set modifier - Bone Spirit → Bonus duration increased from 8 to 18 seconds.

Firebird’s Finery

  • Set bonuses → Added 50/100% increased burn duration.
  • Firebird’s Ascension → Cooldown reduced by 5 seconds. Damage absorption reduced to 20/25%.


  • Now hero monsters from Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods also drop Forgotten Souls.


  • Ursua’s Trodden Effigy: New item. Bonuses to Acid/Vitality damage and its DoT’s. Grants +1 to all Witch Doctor skills. Mythical modifiers ↓
    Blizzard → 100% Cold damage converted to Acid | 120 Acid damage.
    Acid Cloud → 580 poison damage over 3 seconds | 16% crit damage.
    Firebats → 240 poison damage over 3 seconds | 12% weapon damage.

  • Bonds of C’Lena: New item. Bonuses to Acid/Vitality damage and its DoT’s.
    Mythical modifiers ↓
    Bone Spear → 3 seconds cooldown | 30% Weapon damage | Damage modified by 120%. | +70 energy cost.
    Bone Spirit → -1 second cooldown | +1 Summon Limit.
    Electrocute → 80 vitality damage | 100% Lightning damage converted to Poison.

  • Gelmindor’s Marrow Handguards: New item. Bonuses to Acid/Vitality damage and its DoT’s.
    Granted skill - Shredding Splinters → Evoke a path of poisoned bones that deals damage to enemies and reduces their damage for a couple seconds.
    Mythical modifiers ↓
    Bone Spear → 12% weapon damage | 16% Crit damage.
    Soul Harvest → 1000 poison damage over 5 seconds | 100% Cold damage converted to Poison.

  • Hendl’s Stormrage Divider of Azzinoth: New epic item requested by RalfDenner.

  • Added 2 new Kanai’s Cubes: Ursua and Gelmindor. Bonds of C’Lena is a unique item.

  • Kanai’s Cube: Chiroptera: Removed.

  • Balefire Caster: added +2 to Meteor.

  • Calamity: added +2 to Magic Weapon.

  • Deadeye: Added +2 to Smite to the mythical version and +2 to Wave of Light to all versions.

  • Odissey’s End: Added 15-20% reduced target’s resistances for 2 seconds. Spirit removed.

  • Lianna’s Wings: Offensive Ability increased. Added 28% chaos resistance. Now its projectile has a golden trail effect. New modifier now grants 8% reduced damage taken from Chthonic and Undead to Shadow Power and 25 Fire and 25 Lightning | 0.8 second duration to Smoke Screen.

  • Yang’s Crossbow: Added +4 to Ancient Spear and new modifier that adds 450 electrocute damage over 3 seconds to Ancient Spear and converts its physical damage to lightning.

  • Mordullu’s Promise: Added % bonuses to Vitality damage. Added +2 to Earthquake to its mythical version.

  • Scythe of the Cycle: Now all versions grant +1 to all Necromancer skills. Added +2 to Soul Harvest. Bonuses to Bone Armor removed.

  • Nayr’s Black Death: Now it grants +2 to all Necromancer skills. Added +2 to Grasp of the Dead to the mythical version. Acid damage reduced from 65 to 52.

  • Soulsmasher: Now the attributes of its mythical version scale properly.

  • Mythical The Barber: Spirit Barrage modifier → Cold damage replaced with 12% weapon damage. Now it’s called “Mythical Barber”. Added flat Cold damage.

  • Mythical Voos Juicer: Bonuses to Phantasm removed. Added +2 to Decrepify. Removed flat Spirit. Added 2.5 energy regeneration. Spirit Barrage modifier → Mana leach removed. Added 12% reduction to target’s attack speed for 2 seconds.

  • Last Breath: Bonuses to all damage removed. Added bonuses to Vitality damage and Decay. Health increased on its mythical version. Added +2 to Leech.
    Mass Confusion modifier → Removed cooldown reduction (the skill no longer has a cooldown to be reduced). Removed reduction to enemy’s health regeneration. Added 80 Vitality damage | -12% Vitality resistance.

  • Sacred Harvester: Added new granted skill: Harvester Cloud → Summon a cloud that creates a pool of frost, dealing cold and vitality damage to enemies.

