No one asked for it, but here it is — A simple way to adjust the difficulty further.
Here’s how it works:
- Download .zip file
- Put the NydiamarDungeonsChangeDifficulty folder into your ‘mods’-directory
- Put the templates folder into your ‘database’-directory (in case you have not one yet)
- Open the AssetManager — Select NydiamarDungeonsChangeDifficulty — Make your changes under Database
- records/game/gameengine.dbr — Proxy Info: Lets you modify the enemy density
- Modify the third indexed value each time, which is for Ultimate
- records/proxies/* — Config: Lets you set the minimum level of enemies
- Change the value averagePlayerLevel+15 to what you want, e.g. averagePlayerLevel+0, keep the rest the same
- A lot faster if you just mass edit all files (‘Find and Replace’ in Notepad++) outside the AssetManager
- records/game/gameengine.dbr — Proxy Info: Lets you modify the enemy density
- Build the mod — Select ‘No To All’ when asked if you want to delete files
- Go to mods/NydiamarDungeonsChangeDifficulty/database/, rename NydiamarDungeonsChangeDifficulty.arz to NydiamarDungeons.arz, copy it to the actual mod folder and overwrite the old file
[Included in mod download, do no longer use the previous version]
NOTE: If you want to change the difficulty of Nydiamar Update 13 Patch 0 (with Diablo 3 Classes), you need to use the file Nydiamar/database/Nydiamar.arz instead of the provided one called Adjust the difficulty further/NydiamarChangeDifficulty/database/NydiamarChangeDifficulty.arz. Replace NydiamarChangeDifficulty.arz with the correct one, then do your thing. (The correct .arz must be 44MB, not 28MB.)