[Mod] Nydiamar

I think you mean that glowing thing one can see in the attachments here. They suddenly appeared after a game update, and I already removed these in my upcoming update.

You are not supposed to interact with them. They are basically ‘Dungeon Entrances’ that are (supposed to be) invisible. They are either an exit point with no way back or have a script line attached to them that gets their current coordinates, which are used to make things appear/spawn later, for example reward chests.

i’m just here to say “thank you” for this mod.

Thank You Very Much Van Houck.

Does this work with Forgotten Gods?

Does it change anything in the game other then adding areas?


I assume it does, but things like new faction merchants are not in yet.

It’s a separate campaign and not connected to the actual main campaign. Differences are …

… the progression is a bit faster due to higher drop rates and overall rewards (including levels).
… a different Devotion Points and Faction Reputation (instantly at max) progression, which will change in the next update.
… few new custom items and a new enemy.

Besides that it’s mostly the same. No item or skill changes, for example.

Thank you for the reply, I like this mod.

Looking forward to changes 8 and 9!

Rollback got my latest post. Here’s a shorter repost.

I’m probably done by 95% (only environments) with the Faction Arena so far.

Faction Hub

Here are all Faction Merchants located, as well as other useful NPCs and the entrance to the Faction Arena.

First part, Arena

7 rooms (these are basically small arenas/fighting pits, but I will call them rooms for now).

Second part, Sandstone Ruins

10 rooms. Two boss fights.

Third part, Volcanic Ruins

7+1 rooms. Each room will have multiple encounters/waves of enemies. Optional (random) Nemesis encounter. Optional (hidden) trap room.

Features of the Faction Arena

… Receive Faction Tokens as a reward for completing each part. There are common, rare and valuable Faction Tokens. These can be exchanged for Faction Reputation or Loot Spheres (basically Hero Spheres you drop from killing heroes).

… Each part requires an entrance fee. After completing a part, for example the Arena, you have a choice - continue by paying another fee or return to the Hub, which guarantees Faction Tokens for all previously completed parts.

… Most encounters are randomized (but still moderated), including bosses.

… If I’m creative enough, each room may differ from each other - for example different encounters or challenges, like additional ground damage effects or mutators.

… Path is not chosen by the player, but randomly. If you are lucky, you may get the shortest path to the boss room.

… Extra time challenge. Complete the current part under a specific time limit, which expands with each room you enter. Rewards you with additional reward chests and Faction Tokens.

Some rework of old locations I have done so far inside the spoiler. I plan to eventually do a face lift for all current areas.


June/July should be doable for a release (sounds like a long time, but the update is incredibly time consuming for only one person to work on it right now), so stay tuned.

Man…this is beyond amazing

I have updated my last post with new and more recent pictures (added the Faction Hub and an overview for the last part of the arena). The dungeon is now fully done. I have also finished the script for it, which got 2300+ lines long. Probably because it’s awfully written.

Besides that, I have finished planning the last two Devotion Dungeons. The other ones can be seen here (at end of the post).

First Devotion Dungeon (out of six)

There’s a lectern in the middle. It lets you play a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-type story. If you encounter enemies during the story, they will spawn inside the arena. Should you encounter a shrine, then one will appear besides you. You still need materials to cleanse them, tho. In case you manage to get through the story fast enough, you may get the last Devotion Point(s) for free (so no requirements for you).

An example - Bandits are in front of you, blocking your way. You have the choice to listen to their conversation and eventually get some useful information, or to attack them directly. Attacking them directly makes the fight a lot harder, since the bandit leader and other crew members did not leave the scene yet. You will also get a key from the bandit leader which yields you another choice later on.
Overhearing the conversation yields you the information that one of the elevators is currently broken. Knowing this lets you repair the elevator later on, before using it (and eventually crashing it, which applies a debuff on you). Alternatively, you can use the stairs to the side of the elevator instead. But then you lose time, which is important to get the last points for free.

