[Mod Release] [Mastery] The Engineer

The Engineer
“Devious. Dangerous. Imperial Engineering.”

Thanks to Zephyri and Sergey Kykhylov for the great art, which was slightly modified for this image.

“The Engineers of the imperial army were a highly educated group of men and women responsible for immense war machines and other efficient means of destruction. They rarely saw any front-line action before the grim dawn, but are nonetheless capable of unleashing contraptions on the fly to destroy their enemies. Engineers tend to prefer firearms, but some brash individuals have devised methods to augment their own fists.”


This mastery is designed to be like a slightly more constructive version of the demolitionist. It directly caters to ranged and unarmed playstyles, but the summons and related abilities will benefit any class. All of the summons are stationary, which makes for some very interesting gameplay. It’s tons of fun, try it out! Custom models exist for all three summons, all made by me.

The Skills

The top half has ranged skills, the bottom half has unarmed skills. There is a default attack skill line for both ranged and unarmed (they’re in the middle.) The three summons are not weapon specific, and are near the very top and very bottom.

The main theme of the class revolves around Energy. Energy is important because the two main summons have a large summon limit and are very expensive to summon. You can build up an area to be extremely powerful, assuming you have the energy.

Skill Demonstrations

Sentry Gun: Your main summon, and the first one in the tree. You’ll be able to throw many of these onto the battlefield at one time.

Flamer Turret: Your secondary summon, much more expensive but much better for large groups, assuming they aren’t fire-resistant.

Safe Space Generator: Can be summoned for a period of time followed by a short cooldown. It’s pretty good at keeping your enemies away.
♪ Bully proof windows, troll safe doors, nothing but kindness in here ♪

There are a few other skills of course, but the summons are the cool part.

Other Screenshots
They’re massive, sorry

Download and Changelog

(1.7) Download here. Unzip into your Grim Dawn\mods folder and load it up as custom game.
And here is a MEGA Mirror.

The entire source for this mastery is up on GitHub, here, it includes links to old versions under the “Releases” tab if you need them. Feel free to check it out, might help people who are new to mastery modding figure out some common issues by looking at my commits. Makes it easy for people to merge this mod into their own, too. Also nice just in case I disappear forever and someone wants to take over development. I doubt that will happen, but who knows.


1.7 - Crossover Skill Balance

  • Flipped mastery button. Darn exporter gave it to me upside down in the first place.
  • Occultist Crossover: Cut damage
  • Demo Crossover: Less fragments, less attack rate.
  • Soldier Crossover: Less explosion radius, slightly less attack rate.
  • Nightblade Crossover: Hopefully actually invincible now, big OA boost so it actually hits, lower fuse.

1.6 - Crossover Skills!

  • Crossover skills! Attempted balance, probably failed miserably as usual. Enjoy.
  • Flamer range starts a little lower.
  • Flamer damage nerf.
  • Small rework of Turf Turner.
  • Overpowered Oscillators currently affects EVERYTHING while active. Added -Cast Speed to offset as intended.
  • Updated Ignoring Safety Labels to also revert the new Cast Speed change.
  • Excruciating Exhaust was a bit underwhelming. Boosted the fire damage a bunch since it’s a burst skill anyway.
  • Pet skills now VISIBLY scale with pet bonuses.
  • Removed little icon under the exclusive skill. Doesn’t need to be there.
  • HOTFIX A: boosted energy requirements of crossover skills to intended levels. Oops.

1.5 - No Fun Allowed

  • Power Palms now works with flat bonus damage and such. Preserving the scaling was extremely awkward, but I don’t think I broke anything.
  • Flamer’s range now scales, and does slightly less damage.
  • Imitate Sentry’s %OA is now less nuclear.
  • Safe space scaling has been changed. Starts with lower damage, Scales higher, cooldown has been increased slightly.
  • Increased CD of Turf Turner.
  • Ignoring Safety Labels health drain has been changed a bit. Harder to out-regen it, but still probably possible.
  • Rework of Hands-Free skill. Again.
  • Invasive Internal Improvements has had its regen cut a bit.

1.4 - Polish polish

  • -999% Energy Regen on imitate skills. Should be no way to out-regen them now.
  • Nerfed spirit on Exclusive skill. Another oops, byproduct of increasing the skill max level last patch and not accounting for the change.
  • Cooldown for Exclusive skill turret proc.
  • Messed with exclusive skill leech retaliation. Don’t see this stat very often in the main game so I honestly have no idea what I’m doing with it.
  • Re-buff of sentries to some degree. Attempting to ensure high levels scale well enough.
  • Nerfed flamer a bit. +pet fire damage from devotions and such make it a bit too absolutely ridiculous. Increased range to make up for that a little.

