[Mod] Grim Armory

You won’t break your game, but you will remove the main reason to be running GrimArmory. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve confirmed the presence of this issue. Working on identifying why it occurred - to see if anything else might be affected.

For now, if you’d like to ‘patch’ this yourself, adding the following to the end of the DeathHooks script file (and rebuilding your mod) should resolve this issue:

function gd.DeathHooks.chthonianrylok_ekketzul(objectID)
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But items dropping are determined in loottable files or am i mistaking here?

Augury cards drop directly from enemy files, not from loottables.

Yep, path opens now as it should, thanks!

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Okay… xD Another onDie event lost, lever is not interractible after killing boss here.

Well you’ll be happy to know I’ve identified the triggering problem.

You’ll be less happy to know that I’ll need a bit to update the mod even still.

This issue occurs for any enemies who have a quest trigger behind them AND who are present in the Shattered Realm as unique boss spawns. There are 33 such problem cases.

It’s an odd edge-case which actually only occurs because of some code I wrote to facilitate modding as a whole. Working on adjusting that code currently.

function gd.DeathHooks.aetherialcolossus_gatekeeper(objectID)

Fixed this one, but yeah, i noticed that it was 2nd quest trigger in row already.

Version 1.5 Hotfix 3


  • Fixed another progression blocker involving a specific subset of 33 enemies.
  • Fixed an issue in which some traps were displaying healthbars on certain game settings.
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Yet another Hotfix has been released for Grim Armory Version 1.5:

Version 1.5 Hotfix 4


  • Fixed an animation issue preventing spinning skills (i.e., Eye of Reckoning) from being used.