Modders Assemble!

Yes, indeed. This would mean not having to include the gameengine.dbr with the X-Mods anymore. Having all of the character’s UI parameters in one place is also a nice bonus.

If it is not hard for you, please add option to dispel only constant (toggleable) buffs to skillbuff_dispelmagic.tpl

Maybe a functionality for global quest tags that are shared between characters.

Allow Skill Modifiers to change a WPS’s proc chance.

Credit to @Snazzblaster for the reminder about this long-term desire of mine.


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I haven’t played in a while, so I have 2 questions:

  1. Does Crate’s version of Chaos TSS look the same as yours? Or do they use the same projectile as osriginal TSS but color it differently?

  2. If theirs doesn’t look like yours, how can I change it in my game’s settings, so that it always looks like yours (What they call hard modding)? Because yours is beautiful!

Edit: more precisely, does Crate use the old TSS projectile model and then color it red, like they do with Allagast’s set? Or do they use an animation like yours?

Some minor things…

Not sure if anyone mentioned this or if its possible to ‘fix’, but custom class combos from mods aren’t shown in the main menu on startup. We just get a tagerror. Presumably this issue is because the tags aren’t loaded yet, because once you play the mod for even 1 minute and back out into the main menu, the tags are there. It’s a big complaint from players who just start playing mods with custom classes, very important for some people apparently. :person_shrugging: GI used to have the capability to fix this iirc.

By default, mods have access to all difficulties. No playthroughs required. The game will always default to your highest unlocked difficulty iirc but the fact that they are all available from level 1 has caused a few issues for new players. I’ve seen players on the mod discord whine about how hard the game/mod is and after awhile of trying to figure out the issue, most often it is from running difficulty mods on top of ultimate…

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It seems to me or what you are talking about is discussed every time someone comes with such a problem on any of the community platforms.

Pretty sure thats what they do, yea.

You have to play a mod I’m afraid, since it’s a change in a
dbr file. Either make your own or use the season mod.

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Thanks a lot for the response.

Yeah, I was hoping that I can simply copy some file from your mod folder and use it to replace some file in the Grim Dawn installation folder, so that I can permanently throw beautiful Chthonic meteors.

It’s a shame Crate didn’t use a projectile model like this, it looks fantastic.

Another issue: Resistances don’t respect weapon requirements on buff skills transmuters.

Ex: Word of Arms - it will grant any damage resistance to character even if it’s not wielding 2h weapons.

We don’t know what else stats have this behavior.

Credits to @Bane for the report.

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Too late for, but for the toggleable skills, could there be a tag added that excludes them from the auto-toggle logic?

I’ve noticed some internal autocast changes.

Prevously I used curse+selfbuff combo to implement iron maiden curse, but after update autocast not works more.


main skill: Skill_Attackbuffradius + Skillbuff_debuff
autocast config:

Autocast skill: Skill_buffselfduration

Actualy I already check various templates, neither autocast works with initial skill, but all works correctly from modifier.

Make “ProjectilePiercing” to appear on item details when used as a negative value modifier.

e.g: “-100% Chance to pass through Enemies to X Skill”

This modifier works as intended, but rn it doesn’t appear in the list of item skill modifiers.

Last vacation I played TQ and meet big spider hero that spawn several small spiders. This spiders cast lightning tendrils that connects and then attack player.
I didn’t seen similar skill in GD, but may be you could add it?

If possible, please make the SkillDefensiveLine template to work with the “pet changes” array from SkillSecondaryPetModifier template. Currently you can’t replace the objects/pets by others, just like Conduit Whispers do with Storm Totem.

Happy new year to devs, modders and takens :partying_face:

One more thing that I was recently thinking of, is it would be nice if with FoA Asset Manager (archivetool) is able to properly extract the map files. Current gdx2 campaign map is extracted as a 0KB file and grimarc has to be used or to download the already extracted files (which again was done with grimarc)

Also does perhaps the new year bring news of which of these suggestion is/not making it @Zantai


There are map decompilation tools here.
I haven’t tried it in 1.2, but it should still work.

What grimarc extracts is only .map, which cannot be edited directly and must be decompiled.
It is a pity that the decompilation tool has expired and cannot be used in the actual test just now. :joy: :rofl:

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Thanks for clarifying grimarc was only half the story.

But you do raise an important point. I confirm I got the same result with the decompile.
Looking like modifying FoA map is out of the question, till the next ninja arrives to fix the decompile.

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Good news, a Chinese friend found a solution:
Use a hex editor to modify
4D 41 50 09
Change to
4D 41 50 08
After saving, you can decompile it.

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Awesome. You should post this in the decompiler’s topic as it is more relvent there. Here it might get lost.