[Mod] Reign of Terror

New to the mod but not GD, does Multiplayer function or will it in the future? does the mod have a decent following and how did you pull off such a crazy thing like this, how many developers ?

Thank you, good job.

MP Works but it is buggy, just like regular GD

The discord can speak for itself, you should check it out.

Ram started it, a few joined him. A few left and others joined. There is currently 6 active Devs, and Ram is the “Supervisor”

Bows in RoT are using TQ staff template so technically it’s neither since TQ staff act similar to 2h ranged weapons (but do not currently share the same support as other 2h ranged weapons like xbows / guns).

Dedication and passion for D2, that’s all it took.

  • Acts 1, 2 + Pandemonium event / Cow Level were done by 1 person (myself) within 1,5 years.
  • Acts 3, 4, 5 were done in another 1,5 years by 3 people: myself, Zakknaphen and FluffyUnicorn.
  • Original version of D2 classes and unique/set items was made by DenisMashutikov

So all of the “original D2 content” was made by 4 people in 3 years.

Most of the current devs joined after D2 content has been already done.


Thank you, I don’t want to spam too much but could you tell me if a Sorc’s Fire hydras benefit from (bonus to all pets +40% fire dmg) - fiend constellation and similar effects ?

I appreciate you and your teams hard work thank you.

Player scaling pets (such as Hydra, Shadow Warrior/Master, Valkyrie, mercenaries, etc) do not scale with pet bonuses. Only regular pets like Necro skeletons/golems or Druid wolves/bear/spirit, etc scale with pet bonuses.

  1. I wanted to clarify whether the constellations for a two-handed weapon (for example, Kraken) with a weapon like a bow will work?
  2. Considering that a Russian person helps in the development, will there be a Russian translation?

Нет. 10/char

Im trying to implement the patch For this Mod i watched the vidoes that explained how to do it but it woudmt work for me plz help thx

Узнать, расценивает ли игра луки как двуручное оружие или как одноручное, можно более лёгким способом. Взять в руки лук и вложить какие-то очки в умения шамана, которые увеличивают урон только для двуручного оружия. Если урон увеличится - значит игра считает лук двуручным оружием.
Но не делай этого, луки в GD - точно двуручное оружие.

single player campaign stuck at anya prison of ice, unable to complete quest nor cancel and redo nor find a potion. potion not given by malah thus stuck permanently Boss Ram please kindly advise

What quest objective are you stuck at? If you just need to give potion to Anya then try using the command below:

game.Give “records/0_rot/items/quest_items/a5_potion_malah.dbr"

New to both the mod and GD (mostly coming from PoE). Loving the mod so far.

I played mainly Assassins in D2, and one suggestion I have is switching the Assssin skill Venom to add flat Acid damage instead of Poison DoT (or, alternately, physical to acid conversion). In Diablo 2, there was no flat damage version of Poison, and Venom essentially function as adding flat poison damage by adding poison damage with an extremely short .2 sec duration. This made it a powerful damage source for fast-hitting skills, namely Dragon Talon and Whirlwind.

As a non-stacking DoT (if my understanding of GD’s poison mechanics is correct), leaves the skill in a pretty weak state. There’s not really anything else on the Assassin tree that cares about poison, so Venom just feels like a wasted opportunity to me right now. I’m not 100% sure how this would impact interactions with different classes, but it would definitely be a better for replicating the classic kicksin/wwsin playstyle.

Already gave it a 1 over last night. It will be in a better state in the next patch.


Good question! Does Kraken (require two-handed ranged or melee) and Hydra (require ranged weapon) work with bows?

Bow / Javelin support has already been added to GD devotions before, however it is possible that with multiple RoT source transitions during past couple months, some of the changes might got reverted.

Any update on the RoT launcher getting back up and running?

No update on the launcher. Roth is currently unable to work on it.

Small feedback on a few playthroughs:

  • Necromancer (classic)
    ** Need some clarification on skills tooltips (like Golem’s Flesh and Golem’s Vigor), that say that it increases health/defense/attack of golems, but actually increase this for all pets
    ** Pets won’t attack gates (act1 - Cold Plains), so you need to painfully slap them 30 times (probably even worse on Nightmare and Hell)

  • Amazon
    ** Guided arrow should work like D2, in which we could shift+click on the ground and the guided arrow was cast and then seek a nearby enemy. In this mod, we need to actually have a target.
    ** Retreat (the skill to jump backwards) should immediately interrupt other skills (specially the long cast ones, like Strafe), otherwise it loses almost all it’s usefulness

  • Sorceress (just started this one)
    ** Charged bolts should keep a small height from the ground, so when you cast the spell from the bottom of a hill, they can hit monsters at the top, and vice-versa. I’m guessing that will happen to several other skills too…

  • General stuff
    ** The game is too dark at some places, like in dungeons or night time. Inside the light radius, the visibility should be normal. Most of the time we can barely see the models of the enemies. I had to switch to full screen and adjust the gamma by about +20%. I saw some streamers complaining about the darkness too.
    ** Is it possible to add ‘even more stash space’? We have a lot for normal playthroughs, yes, but I’m thinking about the cases where the player want to find and store every item in the game, like a Holy Grail character. I guess those 6/7 tabs aren’t enough in this case, right?
    ** We could use some clarification on Act4 hirelings and their auras. What does ‘support’, ‘defensive’ and ‘offensive’ mean? 50K gold and the need to attach it to a charm is too much cost for a new player to ‘just try’.
    ** Aether Crystals should drop from monsters/environment like everything else
    ** The pet stance (Set to Aggressive/Normal/Defensive) should be remembered in between games

This is what I remember right now, I will drop another feedback post later. I’m having an amazing experience, keep up the great work!

I’m not sure this is possible. Even in Grim Dawn you have to reset the Pet stance when you start a new game.

A lot of that feedback is because of the limitations of Grim Dawn. Guided Arrow as an example of this.