  • Mythical Sacred Harvester: New Bone Spear modifier: 100% Pierce and Poison damage converted to Cold | 150 Frostburn damage over 3 seconds | 12% weapon damage.

  • Wizardspike: Now the normal version also grant +1 to all Wizard skills, however bonuses to Scorching Spark was removed. Added +2 to Exploding Palm to its mythical version.

  • Reilena’s Shadowhook: Pierce damage bonuses removed. Added +2 to Haunt. Bone Spikes modifier → Removed reduction to energy cost. Target’s elemental resistance reduction removed. Added 40 cold damage | reduced enemy’s total resistances by 16 for 3 seconds | 100% Pierce damage converted to Cold.

  • Mythical Ice Climbers: Added +2 to Avalanche to its mythical version.

  • Steuart’s Greaves: Added +2 to Spirit Walk to the mythical and empowered versions.

  • Bryner’s Journey: +2 to Frailty replaced with +2 to Spirit Barrage on its mythical version.

  • Mythical Wraps of Clarity: +2 to Shatter Shot removed. Added +2 to Hungering Shot | +2 to Exploding Palm.
    Hungering Shot modifier → Reduction to target’s damage decreased from 30% to 16% over 3 seconds. Added 32 cold damage.

  • Harvest Moon: Increased stats scaling to level 94 standards.

  • Mythical Ashnagaar’s Bracers: Bonuses and modifier for Energy Armor removed. Added +2 to Smoke Screen | +2 to Serenity. Added modifier that reduces the cooldown of Smoke Screen by 0.8 second.

  • Mythical Drakon’s Lesson: Added 2 new modifiers.
    Modifier - Condemn → 100% Physical damage converted to Fire | 100 Fire damage | 100 Lightning damage.
    Modifier - Cyclone Strike → 300 burn damage over 3 seconds | 18 reduced target’s total resistances for 3 seconds.

  • Mythical Akanesh, The Herald of Righteousness: Modifier - Cyclone Strike → 100 Fire/Lightning damage removed. Added 50% weapon damage.

  • Grasp of Essence: Added +2 to Languish to the empowered and mythical versions.

  • Frostburn: Added +2 to Furious Charge to the empowered and mythical versions.

  • Gungdo Gear: Added +2 to Seismic Slam to the empowered and mythical versions. +2 to Cyclone Strike replaced with +2 to Frost Nova on the mythical version.

  • Magefist: Added +2 to Firebats to the empowered and mythical versions.

  • Mythical Pinto’s Pride: Added +2 to Scorching Spark and +2 to Slash
    Modifier - Wave of Light → Old stats removed. Added 660 electrocute damage over 3 seconds | 24% reduced target’s total speed for 4 seconds.
    Modifier - Slash → . 120 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds | 20% weapon damage | 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning.

  • Azurewrath: Modifier - Fists of Thunder → Cold damage increased from 90 to 150. Added 450 Frostburn damage over 3 seconds. Additional targets reduced from 3 to 2. Increased angle removed.

  • Mythical Fulminator: Modifier - Fists of Thunder → 90 Lightning damage removed. Added 100% increased Lightning and Electrocute damage.

  • Mythical Bracers of Fury: Added +2 to Avalanche.
    New modifier - Avalanche → 100% Fire damage converted to Lightning | 100% Physical damage converted to Fire | 300 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds | 12% crit damage.

  • Mythical Spiritguards: Bonuses to Crippling Wave removed. No longer grants +1 to all Monk skills. Now grants bonuses to Mantra of Conviction, Magic Weapon, Fists of Thunder and Spectral Blade.
    Modifier - Fists of Thunder → Reduction to target’s damage slightly increased. Physical damage removed.
    New Modifier - Mantra of Conviction → -10% physical/elemental target’s resistances | 100% Fire damage converted to Physical | 60 Lightning damage.
    New modifier - Spectral Blade → 100% Fire damage converted to Lightning | 100% Cold damage converted to Physical | 40% weapon damage.

  • Mythical Wilken’s Reach: Removed bonuses to Bone Spirit. Added +2 to Meteor. New Modifier - Meteor → 40 Acid damage | 100% Fire damage converted to Poison | 100% Physical damage converted to Vitality.