Last Devotion Dungeon (out of six)

You have to survive 8 waves of enemies. But there’s a twist - each wave spawns after a certain time, no matter how many enemies are still left. If you are too slow, you may get overwhelmed.
Each completed wave lights up a torch as a way to track your current progress.

This will be my last post about the update. Don’t have anything left to show. I may ask end of June for some help testing that whole thing before releasing it.

Impressive work ! I had the impression that I was playing another game :slight_smile:

I just have a problem with teleports : I cannot use them as there are none on the map, even after discovering 2 of them. Only “?” are shown.

I have to go to the main menu and start again from the begining each time I want to take another quest for example :cry:

Do you mean the riftgates on the world map? I recently tested them and they were working for me. Maybe this helps: DO NOT load my mod after having played a different one (including the entry NydiamarMainCampaign) before without restarting the game first. Basically, if you switch mods, restart the game.

But I actually recommend you to just wait till I release the next update. My mod will then be a whole better and more fleshed out experience than it currently is!

Oh man this helped me a ton, I was so confused as to why the rift-gates weren’t working :smiley:

Hey Great mod! I’ve been able to play through it a few times & I made a little video to help introduce people to beginning the mod with a review! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDi837ovxeM&t

I really love what’s available so far, it really does feel like a whole new game and I’m super excited for the next updates.

Hey! Thank you very much for doing a video about my mod! Well done and it got everything covered people should know about. If you don’t mind, I will link to it in the OP.

I will address a few things.

You criticized the frequent message pop-ups from the fetch quests, which is indeed incredible annoying. But I just got a great idea I never thought of to fix this! Such a fix also enables me to easily add new bounties, for example Kill 10 Heroes or Destroy 100 Urns. Should make them less boring.

The difficulty curve should be a bit better with the next update, especially since I will add a new starting area and more loot to start out with, so the player won’t need to buy/craft everything.

About the Transition area (the foggy one) and not seeing ground effects. I went ahead and reduced the fog density to see how it would look like, and it actually looks a lot better, since you got all the nice looking water reflections and shadows thrown on the high grass by light sources. I might need to redo the ground textures, now that you can actually see the ground, but this should not take longer than 5 minutes.

At last, it might be that you did not reach the Ashes (final area), since it was never shown in your video (which is fine, don’t spoil too much). The progression (where to go) is not quite obvious in the Snowy Landscape (and therefore easy to miss), and people might think, since the mod is incomplete, that it currently just ends nowhere - but it actually has an end. Should you have stopped playing in the Snowy Landscape, then there’s still some content (~15%) left.

Hey! I wouldn’t mind it being on the OP at all, I’m glad you liked it.

I’m happy to see that what small problems I did have with the mod are being fixed!

Best of luck.

Thank you so much! The mod sounds amazing! I’m currently waiting for the update in the end of the month to play, can’t wait ^^ (don’t want to rush you tho) hahah

Just checking in to see how’s the work on the mod going?

Update 8: Relaunch

4+ New Locations / 16 New Environments

New Location — A Dream

You take a short nap and dream about a somewhat familiar place.

New Location — Devotion

Devotion is the central location from where you can access each of the six unique Devotion Dungeons.

New Location — Devotion Dungeons

All Devotion Shrines are hidden inside these dungeons, and each one offers you a new challenge to overcome.

Adventurous Cavern

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure through a dialog with over 3500 words.

Sacred Halls

Cold Ruins

Run through spikes!

Illusionary Dungeon

Find the actual shrines.

Overrun Fields

Clear the area and face the final encounter.

Scorched Grounds

Survive all waves — but with a twist! Each wave will spawn after a certain time, even if the previous wave still exists. If a wave is cleared, a torch will light up.

New Location — Siegmar’s Landing / Faction Centre

For whatever reason, all Faction Merchants are gathered here.

