[Mod] Nydiamar

Update 13

Ah, I have been expecting you …

New Location — Shady Woods & Fields

Intended to open up the beginning a bit — It is quite small and unimpressive compared to all other areas I have added through updates so far, but I actually did not even plan to add one in Update 13, so better than nothing.

Shady Woods

Small area that expands the Abandoned House.

Shady Fields

A large boss arena! Fight Wardens — not one, but many of them. Whenever you kill a Warden the first time, it splits into two. The same happens with Wardens resulted from the first split. Kill them all to unlock your reward.

Find a hidden trapdoor taking you directly to the Outpost (with some Dynamite), basically skipping a short part of the beginning. Key can be found inside a stump somewhere in the Shady Woods.

Changes to Existing Content

  • Updated Diablo 3 Classes mod to the most recent version
  • Added a Sound Effect for when a Beutekugel drops, as well as when you pop one
  • Renamed several NPCs to the same format as in Nydiamar Dungeons
  • Suspicious Scarecrows can now be found more often
    • When destroyed now has a certain chance to spawn One Punch Guy — Hunts you down very slowly; Can not die; One-shots you
  • Reduced the drop rate of Epic and Legendary Items — Before you were bombarded a bit too much with good loot, but now that there is plenty of content to do, I thought to reduce it a bit, but not by much
    • Chance to not drop an Epic or Legendary Item when you should is around 10% / 6%, instead you now drop a low rarity Beutekugel
  • Fixed a Main Quest bug
  • Fixed a scaling issue in Nightmare
  • Increased the level scaling of enemies
    • Enemies of Normal rarity +2
    • Enemies up to Champions rarity +1
  • You can now increase the difficulty on your own by modifying the files (check this post to see how) — You can adjust:
    • Enemy density
    • Level scaling of enemies
      • Change the value averagePlayerLevel+0 to whatever you want
    • Drop rate of Epic and Legendary Items (Undo the change from above)
      • Reduce the Weight of the last entry in both mastertables

Last update for a while, currently don’t have any major ideas of what I could add.

Enjoy. ~

Follow the instructions from the Opening Post!