[Mod] Reign of Terror

to not kill them I have to turn off my summons my wps and my devotions so I cant even kill white mobs xD

The Necromancer skill bonuses to pets: The skeleton mastery applies to classic necroā€™s Skeletons and Revived Pets and all other pets
The Golem Mastery applies to the Golems and all other pets, the other Golem passives (vigor/flame) apply to all pets.
Itā€™s a bit vague, also because the tooltips do change, while they do not apply.
I think it has to do with GD pets not having a ā€˜typeā€™ assigned to them but the druid/necromancer pets do.
So in short: every GD pet will be boosted by the pet bonuses, while not every D2 pet will be boosted.

Tool tips change while do not apply means the description is just wordings but in actual they apply to all pets?

If they apply to all other pet, how some D2 pet not boosted?

I hadnā€™t noticed Skeleton Mastery as I did the build many months ago.

The Golem Mastery says it boosts golems plural but the mod only allows one. I assume that means GD monster pets are buffed but not D2 pets, as an example of a pet skill not buffing other D2 pet skills.

oh my i just crafted the helmet and make myself shrink haha.

i thought it would be just like the other 2 skill terror and confuse affecting enemies, but i got myself slow down instead :joy:

went to the shattered gym and got to level 78, upped all my attack rating skill and went to kill andy. She died before any fatty exploded.

any idea of a good item to boost life leech and mana burn resistance, and other secondary resistance?

is there item to add those for pet as well?

My paladin is pretty much the polar opposite of a glass cannon at 88% block, 34% dodge/deflect and overcapped resists. When Blessed Hammer is fully wound up and those mobs decide to pop reflect itā€™s instant death for me. BH is designed to cover the whole screen so Iā€™m almost always hitting the full pack, because there is no way to cancel the attack once it started. You canā€™t regen through that, itā€™s good that it will be drastically reduced. Otherwise everbody who uses a wide aoe attack as main skill would have to heavily invest into reflect reduction or switch to a single target skill in that zone.

Iā€™m also still dying to Hell Andariel, where I get hit for up to 15k acid damage with 79% resists, probably from her adds. Blessed Hammer turned from a fun skill into something I loathe now, cause more and more situations creep up where it puts me at a disadvantage without having any control over it. World bosses in Hell are 110 while Iā€™m 78, so those are out of the question as well. Which leaves me with nothing else to do but go back to Nightmare and farm there in the hopes ofā€¦somehting. Iā€™m not even sure what Iā€™d be looking for, because my stats seem to be fine overall.

Respec isnā€™t really an option because I would have to completely change my gear around for a skill like Sacrifice. Being able to respec free of charge anytime also make the decisions you made for your char loose ā€œweightā€ in my opinion. The rpg part in this arpg is completely gone for me, there is no way I could get somewhat attached to this char. It became just an incremental action game at this point, where you continue to stack numbers until you can beat the other numbers.

Iā€™m sorry to be so blunt about it, but until the new update arrives Iā€™ll stop playing so there wonā€™t be any more feedback from me for the time being.

Not specifically at you but general issues that will be adressed:

  • Andariels zombies explode into a poison nova on death. This currently does (a lot) more damage than intended, fixed for next patch
  • Reflect will stay but drastically lowered. Still, if your damage is high enough itā€™ll be dangerous.
  • Enemy defense and AR (slighty for the AR) will go down a notch, making critical hits (or hits in general) more common. From what Iā€™ve tested so far (on my hammerdin) made it a much more fluid experience already. (Tested on current vs new patch, same mobs, Iā€™ve gone from 60-70% to hit to 85-95%).
  • The healing mobs have a 70% damage absorb shield while they heal. This will be lowered to 40%.
  • Respeccing is an option. Refusing to do so is a choice. Leveling as a hammerdin like you and I have done is a fun nostalgia trip to the original D2, but by no means is it an efficient way to level compared to other skill combinations (didnā€™t you have amazon? Lightning fury is a beast to clear groups as well, minimal changes needed). Additionally, adding costs to respec will punish early game or new players a lot more, for the sake of ā€œgiving weightā€ to your choices. As itā€™s mainly a single player game and not online, I donā€™t feel heavy farming for respec-items should be a thing. Or, if itā€™s an easy-to-farm or low cost item to respec, youā€™re back at ā€œno weight for choicesā€.

As far as my hammerdin experience goes, Iā€™ve not been able to play much as everytime I try, I notice things that need to be adjusted, so I havenā€™t reached hell yet but Iā€™m curious as to how Iā€™ll do for comparison (currenty Iā€™m simply using 4x Perfect opals for 80% damage versus demons which helps a lot in the campaign and vs bosses).

Lightning Fury would in my opinion require more than minimal changes. BH does magic damage, so Iā€™d have to achieve a full conversion first because naturally I stacked that and not lightning damage. Or exchange my whole gear.

I donā€™t care to play the most efficient char, but I want to be able to do all the content with the skill I chose. At the moment Iā€™m 28/20 in Blessed Hammer, but most of it comes from gear that has +2 BH, I only have +2 to all skills. So switching to another magic damage attack would completely destroy my dps. If I had found better gear with +all skills then Iā€™d use it, but the drops have been rather disappointing so far.

