[Mod] Grim Harvest - Boss & Crowd Multiplier + Boss Respawn

Thanks! Swapping the paths worked. I’m on the second step, I launched the game with the mod but in the GrimHarvest mod folder, there’s only trasmutes.gst, no formula.gst. When I went to custom game I didn’t see the Eldritch character, did I do something wrong?

Side note, is there some place I can donate to you?

EDIT: So I ran the command and it said the link was created and I see the formulas.gst in the GrimHarvest mod folder but when I start the game and go to Custom Game I don’t see the character, or am I misunderstanding how it’s supposed to work?

C:\Windows\System32>mklink /D “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\user_Eldritch” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\main_Eldritch”
symbolic link created for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\user_Eldritch <<===>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\main_Eldritch

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\GrimHarvest\formulas.gst” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\formulas.gst”
symbolic link created for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\GrimHarvest\formulas.gst <<===>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\84600902\219990\remote\save\formulas.gst

Looks like the commands work. Must not work well / at all with cloud saves then.

This is an alternative way to play main campaign characters with mods if you are really keen on that

Thank you for the info. I think I’ll just convert my saves to local saves instead as your method seems less complex lol.

Not sure if you missed it in the previous message but can I donate to you? Buy you a cup of coffee or a beer? Appreciate your assistance!

Hope local saves finally work out!

As for donations, I am not accepting any currently.

Does Hard-modding work for this mod?

I tried to hard-mod, but it doesn’t want to work for me.

i tried with only the database (renamed the mod), didn’t work.
I tried adding template arc, didnt work either.
I also added the remaining arc files from “resources” folder, didnt work.



It should be hard moddable just like any other mod.

Thanks, It works now.
Don’t know why it didn’t before =)

How about increasing the Hero mob pool, like the mod Grimmest?

I have no intention on expanding on this further for the time being.

Small fix:

  • Extra nemesis respawn up to level 100 to be inline with 1.2

“Set to Journalist Mode”

What mode is this? Never heard of it before.

It is a joke mode that makes the game easier. Basically reverse of Veteran.

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hi, first time using mods, from my understanding, if I want to play with this mod in Multiplayer, both host and guest need to have the mods installed, is that correct? If I install the mod and play single only, then can I still goes on another char and play in Multiplayer vanilla?

You are correct on both points.

Hi, this mod is simply fantastic and had changed the way to play Grim Dawn for me. However, Nemesis doesn’t seem to spawn with this mod, would be funny to fight 13 nemesis at once lol.

How would one play this mod and the Lightweight Speed Leveling mod (L version) at the same time?

There’s a tutorial to combine mods:

However it won’t work with these 2 mods as they alter the same files.
Can anyone help please?

Faster Leveling(N)+Grim Harvest.7z (yandex)
Faster Leveling(N)+Grim Harvest.7z (mega)

Usage: Unzip to Grim Dawn\mods\