[Mod] Reign of Terror

Hi. The countess has been killed but I can’t finish the quest. How can I get the devotion point?
The game version is and

I created a new character to test this bug. Something changed on this character: There is no text on the quest page after reading the book. When I killed the countess, the quest page kept empty. Hope it helpful.

The third character. If I do not start the next quest, the quest of countess can be accomplished. But I think the two quests should be independent. BTW how can I get the missing devotion point of the other characters?

Mode console : game.incrementdevotion

Small problem with equipment :
The sword “Bul-Khatos Tribal Guardian” is part of" Bul-Khatos Children" set and is also required for “Heaven’s Breathren” set.

Sister to the Slaughter is the next quest you are talking about I assume?

Thanks for the report, fixed.

Sorry, but I have an old version and just came back to this forum: why is there dual classes instead of solo class like in original d2??

because grim dawn was built around the concept of dual mastery and it’s not something easily removed, if even possible at all

Yes, Sister to the slaughter.

And please check the quest of Summoner in ACT 2. I cannot finish it as well.

It is actually very simple to disable dual-masteries but the decision was to keep them for more build diversity. Same goes for GD items (at least for the time being until there is adequate amount of custom content added to replace them).

Make sure to do quests in order without skipping to prevent these issues in the meantime.

Thanks for your advice. However, I still think these quests should be independent to each other, as D2. That is fair to players who do not have experience of D2.
Sorry to be picky but that is because I love this mod so much.

There is nothing wrong in the quest of the Summoner. All my bad.

I noticed the developed quest mode in ACT 3 4 and 5. When one quest is finished, the next quest will start automatically and there will be a tip showing which NPC to talk to. This mode is very nice, because no quest will be missed or skipped, for both new or experienced D2 players.

Uber feedback :
Tested with my strongest char. It took me between 40 min to 1 hour to kill them. I deal about 250k dps (calculated based on the uber life numbers). I can’t say I enjoyed the fight…
For now we need uber char to kill them and if we already have an uber char, we don’t really need to kill them.
Could you tune down their life a bit ?

What was your build? My Classic Necro/Druid fought an Uber on Hell difficulty and it only took 5-6 minutes.

The Amazon sill Charged Strike can only send charged bolts when using javalin, not all melee weapons as description. Please have a check.

My beloved Ram, I beg you to finish the game with the claws and catars for the assassin as soon as possible. My friend does not want to play without this, and I cannot play without him. I am ready to commit suicide because of this, and it will be on your conscience))

OP is having issues with the confirmation email so can’t post here.

Thanks for the report, fixed.

You should start looking for a new friend.

Thanks for posting it here. Left a reply on reddit.

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