  • Crown of the Primus: Reworked. Now it grants bonuses to Lightning and Aether damage. No longer exists a Kanai’s Cube for this item.
    Modifier - Slow Time → 100% Fire damage converted to Aether | 100% Cold damage converted to Lightning | 80 Aether damage | +2 seconds active duration.
    New Modifier - Death Nova → 100% Poison damage converted to Lightning | 100% Vitality damage converted to Aether | -45% Weapon damage | -60% total damage | 100% reduced cooldown.
    New modifier - Electrocute → 50% Lightning damage converted to Aether | 16% reduction to target’s damage for 2 seconds | 10% increased Total Damage.

  • Mythical Velvet Camaral: Added +2 to Fists of Thunder | +2 to Inner Storm. Removed bonuses to Chain Lightning.

  • Eye of the Storm: Added +2 to Justice. Bonuses to Fists of Thunder removed on all versions. Added +2 to Storm Armor on its mythical version.

  • Mythical Magistrate: Added +2 to Phantasm.

  • Crown of Peshkov: Added +2 to Laws of Hope.

  • Quetzalcoatl: Now it grants +1 to all Witch Doctor skills. Bonuses to Soul Harvest removed. Added +2 to Decrepify. Added +2 to Electrocute to the mythical version.
    New mythical modifier - Electrocute → 100% Lightning damage converted to Vitality | 60 Vitality damage | 6% attack damage converted to health.

  • Mythical Mask of the Scarlet Death: Added +3 to Summon Gargantuan

  • Stormcrow: Added +2 to Cyclone. Added +2 to Bounding Light to the mythical version. Added new item skill ↓
    Stormcrow’s Flight → Summon the Stormcrow to fly through enemies, dealing lightning damage and reducing their lightning resistance for a few seconds.

  • Mythical Mask of the Swami: Added +3 to Slash and +2 to Iron Skin. Added 2 new modifiers ↓
    Modifier - Slash → 100% Physical damage converted to Elemental | 150 electrocute damage over 3 seconds | 150% frostburn damage over 3 seconds.
    Modifier - Iron Skin → 300% Elemental/Frostburn/Electrocute/Burn damage | 30% crit damage.

  • Archmage’s Vicalyke: Added +3 to Mystic Ally. Added +3 to Heaven’s Fury to the mythical version.

  • Visage of Gunes: Added +3 to Wave of Force and +3 to Magic Weapon.

  • Darklight: Bonuses to Condemn and Punish removed. Added bonuses to Shield Bash, Wave of Light and Heaven’s Fury.

  • Mythical Jace’s Hammer of Vigilance: Added +2 to Wave of Light and +2 to Furious Charge. Added new modifier ↓
    Modifier - Furious Charge → 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning | 50% weapon damage.

  • Torch of the Grand Temple: Now it grants +2 to all Monk skills. Added +4 to Slash to all versions and +4 to Cleave to the mythical version.
    Modifier - Wave of Light → Burn damage increased from 240 to 660 over 3 seconds. Added 100 Fire damage | 100% Physical and Lightning damage converted to Fire.

  • Wrath of the Bone King: Now it grants +2 to all Necromancer skills. Added +4 to Spirit Barrage to its mythical version.

  • Codex of Isendra: Added +3 to Decrepify to the empowered and mythical versions.

  • Winter’s Flurry: Added +3 to Cyclone Strike. Removed bonuses to Black Ice.

  • Shukrani’s Triumph: Added +2 to Bone Spirit. Removed bonuses to Spirit Vassel.

  • Band of the Rue Chambers: Removed bonuses to Crippling Wave. Added +2 to Condemn. Added +2 to Justice and Dashing Strike to its mythical version only.

  • Mythical Arcstone: Added +2 to Thunderclap.

  • Convention of Elements: Removed bonuses to Astral Presence. Added +2 to Cyclone Strike. Added +2 to Smite to its mythical version only.

  • Mythical Elusive Ring: Removed bonuses to Shadow Glide. Added +2 to Unstable Anomaly.

  • Mythical Scepter of Chiroptera: Removed bonuses to Firebomb. Added +2 to Meteor.

  • Mythical Kassar’s Retribution: Removed bonuses to Burst. Added +2 to Dashing Strike.

  • Mythical Solanium: Added +2 to Magic Missile.

