[Mod] Reign of Terror

  1. Mana bar glitch is caused only by not extracting files correctly. (make sure to extract all 3 updates: 0.2.0 -> 0.4.2 -> 0.5.0)
  2. New weapon types such as Spear / Bow are not supported by GD components and I haven’t updated them because they will get removed from the mod at some point.
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I had the same problem with 0.4.4 for some reason.But 0.5.0 fixed it for me.Do a remove mod install 0.2.0 still 0.4.2 and then 0.5.0 that’s how i got mine fixed.

Thanks Ram for answering my questions (I know it might’ve been somewhere in the previous replies… I went through some but realized it was way too many so I figured I ask again =).

Also, thank you for taking hours and hours away from my life with this… lol

Thanks Pierre, got it all figured out. I appreciate it. Works awesome now

Ram you got some serious talent bro.I am a critic so i may criticize a little.But the point of detail is top notch.I was skeptical to start this mod as i am a old veteran diablo/diablo 2 player.This reminds me of the endless hours. playing diablo 2 as a youngster.Yes it’s a little difficult but it’s still manageable if you know how to.It may be somewhat hard for new players…Only thing why it’s hard is that bosses have huge hp pools and some even regen and high defense.I do 100-200 damage on mobs with maul but on bosses i do 13-60 damage.All in all it’s a great mod i am almost done with chapter 1 and can’t wait for you to release the full version.Btw love the sets and unique add ones its a great edition to this mod.

PS.You will most prob do balancing once the mod is release.

PPS:I really hope you bring out a chapter 6 to this awesome mod.You have to creativity for it :stuck_out_tongue:


I like challenge in games so that’s why everything seems so hard. Played D2 solo on P8 only so I tried to recreate the experience here. As you pointed out, balance phase will come once all of the content I plan for the mod is finished. Make sure to max out one dmg skill asap when starting a new character (try to avoid spending too many points in mastery bar). Also, look for + skills items (rings / amulet / chest armor / waist) at vendors.

With regards to Act 6, I’ll make only a small part of it since that’s what I wanted to make all along. The rest is up to @Zakk, so we’ll see what he’ll come up with.

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ah makes sense i was maxing buffs lol.I also played on P8 diablo 2 and old median xl i played on P8.Will give feed back after i max a skill may be reason it seems so hard :smiley:

Building an attack skill actually work.It’s not really my play style as i usually just build 1 skill in each skill i want to max and focus on my + for stats.But building an attack skill here makes it hell of a lot easier :smiley:

Just a quick question.Are the socketed rune words same as the retail diablo 2?For instance sur + El = Wind on armor?

Btw i didn’t think Andariel are hard.She was quiteeasy with my druid/barb.I just stacked life steal so i out steal her poison.

I tried to recreate all RWs as close as possible. You can browse them in Horadric Cube.

@Ram, I would be happy to help with writing or proofreading dialogue for Act 6 if it would be helpful. I’m unfortunately limited in the area of GD modding skills, but am a reasonably proficient writer.

Thanks for the offer but I don’t think it is necessary as there is no plan to go too deep with the story. We simply don’t have enough time on our hands to expand past Act 5 as much as we’d like to.

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Made it to Act 5 Hell finally, now to do some MF runs :). Wow, I feel some crazy nostalgia just saying that! Thank you for bringing back D2 to life for me!!

Pleased to say I didn’t run into any game breaking bugs – so I can’t report anything crazy here for you. I did get a game freeze/crash in Act 5 Hell though but I think it’s a one-off. Happened when I came across an Elite and as it ran towards me, I froze. Right near the transition to Arreat Plateau.

Are all unique items on the “global” loot table or are they associated with bosses? AKA: Andariel’s Visage from Andariel, etc. And are the items going to have to “empowered” or “mythical” versions for use at higher levels?

Also, Titan’s Revenge is missing a model. I look like a female Zeus launching lightning bolts :D.

Thank you for all your hard work (RoT TEAM) – I can’t wait until Act 5 is finished!!

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Glad to hear you enjoyed the ride so far.

Random game freezes are present, unfortunately. However, these occur very rarely (al least to my knowledge).

Currently there is one main loottable with D2 unique / set items that is shared across all content but I plan to add monster / area specific drops later. Same goes for upgraded high level version of some uniques / sets.

This mod is incredible! Thank you for all of your hard work, it is appreciated to those of us that are A. Tired of waiting for Blizzard to remaster Diablo 2 & B. Those of us that love Diablo.

Are there any plans to take out the GD weapons & items and only have Diablo based ones? Also, would it be possible to change the interface to have the health and mana globes instead of the bars?

It’s already been stated that all Grim Dawn items and masteries will be removed once the mod hits version 1.0.0 which should be after the rest of Act 5 is released and they do a balance pass of the mods masteries. They will also be releasing a Legacy version of the mod that keeps all the Grim Dawn items and masteries for those that want it.

GD items are going to be removed along with the masteries as Goober mentioned.

HP/Mana globes might be possible to implement but I haven’t tinkered with UI that much to know for sure.

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Hey Ram,

Been a while since I last checked in on this project. How is it going?

As long as there is the legacy version, that will be perfect. To me, what makes this mod is the ability to play the Grim Dawn characters in it etc… Without it, it is nothing more than just a total rehash of D2.

I’d just like to point out that… is literally what it’s supposed to be (as closely as can be done within the GD engine). By the by. Jus’ saying.

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This mod is a VAST improvement over D2.

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