[Mod] Reign of Terror

Just got an interesting bug.

Killed Izual on Nightmare, but died to his frost puddle before talking to the spirit. When I came back through the portal - spirit was not there. Restarting the game also didn’t help - Izual is not present and I have “Talk to Izual’s spirit” in my quests.

Also, were there any balance changes which were not posted in changelog? I feel like my bowazon’s Strafe is doing even more damage then before.

Izual has more spawn locations, you have to find him again.

It gets better) You just need some items and levels. Amazon is crazy powerful later, just get Strafe and Penetrate.

ok , we are all here to start Grim Dawn because of this mod , right ? :grinning:
we will never NEVER forget D2 , right ?

thanks Ram for this 0.50 Update , and keep up the great work.

edit : why no donate ? , I would do that ! (yes i know the reasons from FAQ…)

You are more than welcome to support our next project. Me and Zakk have decided to make our own game after we’re done with RoT so we’ll need all the support we can get.


And how would I get prepared?

And for the 2nd or 3rd time, an update disabled ALL the waypoint portals I had already unlocked. And that was char #6 I think in restarting every time something breaks.

I mean you should be prepared mentally that things will change often

If you don’t want to restart, just stop playing until the mod is done, it’s really simple.


BUT we payed MONEY for this! He should fix it asap or just GTFO… /s

Well i keep definitely an eye on it, even more if its an ARPG / HnS…

And Ram specifically stated some months ago that the mod would technically never be done cause of all the custom content past Act 5 you want to create.

tried this out but a weird graphical glitch the mana bar and some other parts have blue and red colouring on them.

It’s also hard trying to not play this mod because its so much better then actually playing Diablo 2. Because of mobs being invincible to a max of 3 types of damage, I can remember spending 3-5 minute just fighting a group of non-special trash mobs. Plus there’s no need for corpses to summon minions.

I had the same issues, but it helped to redownload 0.4.2 again(maybe i’m simply f*** up the installation), than copy & paste & overwrite files of the basegame mod 0.2.0 and than do the same with 0.5.0.

Anyone help me with this texture error?

You need to extract the base 0.2.0 as well as the relevant updates to the MOD folder, NOT 0.2.0 to the mod folder and the updates to the ReignOfTerror folder.

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thank you! <3

I like those “limitations” of Diablo 2. You need to think more that way. I.e. you know the drawback by going a single damage spec build etc.

Other thing I hated was killing Baal on Hell difficulty and only being lvl84. I am NOT a fan of having to do dozens of hours of grinding just to TRY to hit max level.

Well that is also a limitation some enjoy about D2, that getting to max level is a marvelous achievement compared to hitting max level in GD, Diablo III etc.

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So with removal of Nightmare and Hell Life potions existing Life Potions stopped working. Is there a way to get a normal one now?