New Location — Siegmar’s Challenge / Faction Arena (Rogue-Like Dungeon)

A new Rogue-Like Dungeon that is split up into three different parts. Fight through small arenas against many random encounters until you eventually arrive at the final arena to battle one - or maybe two - boss(es). Each part increases in difficulty and the path leading to its end is at least a bit randomized. For an extra challenge, you may also take on the Time Challenge by completing each part in a timely manner.

Part I

Part II

Part III

New Location — Sanctuary (Rogue-Like Dungeon)

The entrance to this new Rogue-Like Dungeon is hidden away near the Entrance to the Catacombs. Vanishing Keys are scattered around the dungeon and required to unlock tiered reward areas. And if you feel like it, you may as well curse yourself.

Swampy Graves

Thick Forest



Reworked Existing Location — Nehada Desert & Ancient Ruins

Visually fully reworked the whole area.

Comparison to Previous Version

New Mechanics

  • Main Quest
    • This quest acts as a guide and tutorial. Reading the quest description might yield you useful information.
  • 6 Divined Devotion Spheres
    • Hidden somewhere inside the world. Find and pop them to unlock each Devotion Dungeon.
  • 8 Attribute & Skill Shrines
    • These can be found scattered around the world. Cleansing them gets you a Tome that can be exchanged for Attribute & Skill Points.
  • Faction Tokens & Tickets
    • The Faction Tickets are used as an entrance fee for the Faction Arena. Faction Tokens are used to level up each faction and are rewarded upon completion of the Faction Arena or through level-up rewards.
  • Material Merchants
    • These sell every material available in the game. Chances are you can’t actually get all possible materials through my mod, since some monsters or bosses might be missing. The merchants offer a very expensive way to still acquire them.
  • Bounties (Reworked)
    • Added 5 new bounty objectives. Doing the objective, for example smashing urns, you now get so called Bounty Tokens. These are tokens you hold inside your inventory. Should you get enough of them, the bounty completes itself. No more pop-ups.
  • Nydar Mode
    • I have added a simple buff to make the mod easier. You are not supposed to use it — and because of this, you need to enable it through the console.

Read more about these mechanics here!

New Quests

  • Hawton Mine — Stolen Supplies
  • Strange Well — Investigation: Strange Well
  • Tomb — An Once Forgotten Legend

Reworked Quest Rewards

New Items

  • Loot-Spheres
    • You can pop these to get their contents. There are many different variations, and while you mostly get them as a reward, you might as well drop them occasionally from chests.
  • Experience Scrolls
    • Increases the experience you gain for a short duration.
  • Stash Scrolls
    • Spawns a stash right at you. Don’t get crushed.
  • Divine Crystals
    • Grants you a powerful buff for some time. These are a possible reward in Sanctuary.

A New Soundtrack (10+ titles)

Changes to Existing Environments

  • Completely Reworked Nehada Desert & Ancient Ruins
  • Prelude — Refined ground textures
  • Edge of Eternity — Reworked the atmosphere, more diverse weather
  • Cruesle Canyon — Reworked the cliff, which is now accessible
  • Flooded Mountain Woods — Lowered the cliffs for a better view
  • Strange Well — Refined ground textures
  • Transition Part I — Removed the fog, refined ground textures

Changes to Existing Content

  • Completely reworked all dialog with coloring and a better structure
  • Completely reworked all level-up rewards
  • Balanced encounters — Lowered overall difficulty in the starting areas; Limited the level enemies can go up to on each difficulty; Higher level offset in late-game areas and challenge dungeons
    • Hawton Mine — Added additional spawns to the boss fight
    • Strange Well — Final fight has slightly more spawns
    • Tomb — New scripted encounter before final fight
    • Odul Aela’s Dungeon — Reworked some encounters, now slightly more difficult
    • Ashes — You can now encounter Salazar (required for a recipe); Increased difficulty of the optional additional encounters for the final fight
  • Reworked the unique armor I’m Attractive, as well as added a long duration version — You can now actually build an army
  • Changed up the boring Necklace Quest a bit
  • Fixes — Opened doors still blocking the path (Hawton Mine & Odul Aela’s Dungeon); Ashes final fight not working after dying once and reentering; Enya’s Vision teleporters not working correctly; Odul Aela’s Dungeon rewards given even if the player died; No more duplicated blueprints

And countless other minor changes . . .