  • Mythical Serpent Sparker: Removed bonuses to Black Hole. Added +2 to Mystic Ally.

  • Fallen Star: Added +2 to Sweeping Wind. Added +2 to Exploding Palm to its mythical version only.

  • Mythical Unstable Scepter: Added +2 to Mantra of Conviction. Removed bonuses to Scorching Spark.

  • Scepter of Woh: Added +2 to Slash. Removed bonuses to Blizzard.

  • Mythical Cindercoat: Added +2 to Earthquake.

  • Fate of the Fell: Now it grants +2 to all Crusader skills. Added flat Fire damage. Added +4 to Cyclone Strike to all versions and +4 to Mantra of Conviction to the mythical version.
    Mythical modifier - Mantra of Conviction → -10% Elemental resistence | 30 Fire damage | 30 Lightning damage.

  • Mythical Kyoshiro’s Blade: Added +2 to Smite.
    New modifier - Smite: 50 Fire damage | 12% Crit damage.

  • Fate’s Vow: Added +2 to Grim Scythe. Removed bonuses to Poison. Added bonuses to Decay and Frostburn.
    New granted skill - Freezing Grasp → Raise frost skeletons from the ground to fight by your side for 20 seconds. Player scaling pets.

  • Mythical Frydehr’s Wrath: Added +3 to Cyclone Strike.
    Modifier - Condemn → Now it converts the Physical damage to Fire.

  • Mythical Guard of Johanna: Added +3 to Wave of Light.

  • Mantle of Channeling: Added +2 to Sweeping Wind. Bonuses to Black Ice removed.

  • Corpsewhisper Pauldrons: Added +2 to Languish. Bonuses to Land of the Dead removed.

  • Death Watch Mantle: Added +2 to Frenzy. Bonuses to Assassin’s Knives removed.

  • Spaulders of Zakara: Added +2 to Breath of Heaven for all versions. Added +3 to Inner Sanctuary for the mythical version. Bonuses to Akarat’s Champion removed.


Patch 3.6 reuploaded with the following changes:

  • Fixed the texture borders of the Cinderskin Coat armor.
  • Now Hero Monsters from Bounty Quests of Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods also drop Forgotten Souls.
  • Reduced the damage of Arcane Orb. Duration of the DoT from Scorching Spark increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Reduced the knockdown chance of Arcane Orbit.
  • Updated several Crusader’s 2h weapons with changes from latest GD patches.
  • Now Spite and Blazerush can be converted into Crusader’s 1h weapons.
  • Hungering Shot’s damage slightly reduced. Added 4-56% modifier to Cold damage.
  • Added 25 energy cost to Impactful Wave.

Download it here. Link updated on the official page as well.


Can Call of the Ancients be changed back to semi permanent with the set? It’s super annoying now and it only requires 2 set in d3 to be permanent.

I agree to the nerf of electrocute but man ima miss standing in the middle of no where to spark everything to death :cry: hopefully she’s still good enough.I know my wiz hits like a truck but every class has a weakness and her’s are low defense.

  • Demon Hunter reworked
  • Buffs to: Punish | Rain of Vengeance | Wave of Light | Grim Scythe | Slash
  • Nerfs to: Energy Armor | Bone Armor | Chakram

WARNING : With Demon Hunter character, respec any skillpoints you have invested on Rapidfire before installing this new version, otherwise you will lose them.

Patch 3.7 is available now. Click on the image to download it.


Patch Notes 3.7


  • Fixed an issue where the glow texture from Crystal Fist was missing.
  • Fixed an issue where Spite, Blazerush and Trag’Oul’Fang couldn’t be converted to one-handed versions.
  • Fixed an issue where the name and description of Chantodo’s Will scepter was messed up.
  • Fixed some information on the description text of Decrepify.


