[MOD] Hairstylist - a barber in town!

hello, im unable due to work to keep udpating the mods, ill try to be back at it as fast as possible, i have no idea what could cause clipping and other issues in hairstylist, as the mod itself doesnt add anything new that wasnt in game already, it just gives acces to npc hairstyles via making them “helmet illusions”, so its exactly the hairstyles that are already in game, but once i get back to it, ill try to check and fix everything that can be fixed

I think you only need to restart or reload your game to fully apply the illusions. This also happens on modded equips.

Nice mod .
Wanted to merge this one with other mods(Grimarillion is one of them) but some of them already merged it and it is awesome.

A small request if i may , i want to create a Seraphim class and if you want to create the classic Sraphim hairstyle would be awesome

Also face tattos would be a great thing .

Thank you for creating this mod and keep up the good work .

This mod is already included in grimarillion, I helped Mendez with some of the development so it only made sense to merge it as well.

As for new hairstyles, the ones Mendez added are already a part of the game, he didn’t add new ones just enabled ones that npcs used

Correct me if I’m wrong but if you use this mod don’t you lose the all the attributes on the helm the character was wearing - at least that’s what seemed to happen when I tried the mod.

Uhh no. The hairstyles can be used at the illusionist which has no effect on your helmets stats. If you use the hairstyles as helmets of course you lose your stats, they aren’t meant to be equipped.

Ha - so that’s what I was doing wrong :upside_down_face:

I don’t know if this mod is still supported or just totally dead now, but how easy would it be to have it combine more easily with [MOD] Change the character appearance patch for Grim Dawn v1.1.9.X(GDx2)? I’ve tried on my own but the mod system is both odd to me, and the mods are packaged differently from one another.

Is it also possible to update this mod to the newer version? Playing on it caused the SFX of Ulzuin’s Chosen to not play when proccing, and there seem to be vanilla hairstyles in the game and DLC not included as options from this mod

I used this mod for years. Grim Dawn is such a good game, I didn’t feel the need for any other mods. So yeah, used this for years with no problems as regards patches. 1.2 has messed it up. The game no longer works properly with it. Any chance of this getting an update to be 1.2 compatible?

Update: Works with GD, Adaptive character UI.

Hairstylist_v102_for_GD_1202.zip (260.5 KB)

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Character isnt bald and hair clips through. Any way to fix it?

What does it mean?

Hairstylist_v102_for_GD_12XX.zip (77.2 KB)

I am effectively new to the game, so please bear with me as I ask these questions.

If the [Hairstylist_v102_for_GD_12XX.zip is installed directly into the mod folder should it work, or does it first require another mod?

I have searched for ‘Adaptive Character UI’ without success, could someone please tell me where I can find it?

Does this mod still only work with a fresh custom game?

Many thanks