1.3 - More balance, less stupid.

  • A few changes to skill descriptions and such.
  • Increased energy drain on sentry imitation.
  • 1/3 Safe Space innate cast speed bonus. Less ridiculous.
  • Exclusive skill rebalance. Less sentries allowed out at a time, less likely to spawn, and now scale with skill level properly.
  • Exclusive skill also makes you less invincible. My bad.
  • Sentry rebalance. Nerfed but arguably still extremely powerful.

1.2 - An Ultimate Skill and Balance

  • Rebalance of Turf Turner. Now less nuclear.
  • Removal of random %Trauma bonus from Pyro Punch. Silly leftover.
  • An ultimate skill! Not as cool as I wanted it to be, but some things are unfortunately hard-coded.
  • Rebalance of Focus Finder. Again.

1.1 - General Fixes

  • Small buff to Incendiary Implement.
  • Reasonably sweeping changes to Focus Finder.
  • Modified Iconic Imitation skills to be less exploitable with high energy regen. No fun allowed.
  • Complete re-work of Hands-Free Hyper-Gadgetry. It’s now a short buff with a cooldown.

1.0 - Release

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Attachment: Engineer???3.png

That looks awesome ! Congrats on release, I’ll try it out as soon as I can

Cheers :slight_smile:

Well done Koba. Only played about 30 mins with it but I like what I see.

Wow! Just WOW! Your work not only is great, it is also inspirational. A truly fresh and unseen addition to the masteries!

Harrys Hands free gadget isn’t working I put a point in it and there is no change to the sentry gun damage, I have no weapon or shield or offhand equipped as per needed by the skill but it still isn’t working

Another thing sentry can’t hit anything on uneven ground due to it hitting the ground.

Edit: Actually the sentries aren’t scaling with pet damage at all, nor do they scale with own damage, they only scale with skill points something weird is going on…


This looks amazing. Quick question before I (can even) touch anything, do the turrets scale off of player’s damage or pet bonuses?

Oh man I’m excited to use this as part of my next run!

That was impressively fast.

Share with me your ways of fastness! ;w; (modding tools are a chore)

Isaacs Icendary Implement is waaaay too weak for its energy cost.

Sorry for all the criticism i don’t mean it in a bad way I’m enjoying the work you have done just want to help you polish it :slight_smile:

Ok so the sentries benefit from +pet health but not +pet damage

Okay so it looks like the tooltips do not update, but the damage definitely does. I set it to +3000% damage just to check, and level one sentries did like 700 damage. Unfortunately, in testing the skill again, I’ve realized that the pet bonus is applied regardless of whether you are unarmed or not. I’m going to try to fix that, but it may be an engine quirk, and the skill may need to be reworked.

Regarding the uneven ground thing, I’ve noticed the same thing. All it means to me is you have to be careful with the placement of your turrets. I think this is okay, it might even add to the experience if you ask me.

They are intended to scale off pet bonuses. And they seem to, as above.

Your criticism is fine! Especially if some bugs get fixed along the way! I’ve been considering buffing the flamethrower, but it fires so ridiculously quickly that the 5 damage really adds up. Definitely considering it, though, and thanks for your input. Going to stand with my previous statement on the pet damage issue. I also tested a few devotion pet bonuses and those were the same way. They applied to the actual damage dealt but not the tooltip. Unsure if I will be able to fix that.

Haha, well, I did manage to put a pretty massive amount of time into finishing this. Have an upcoming situation that will render me very busy for a while, and I really wanted to get this done. Don’t think I have any real timesaving tips, other than one you may already know: if you’re only modifying .DBR files and want to test something, you can build the mod with the game at the main menu just fine, no need to close and restart. If you change any assets whatsoever, though, it will give you an error and you will likely need to modify that asset again and build with the game closed to get it to actually update.