And sure, respeccing is a choice. But when the game is designed so that you are expected to do it instead of merely using it to refine your char, then something is lost indeed in the process. I mean, why stop at stats, skills and devotions then? Why not let us switch classes as well whenever we feel like it? That choice is permanent (unless using GD Defiler) and in my opinion itā€™s way more punishing to players new to the mod. Cause they will not know how the skills perform and synergize until they use them and then they are locked into it.

Regarding augments, is the +%damage to mobs just additive or is it a multiplier? Iā€™ll give the opals a try, but damage isnā€™t my problem in the Andarial fight, survivabilty is. Even with 500k dps I could never kill her fast enough to prevent the adds from spawning. And the less damage modifier would do nothing for those, because they are classed as undead.

Lighting fury gets boosted by conviction or concentration, whichever aura of the 2 you have picked, and the devotions to the north of crossroads, canā€™t remember their names, focus on lighting + magic damage and give a further boost. The mechanics of Lightning Fury with fragmenting makes it efficient without a heavy investment, Iā€™d say its worth a try, without losing out on too much magic damage, at least from devotions (you probably picked those already).

The issue with andariel minions unfortunately cannot be adressed till next patch, unless you go for a full single target attack (maybe holy bolt does alright, havent tried this one myself later in the game) and ignore the zombies so that they dont explode, which is impossible with BH. Best I can suggest is the act4 support merc for damage absorbtion, and kite andariel away from the zombies, I think she walks a lot faster then them, and do the little blood puddle dance with her and the zombies at a distance. Amazonā€™s Lighting strike, when holding shift down, can also be cast at a distance which might prove useful to chainlightning those zombies down at a distance.

Racial damage is a multiplier so itā€™s very strong.

The game isnā€™t designed in such a way that respeccing is an option, thatā€™s not the intention anyway. But as weā€™re attempting to balance stuff out, respeccing is currently the most easily accessible solution for a lot of issues. Also for players who are new and might have chosen poorly on their skill/class combo.

Oh, that makes a big difference then. Do you know off the top of your head which other stats act multiplicative? Cause that was a main point why I chose Amazon, because of the +%chance to do double damage.

As far as I know, just the %total damage modifier (amazonā€™s critical strike, gore rider boots etc), and racial damage.
Canā€™t quickly recall another multiplier.

Because of my current situation I decided to try SR for the first time playing this mod and was surprised that I was able to go from shard 80 to 85 without too much of a problem. Certain boss combinations were a bit sketchy, but I just did kite them around the arena in those cases. A lot of mobs seem to do aether damage in there and that resist got changed to magic damage. Does that still also cover aether or are we at 0/-30/-60 for that damage type? Cause it felt like those mobs did hit me quite a bit harder on average.

Anyway, the chest loot was on a completely other level compared to letā€™s say Baal Nightmare runs, where I can consider myself lucky if he drops a single legendary. Those 5 shards dropped me 12 legendaries and considering that you only need to finish 2 for the full reward, I see this as vastly superior. Is this deemed to be an alternative to leveling in the acts or is it just a leftover from the base game?

Itā€™s not a left-over. It was added in later to provide more end-game content other than just uber-trist. As the lootdrops are so insane, weā€™ve changed it to be possible only on hell to at least make it a bit more difficult to get high amounts of loot. Most recent change undid that change (as some other changes have been reverted as well).
Next patch it will be removed completely. In a future patch (not upcoming one) a crucible-like version might be implemented instead for some endless-wave type event.

Aether = magic. Also in SR.

But for now, itā€™s the best way to gear up. Thereā€™s a few items which are locked exclusively to ubers/act bosses on hell, but the majority of items can drop in there.

May i ask what is the max overcap for skill in D2 class?

My other class is shaman from gd and the overcap stay at 10, like briarthorn is at 26/16.

I am wondering if this is a bug or correct as intended?

Hard cap for D2 skills is lvl 60 (+40 skills). GD masteries were not updated to this standard so they stay at +10.

oh my, time to farm for more +skill, is +3 to all skill the highest of +all skill?

I donā€™t reallocate stats either, but itā€™s been in D2 mods for over 15 years dynamically in real time, if a new enough mod, and even Vanilla D2 lets you redo stuff once per difficulty last time I checked. Players are used to it as an option (donā€™t remember if D2 vanilla does regular stat points or skills, as I never played it with the later patches).

My biggest complaint with Normal mode was buying the same hireling over and over every time I found a better medal literally used up all my gold.

I found a nice paladin amulet (Seraphā€™s Hymn) and slapped opals on all possible items. Finally I was able to beat Andariel, although it was still sketchy as all hell. Then I ran through every act, stopped only at the bosses and beat Baal at level 82. None of the other fights were anywhere near as hard as Andariel, in fact I was able to facetank all of them. My damage still feels very lacking, which made for very awkward encounters. Me and the boss were usually just standing there facing each other for 5-10 Minutes. I attempted Crystalix and brought him down to 10% but then he landed 3 hits in a row and that was that.

You might also want to look at the Overseer mob. He heals too frequently, if you have several of those in a large pack they will just spam-rotate their heals and nothing ever dies.

Now that I finished story mode my quest log is empty, but Iā€™m missing the last devotion point (80/81). Do you get that one somewhere else?
Edit: Nevermind, I forgot to kill the countess in hell mode. Do you normally not get a quest for her?

One more curious thing I noticed is that Hratli in Act 3 has a female model despite keeping the male voice lines. Will that be changed in future patches or is it design by choice?