[Mod] Grim Dawn, But 69 Summon Limit

All summon skills in the game are modified, allowing them to reach their full potential of 69 summon limit.
Cooldowns, # of summons and pet life time adjusted across the board and scale with skill level.

I would mention the one exception with skeletons, but no one reads isntructions anyway.

Up to date for GD 1.2 , but will work on any version.

  1. More Enemy Summons: 69SummonLimit.zip - Google Drive

  2. No Extra Enemy Summons Version: 69SummonLimit_Normal.zip - Google Drive

Installation: Move the contents of the archive to the “mods” folder in your GD install location

A taste of what is to come: https://imgur.com/a/ZqgAz7n
Twitch Clip - Tutorial Fight



Goodbye framerate.

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lol this is nuts just started with Cablist. & yes I do read so what is different about the Necro class? As said havent gotten far.
Theres one thing I can suggest right away. You know how skels have a count on the bottom left? I suggest doing that for each pet. I know it can be done other modders have. I already have more pets that can be listed on the left edge of the screen so I dont know their count.
I dont know if its possible but I have vision problems & reading the little skel count at the bottom can be hard for me. I would love to see a pet banner for each type (and only one) on the left but with a big number on it so you know how many of each type you have.
& another thing I always ask on mods bigger stash. Im a pack rat.

Edit: Noticed the count on the Blights did you add that or vanilla? cant remember

How long did it take to get all of those screenshots :joy:. +1 mod for the funsies.

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Bruh that’s like a pet shelter and even the hardest pc would crumble with this mod :grin:.I don’t have a slow pc and i would tell you i won’t run that flawlessly :smiley:

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It was a sacrafice that had to be made, along with balance and sanity.

Getting the screenshots was not that bad. Felt like no time because it was so hilarious :rofl: . It was things like finetunning some of the skills, because the pets were to chubby to spawn in tight spaces with the original number I had assigned.

For sure. You dont have to summon all of the pets, even 1 round will give you 7-11 times more pets than intended. But where is the fun in that :rofl:

Yeah I was testing you :slight_smile: . Skeleton numbers scale with the modifier, not the base skill like the rest.
I did add counts for most of the skills, unfortunately some like the hellhounds and birds did not quit work, I will revisit that see what is happening.
Unfortunately I dont think that pet UI change can be done.


I agree this mod is just for fun.have 100 critters are always fun.I can remember for tq there was a legion mod that focused on summons but not to this scale :grin:.Personally i love summons.They can get tricky when on a mod like dom.Imagine this mod incorporated into grimmilion or dawn of masters and having 69 earth golems :joy:

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Sounds like a mod that could go well with NBA Shamblers :smirk:


I made the mistake of just reading & not watching the little video. If you didnt catch on, mobs that can summon are going to summon alot. Bosses that summon are going to kick your butt. I tried doing strange key on veteran wow talk about nasty. I meant to take a snapshot of Cronley but didnt have time lol. Strange it wasnt as tough as I thought it would be. I guess I had enough pets by then. In strange key on vet they died too fast & couldnt resummon fast enough.
Anyway this mod is fun. I do hope he figures out how to do the count of pets bottom left I know there is a way.


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Updated Mod:

  • all pets should now display as counter in bottom left, instead of flooding the left side ( not Reap Spirit)
  • set aggressive stand as fefault.

@Violesta Oh yeah, that Cronley fight is something magical :rofl: . I laughed for probably an hour, when I saw GroundZero fight him

Whoa so enemy summons also go up to 69?
Some enemy fights suddenly become wild haha! :rofl:

TY so much for counters. & yea I tried to get a picture again in the key dungeon but wasnt fast enough. lol it wasnt even a fair fight. Note my evil grin.

Edit: hmm counters not there for me. Am I missing a patch Im not seeing a separate download. I even did a clean install no counters for my occulist pets.

Already half baby spiders are dead lol. There was alot.

You are right.

Looks like I added a test file instead of the latest mod file :rofl: . Should be ok now.

lol it works great

On to elite

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Need another crazy picture? I Died. I think it miiigghhttt be because I COULDNT FREAKING MOVE. lol.


Never mind moving i can’t see :grin:

:eyes: :scream: :rofl:


Anyway we could talk you into making temp pets permanent? that would be awesome. Really like this mod for chilling out & blasting through things.

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Wow cant believe its nov already. Was hoping to get version not only with temp pets being perm but can you tone down the spawns its just too much on bosses especially.