Ah ok far enough then I can spec for pet damage I was worried about it not being enough damage in higher difficulties but thats fine then :slight_smile:

You need to significantly reduce the Damage absorption on the energy regen skill (forgot the name) it is waaaay to high for a 1 mastery point skill and while it makes weapon attacks useless casters easily abuse it (seriously 56% damage absorption is immortality), reduce it to a static 10/15% but still allow casters to freely use it (without cast speed penalty) for the energy regen especially considering the cost of Sentry Gun, maybe increase movement penalty to 30% because the -energy is heavy (although with some gearing can be canceled out).
Ok Reasoning why only need 30% movement reduction (40/50% at max level), it’s really hard to cancel that out and with significantly reduced damage absorption it is extremely easy to get surrounded and killed, plus makes it harder to escape boss ground effects which more then makes up for the ability to spam spell with really high energy regen

The energy regen skill is a bit of a weird one. First off, I thing you’re right about the absorption, forgot that scaled so high. I personally like how the skill works more-or-less, but I think it needs to be explained better. The skill is not designed to be left on, it’s something you turn on when you want it and turn off when you don’t. It’s for regenerating your energy bar on the fly, without potions. You kind of have to commit to it, because it has a cooldown. That’s one of the themes of this mastery: toggleable passives that you definitely don’t want to have active all the time. The Iconic Imitation skills are the other 3 skills which are like this.

The -%energy is something that a lot of thought went into, and it has some interesting behavior that may not be obvious. When you gain or lose energy, your energy bar will remain at the same percentage point it was at previously. Here’s an example:

  1. So let’s say your max energy is 100, but you currently have 50 energy. So 50/100
  2. Then you activate the Focus Finder skill and get the -75% energy, bringing you down to 25 max energy. Your current energy will scale with that, to 12.5. So 12.5/25
  3. Since you have less energy, energy regeneration means more, so your energy will regenerate quickly.
  4. When it gets to full, you should turn the skill off because you aren’t benefiting from it anymore. When you do, your energy will go from 25/25 to 100/100.

I’m also going to explain my logic behind every entry on the skill tooltip:

  • Cooldown: Necessary to make it more of a commitment to using the skill. Don’t want people toggling it on and off constantly to benefit maximally. While it’s efficient, it would be a bit tedious.
  • Damage Absorption: Honestly I was considering removing this entirely. It only barely fits with the idea of the skill, and it was originally meant to help you get away from bad situations. Then the -movement speed came in and things got muddy.
  • Energy Leech: Just in case you accidentally click on an enemy with the skill on and have to wait for the longest attack animation ever, I decided it would be nice to give a little bonus for it. Also means if you’re relatively safe in combat, you can get an attack in and make your energy regenerate even faster.
  • -%Energy: See above description, I think I’ve got this one explained pretty well.
  • +Energy Regen: Even though having less energy makes energy regeneration more important, I thought it would be nice to make it a bit more.
  • -800% Attack Speed: Obviously floors your attack speed. Supposed to be one of the factors convincing you that this ability is not meant to be active all the time. May add -800% Spell Cast Speed in there to push that further…
  • -%Move Speed: Another small factor convincing you the skill shouldn’t be used all the time. Because slow movement speed is annoying. Makes it harder to kite while the skill is active, which makes the strategy of running in a circle constantly placing turrets a bit less viable, or at least more interesting.

Hope that helps you understand what I was going for. It relies on a non-obvious quirk of the system, but I thought it was cool enough to make it anyway. I think I need to make it more obvious that it’s not something you want to leave on all the time, since it’s the first skill you will get that uses that idea so it really needs to teach you well. And yeah, I’m definitely lowering the scaling of the absorption.

Finally, with the issue you are describing in your final paragraph and edit, I don’t think I fully understand. Would it be possible to explain a little bit more?

Man, if you read all that, props to you!

I think its busted then because I’m level 23 with it on ALL the time spamming the gun sentry, sure I only get 2 out at a time and run around for a second before I throw 2 more but as I get more I’ll be able to throw out even more at once… And I’m loving it, with how high energy cost Sentry Gun is (360 at 8 points) I need to have it on all the time to be able to only focus on it which is my style (I love having skills I can fire and forgot so I can run or use another skill but I hate moving pets and find them boring).

I can understand your reasoning though and it is pretty sound but if you are going to make every build have to fit that use then you should reduce the energy cost of the Sentries to a third (at level 8 a third of energy cost is still 120 which is still massive!!) of their current cost so that they are still intensive but you can actually get a few out with energy to use a couple other skills as well before needing the regen skill.
The sentries really need to have at least 4/5 out before their benefit is decent and will remain that way consider it is a hybrid mastery unless you only focus on pet damage.

An alternative to encourage people to not always keep it on is to remove attack speed penalty is to add a total damage multiplied by -90% that way only those focusing on sentries can keep it on all the time will everyone else can only use it when they run out of energy, and so that sentry builds don’t completely benefit from it increase movement reduction to -40/50% as it is a massive reduction in survivability.