I want to sincerely apologize for the silence. Besides being burned out, I also had other things to deal with first. Fortunately, I had quite some surge of motivation, so I got back on it. Again, I’m really sorry for whoever anticipated an update of the mod.

A full play-through on Normal should now take 7 to 10 hours. I think I might have overtuned the difficulty of some parts, so feedback about this would be appreciated.

I’m also considering porting all my environments over to the main campaign. They would act as new Rogue-Like Dungeons that you can find randomly in the world. Rewards will be tuned down to match the rest of the game. Currently counting them I come up to potentially 15 new dungeons — so ~2 per act, but I would probably scatter them more around the starting acts than the later ones. This would be a completely new mod that expands the main game.

That’s all. Enjoy playing.

Follow the instructions from the Main Thread!


Patch 1

New Location — Underground Fortress (Extension)

This is a really small hub where you can find several merchants that sell each available Legendary Item (High-Level) in the game. The area has an entrance fee of 750 000 Iron Bits and 5 Skeleton Keys — and the average price for each item scales to roughly 300 000 Iron Bits. You need to be level 85 to access it.

Unfortunately I realised that adding all Epic Items would take way too long and probably require me to add more than 10 new merchants (to overall 18). So I will leave them out. This also means that a Level 100 Play-Through doesn’t make much sense anymore if you can’t buy proper equipment, therefore I might scrap my plans for it.

Difficulty Merits

You get Difficulty Merits as a reward upon completion of this mod. You could now level a character through Normal and Elite, take the merit(s), then switch over to the main campaign and continue playing on Ultimate the way you normally would do.

You can get a merit only once per play-through. Normal gets you one to skip Normal; Elite gets you one to skip Normal and Elite. The merit does not work for Nydiamar.

Here's a short guide about how to move your modded character to the main campaign
  1. Go to “Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save”.
  2. Copy your character from the “user”-directory to the “main”-directory. Make sure you don’t already have a same-named character in “main” / Don’t overwrite anything.
  3. Download this useful tool.
  4. Now open the tool, navigate to the “Char Editor” tab, select your character (the one in “main”) through the drop-down menu and remove the “In Mod” flag. Afterwards save your character.
  5. Your character will now appear in the character select list (Main Campaign) in-game — load into Normal and use the Difficulty Merit to unlock the difficulties.

Do not use the Difficulty Merit while being in Nydiamar — it won’t work and will be wasted!

Keep in mind that you will end up with more Attribute and Skill Points than intended. Nydiamar gets you (in case you complete everything) the same amount of points as the main campaign (doing every quest). You might end up with 8 Attribute and 11 Skill Points more than you should.

You will also lose all Nydiamar specific items, and therefore won’t be able to play this mod again with the same character.

Other Changes

  • Fixed the repeated/bugged encounters in Part III of the Faction Arena — This is really hard to reproduce, so I can’t be sure - it still might happen occasionally
  • Fixed the Treasure Trove not taking 1 Dynamite from the player
  • Rebalanced the Juggernaut Curse in Sanctuary — It now drastically increases your survivability but reduces your Total Speed and Damage
  • The Level 45 Head-Start now awards you 10 Devotion Points for a better start

Patch can be played with characters created in Update 8.

Follow the instructions from the Main Thread!

Excellent mod, love the environment atmosphere.

I find it difficult at times with pathfinding and I’m not sure if it’s a design choice but the lack of stars (or other marker) for the quest objectives (particularly when they’re not far away) is frustrating.

Thanks for your hard work.