[Mod] Reign of Terror

You can find required info in the first post, I added link to RoT FAQ document there.

Is it the end of June yet?!?!?!?
Can’t blame me for trying!

If 15th is the definition of “end” then yeah.

Well you have to give me props for at least trying!
It just didn’t work…

Currently Dev testing 0.5.0 in MP session so if everything goes well then public test version should be available by the end of next week (link available only on RoT Discord) which leaves the official public release for last week of June (= end of June).

Sounds good.

Can’t wait! Just did a countess run and I’m already loving it.

Congrats mate for getting more visibility ,you deserve it !

Now for the GD content purpose on ROT, i said if my memory is good " do whatever you want because at the end you are the one that work on it" in short.

I changed a little my mind , i think it would be better to get ride of GD item and keep only D2 items content.

You may keep the GD class and the dual class system but forbid D2 class combinaisaon between themself eg : sorceress + paladin ??? Sound ridiculous to me ^^ then authorize only class mixte D2 + GD.
This way D2 would profit the extra generation wave ( GD graphic engin and extra class) without being too much annoyed with the item mixte.

Or you can simply remove GD class but i think it would be a shame to not profit and turn D2 as the new D we waited.

Again , i amazed very nice job .

Based on Ram’s previous posts, it sounds like the GD content will be removed at a future date. Personally, I support this decision as this mod is a “total conversion” and not an add-on mod.

Yep. People can always mod in the classes later anyway if they really want.

Ram already stated that 0.5.0 will have a ‘legacy’ version with all GD stuff intact for those who want it but going forward seems they’re gonna stick with just D2 content in the mod (minus them creating brand-new gear for leg and shoulder slots since those don’t exist in D2). Still haven’t given the word on whether it’ll be restricted to single class or allow dual classing. Single class would require even more rebalancing of the entire mod (not just rebalancing the skills) plus they’d need to give enough skill points for single classes.

Legacy version will be done after all base mod content is released (so 1.0.0 version, not 0.5.0). I plan to keep dual class system for more build variety.


Sounds even better. Combining Druid with Necromancer and the healing merc makes for an almost invincible combo.

Technically, won’t a few things from GD need to remain in the main mod? There’s no other way to reset attribute and skill points outside of the Tome of Wisdom and the reset potion.

GD items / classes are the only things to be removed, everything else stays.


Looking forward to it. Over 98% of the time when a set/unique item does drop, it’s almost always for a GD class though I have had a RARE few pieces for the mod classes drop.

i have a issue with the stash space.
dont got a big monitor and when i open the stash chest it is too big for my monitor got item i cannot see. anything that i can do on that ?

Options -> Video -> UI scale

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thank you it worked :
time to enjoy this great mode.

Sorry for my English. Hello from Russia. (I write through the translator)

Installed the mod correctly, according to the instructions. After entering the game I take the quest from Akara, then go into the cave. But I can’t log in, because when you hover over the entrance to the cave it doesn’t burn. I can’t go into any cave. Why?

More quests disappear after I enter the game. What to do? Thanks.