The other skills can be left on all the time as a caster as even in standard game you can reach over 100 energy regen with relative ease so those other skills are much easier to abuse and are quiet possibly extremely OP although I haven’t tested them out yet.

As for the final part I just deleted that I realised it was just an effect of the skill energy cost being slightly higher then the regen with a low energy pool.

I think its busted then because I’m level 23 with it on ALL the time spamming the gun sentry, sure I only get 2 out at a time and run around for a second before I throw 2 more but as I get more I’ll be able to throw out even more at once… And I’m loving it, with how high energy cost Sentry Gun is (360 at 8 points) I need to have it on all the time to be able to only focus on it which is my style (I love having skills I can fire and forgot so I can run or use another skill but I hate moving pets and find them boring).

I can understand your reasoning though and it is pretty sound but if you are going to make every build have to fit that use then you should reduce the energy cost of the Sentries to a third (at level 8 a third of energy cost is still 120 which is still massive!!) of their current cost so that they are still intensive but you can actually get a few out with energy to use a couple other skills as well before needing the regen skill.
The sentries really need to have at least 4/5 out before their benefit is decent and will remain that way consider it is a hybrid mastery unless you only focus on pet damage.

An alternative to encourage people to not always keep it on is to remove attack speed penalty is to add a total damage multiplied by -90% that way only those focusing on sentries can keep it on all the time will everyone else can only use it when they run out of energy, and so that sentry builds don’t completely benefit from it increase movement reduction to -40/50% as it is a massive reduction in survivability.

The other skills can be left on all the time as a caster as even in standard game you can reach over 100 energy regen with relative ease so those other skills are much easier to abuse and are quiet possibly extremely OP although I haven’t tested them out yet.

As for the final part I just deleted that I realised it was just an effect of the skill energy cost being slightly higher then the regen with a low energy pool.

I was having no problem setting up 4-6 sentries for most fights at low levels (levels 10-30 or so and likely afterwards), but I made sure to have my build focus pretty heavily on having a large energy pool. I’d like to support as many playstyles as possible, but I think the energy cost for the summons is in a decent place.

I definitely like your -damage and move speed alternative, I think I will use that. Seems to make the skill a bit less specialized while preserving the theme.

Regarding the other toggle skills and being able to out-regen them, I will look into something to make that less of an issue. Might just make it slaughter your energy regen.

So does that mean I can keep it on all the time? :stuck_out_tongue:
If you really want it to be a only temporary use you could always make it last a 3-5 second duration with the 10 sec cooldown but then you would need to remove an penalties and maybe buff the energy regen.

And I wanna apologize reading over what I have typed sounds like I’m trying to tell you how to make your mod, which I’m not trying to do, I know you have a vision on how you want the skills to be and work and I’m only trying to give suggestions on how to make it still fit your vision but be more forgiving to me and any others who may have similar styles as me

Don’t worry about it, I’m enjoying hearing your thoughts. You seem like you know what you’re talking about and I’d like to complement as many playstyles as possible with this mastery. If you have any other concerns, I’d be happy to hear them.

Anyway, yes, you will be able to keep Focus Finder on at all times, but it makes your damage and move speed awful. Considering adding a very small decrease to attack / cast speed, though, just because leaving it on all the time and spamming turrets may be a little bit too good now. I’d have to play test to really get an idea for that, and I won’t be adding anything like that in the coming patch. Not quite yet.

Ok sweet (had to make sure as I’m autistic and my wording can be/come across completely opposite to how I mean) I’ll keep them coming as I play more although for now though it’ll entirely be based around the sentries as this playthrough (i think) that’s all I’m going to be using :slight_smile:

If it’s smaller amounts then that’s fine by max level -20% cast speed (start off at -5%) would be fine I think (no need for -attack speed as damage would already be nerfed to the ground if you go with me -90%), makes it so you have to work a bit to overcome it but it isn’t crippling because yeah spamming turrets is pretty good so far :stuck_out_tongue:
If you want I could provide you my gameplay videos?

Videos may help with balancing and save me some time, but I would say only a little bit helpful. It may not be worth the trouble, but I won’t say no. If you want to spend the effort, go for it!

Ah doesn’t look I will be able to, just tried recording a video with fraps and it came up as nothing but a black screen for the video :confused:

But I can tell you that spamming sentries is indeed powerful (at least in normal veteran but what isn’t?) but the removal/nerfing of damage absorption and movement speed reduction will definitely make up for it.