  • Gears of Dreadlands: Strafe → Now it shoots 3 projectiles while using the normal version of the set and 4 projectiles while using the mythical one. Damage slightly reduced. Distance and speed of projectiles increased.
  • Immortal King’s Call: Call of the Ancients - Modifier: Now it grants 5 minutes extra living time to summoned Ancients.
  • Raiment of the Jade Harvester:
    • Health increased on chest and shoulder pieces.
    • Head modifier | Soul Harvest → Removed Cold bonuses. Added 120 vitality damage.
    • Set modifier | Soul Harvest→ Vitality damage removed. Added 150 Cold damage. Frostburn damage increased from 600 over 3 seconds to 1250 over 5 seconds.
  • Raiment of a Thousand Storms:
    • Set modifier | Wave of Light → Now it also reduces the cooldown by 1 second.
  • Trag’Oul’s Avatar:
    • Set modifier | Bone Spear → Life steal increased from 8% to 10%.
  • Pestilence Master’s Shroud:
    • Set modifier | Bone Spear → Poison damage removed. Now it adds 2 projectiles to Bone Spear.
  • Grace of Inarius: Fixed an issue with the Bone Spikes modifier.
    • Head modifier | Bone Spikes → No longer adds 1 second cooldown. Added 36 Cold damage | 300 Frostburn damage over 3 seconds.
    • Set modifier | Bone Spikes → Former modifier of the head piece. Now it properly increases the Total Damage of Bone Spikes by 70% and adds 1 second cooldown to it.


  • Epic Items: Some low level items no longer grants +1 to certain skills. Now all of them grants 2 skill points.
  • Epic 2h Crossbows: Crossbows that granted +2 to all Demon Hunter skills on Empowered and Mythical versions now also grant this bonuses on their normal versions. Granted skillpoints were increased from 3 to 4 on some crossbows.
  • Pox Faulds: Added support to Vitality damage to all versions.
  • Mythical Pox Faulds: Added 5% chance to avoid melee attacks.
  • Empowered Augustine’s Legguards: Added +2 to Meteor.
  • Shame of Delsere: Added +2 to Charged Blast and +2 to Smite.
  • Hellcat Waistguard: Added +2 to Firebats to the Empowered and Mythical versions.
  • Chain of Shadows: Added +2 to Entangling Shot to the normal version.
  • Kyoshiro Soul: Added +2 to Whirlwind to the normal version.
  • Ironheart Chestguard: Added +2 to Iron Impact.
  • Balance: Skillpoints to Wave of Light increased from 2 to 4. Added +4 to Breath of Heaven to the Empowered and Mythical versions.
  • Ashbringer: Now it grants +2 to all skills on Monk and Crusader. Added +4 to Wave of Force to the Mythical version.
  • Blade of Prophecy: All skillpoints granted by the item were increased from 3 to 4.
  • Corpsewhisper Pauldrons: Added +2 to Leech to the Empowered version. Added +2 to Draining Spirit to the Mythical version.
  • Razeth’s Pauldrons: Added +2 to Blighted Marrow to Empowered and Mythical versions.
  • Mythical Grasp of Essence: Added +2 to Dark Reaping.
  • Demon Machine:: Added +4 to Furious Charge to its Mythical version.
  • Kridershot: Bonus burn duration reduced from 150% to 100%. Added +4 to Meteor. Added new modifier to Meteor on its mythical version → 3 seconds cooldown | 120% Total Damage.
  • Voo’s Juicer: Manitou’s casting speed increased.
  • Kyoshiro’s Blade: Bonuses to physical damage removed. Added bonuses to Burn damage.
  • Mythical Kyshiro’s Blade: Modifier - Wave of Light → Lightning damage increased from 75 to 120.
  • Mythical Tzo Krin’s Gaze: Modifier - Wave of Light → Electrocute damage removed. Added 150% Increased Electrocute damage.
  • Blade of the Warlord: Now it can be converted to a Crusader’s 1h Weapon.
  • Mythical Gelmindor’s Marrow Handguards: Modifier - Bone Spear → Weapon damage and Crit damage removed. Added 30 Acid damage and 300 poison damage over 3 seconds.
  • Maltorious Petrifying Spike: Modifier - Bone Spear → Acid damage removed. Added 10% weapon damage. Crit damage reduced from 25% to 16%.
  • Harvest Moon: Modifier - Spectral Blade → Weapon damage increased from 40% to 55%.
  • Soulsmasher: Modifier - Spectral Blade → No longer converts Fire to Vitality, instead it converts 100% Elemental damage to Vitality, since Spectral Blade now has all the Elemental DoT’s. Aether damage increased from 100 to 160.
    Modifier - Grim Scythe → Aether damage increased from 70 to 80. Now it reduces all resistances of enemies by 26 over 5 seconds.

Some Tier 9 skills now have a fixed cooldown:

  • Archon → 60 seconds.
  • Vengeance → 56 seconds.
  • Akarat’s Champion → 55 seconds.
  • Wrath of the Berserker → 60 seconds.
  • Epiphany → 55 seconds.


  • Electrocute: Energy cost scaling reduced at regular ranks.
  • Chain Lightning: Additional energy cost increased. Weapon damage reduced at regular ranks. Electrocute damage increased.
  • Lightning Blast: Lightning damage slightly increased.
  • Energy Armor: Damage absorption reduced from 20-200 to 20-146. Total damage absorption you can get with ultimate ranks reduced from 400 to 346.


  • Chakram: Damage reduced. Reduction to target’s damage removed.
  • Thrill of the Hunt: Now it also reduces target’s damage for 3 seconds. No longer affects Multishot.
  • Rapidfire: Removed. Now it’s just Ballistics ultimate bonus.
  • Ballistics: Moved to Tier 2. Ultimate bonus changed ↓
    Rapidfire → Attack Speed is increased by 15%.
  • Perfectionist: Changed back to a single passive. Added an ultimate bonus ↓
    Sharpshooter → Critical damage is increased by 20%.
  • Shadow Power: Added 12-144 Offensive Ability.
    Blood Moon → No longer grants life steal. Now increases healing effects by 15%.
  • Hungering Shot: Max rank reduced from 16 to 12 (Cold damage at max rank unchanged). Charges from Devouring Shots now lasts for 3 seconds and damage multiplier scales up to 25% at max rank and 40% at ultimate ranks.
  • Scatter Shot: Added Lightning damage. Electrocute damage increased.
  • Elemental Strike: Max rank reduced from 16 to 12 (Fire damage at max rank unchanged).
  • Immolation Shot: Now the blazing ground also burns enemies over 3 seconds. Fire damage scaling increased.
  • Ball Lightning: Number of projectiles increased from 3 to 4. Lightning damage increased.
  • Rain of Vengeance: Pierce damage greatly increased. Bleeding damage reduced.
  • Flying Strike: No longer increases pierce damage, now it increases the total damage dealt by 135%.
  • Multishot: Weapon damage scaling reduced from 20-35% to 15-25%.
    Supression Fire → Chance to knockdown reduced from 15% to 10%.
  • Arsenal: Crit damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.


  • Harmony: Bonus max elemental resistance reduced.
  • Mystic Ally: Auras changed ↓
    Fire Ally → No longer grants Freeze resistance, now it reduces Burn duration up to 30%.
    Water Ally → No longer grants Slow resistance, now it grants Freeze resistance instead.
  • Alacrity: Ultimate bonus changed ↓
    Momentum → Gain 30% Slow Resistance.
  • Wave of Light: Damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Empowered Wave: Electrocute and Internal Trauma damage increased.


  • Bone Armor: Damage absorption reduced from 8-82 to 5-60. Physical resistance at max rank reduced from 12% to 10%.
  • Corpse Explosion: Moved to Tier 7. Now it only works with Grim Scythe. Acid damage removed. Added Cold damage.
  • Frenzy: Moved to Tier 8 just to adjust the skills allocation. Bonuses to all damage and critical damage increased.
  • Death Nova: Weapon damage scaling increased at early ranks, however the total you get at max rank was reduced from 70% to 60%.
  • Blight: Poison damage increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Commander of the Dead: Aberrant Animator no longer grants physical retaliation to pets. Now it grants 100% resistance to Confusion and Mind Control effects.
  • Grim Scythe: Weapon damage increased at higher ranks. Description now shows that you gain “Blood Scythe” after reaching Rank 16 ↓
    Blood Scythe → 5% of the damage dealt is converted to your health.
  • Cursed Scythe: Vitality decay damage reduced at early ranks and increased at higher ranks.
  • Dark Reaping: Aether damage increased.


  • Slash: Fire damage reduced. Weapon damage increased.
  • Crush: Physical damage reduced at ultimate ranks. Burn damage scaling increased at regular ranks and very increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Punish: Weapon damage increased at higher ranks. Internal trauma damage increased.
  • Fury: Electrocute damage scaling increased at higher ranks and very increased at ultimate ranks.