Monster Infrequent Affix Drop Rate Discussion

should be written on the steam page for the game “if you don’t wanna level up and farm gear, you can just download mods so you can do SR75+ after 1 hour playing” :slight_smile:

People do what they want :woman_shrugging:
looks at Reign of Terror mod

Strawman. Not a single person, kid or otherwise, in this post history said they wanted stuff handed to them. Not I or anyone else. Please leave the “dead horse” rhetoric at the door.

As for grinding, oh I am all too familiar with it. I farmed stupid furlbogs in WoW for the teddy bear trinket alone when rep for them came out on a pvp server. I farmed rep in silithis to revered without ever stepping foot in AQ20 or 40 on a pvp server. Those two feats alone is more grinding then anything GD can throw at someone. But you know what after all that time I knew at some point I would get there.

When you jump into GD for 0.8% magi rings it can’t be quantified or have a measured outcome of a bar when the rings will drop. Every time you go in it’s 0.8% chance, which means you can run 5000 times and never see them. Doesn’t matter what the theoretical odds are. Doesn’t matter if you can or cannot push content with or without that item. What matters is why place it in the game for 3-5% of the players base to farm it when they won’t waste the time and instead gdstash it. Time is the currency here. It’s not that people just want everything handed to them, it’s more of they don’t want to waste that kind of time anymore. The people who want that kind of grind are a very small minority and gaming has moved away from that model which is clearly evident by current and upcoming arpgs.

Also what’s the answer if there said item is required to break your next wall in SR or push CR time?

Will making the drop rate 5% or whatever break the single player game? What’s the point of putting something in a game to shoot for when most will just mod the item in and move along happily to the stuff they wanna do?


I meant increase the chance of this suffix. It’s maybe universally best magic suffix.

All of them can be useful in early game. A better idea would be to remove them only at level 94.

Or only remove the single elemental res ones. Not only are they total vendor trash in endgame but also result in a bug (Zantai said it’s not a bug but it sure looks and feels bugged) that human bosses wearing MI with a combo of such an affix and another res affix can have over 250% res, effectively exceeding possible rr and making them nigh immortal for given dmg types. It’s most common with cold and fire.

I’m quite sure Z won’t do that. He was always trying to bush dual dmg concepts.

Price to pay is bloated magic suffix pool, sadly.

Just change Spellweaving into a % All Damage suffix and delete 90% of them so the pool isn’t super-diluted. Then you can stay as dual- or triple- or whatever-damage you want.

or make them all give %all damage and remove them from the affix loot table (that way currently generated spellweaving ones retain their affix)

That is is the beauty of it.

And I am glad that there are still modern ARPGs that have old-school spirit. If GD turns into loot fiesta ala Diablo III, I will just go back to Diablo 2 or Titan Quest :slight_smile: I like that the devs of GD are true to the old-school spirit of ARPGs, they are not sell-outs that makes a game for casuals. Sure there are some things that can be improved regarding loot and drop chances but all in all I think the model of luck-based drops is fine.


Perfectly said. As a devout believer in RNGesus I find all talk of removing the rogue from the rogue-like and the diablo from the diablo-like fairly heretical and despicable. These are sub-genres founded on faith in RNG and it is a core element they are built around. Like I care where modern ARPG’s are heading. I’ll keep taking my diablo-likes sprinkled heavily with RNG, thank you.



And Grim Dawn is already a game for the minority. Diablo 3 and PoE still reigns supreme. And I am fine with that. It makes playing and talking about Grim Dawn even more special to me :slight_smile:


In all honesty, i’ll never understand why you are so hostile about this Topics when they pop up. The general mentality of Grim Dawn is, that it is very open to Moddability and Tools, GD Stash is widely accepted, and this game have no online-security either. Let the stasher stash, it’s their way to play. I don’t understand why we have 4 Years later still this topic popup occasionally.

Than again, i’ve also to add, that you might not really understand the core-concept of this Genre either. This isn’t your everyday MMORPG like World of Warcraft where you hunt for your particular loot. It’s an ARPG / Hack’N’Slay and one of it’s biggest appeal and the reason why it got popular is the Hunt for Loot. Sure doing Builds and stuff is part of it too, but if you mess with the lootdrops and there isn’t anything which really could considered Rare, than it gets old and boring very fast.

Than again, you are hostile yourself and argue for the sake of arguing, but not look at the whole thing at the bigger Picture. You think that the Game owes you to get every item possible and especially the items you want, but maybe that’s the part where your Logic gets flawed. Maybe Double-Rares aren’t meant to be into your direct reach, but something which you can hunt for endlessly to a point, where might someday lucky. And that’s what a lot of us People gets going. At some Point you will have every Legendary, every Blueprint, but what then? That’s what Double-Rare’s makes so attractive it’s something which you truly can hunt for everytime you boot up, but never know when you’ll get.

For you maybe, but for many of us it’s not. Why do you think SR was added? To give another layer for Endgame and Loothunt. And that’s the actual problem with the situation now. Grim Dawn / Crate is at a point, where they 're inbetween players who only want to play it like level 100 fancy dress-up game, and for the other part People who want to stick to their characters and go beyond. And that’s why they’ve to find the middle. And IMHO they’re spot on. For everyone who this isn’t enough, well you have GDStash.

I know, there is a part of the community, who truly thinks like that, but in general i’ve to say, this is utterly nonsense and i’ve kinda to agree with malawiglenn. GrimTool is overall simple a helper and a QoL Feature. It’s nice to prepare some things at them beforehand, so you don’t need to struggle around much ingame, but i’d argue and i’m even as bold and claim that majority of People wouldn’t need GrimTools to enjoy the Game. I’m happy it exist, it’s convient, but i would never have come as far i’ve come in Grim Dawn, if it wasn’t for the Game itself, heck infact i hardly used Grim Tools at all. I see and understand that a part of the community enjoy theorycraftin combined with GrimTools, but it’s an overstatement to say the actual Game is Grim-Tools and Grim Dawn is only merely there to visualize it.

I surely don’t want to discredit what you have most fun with, and that’s why i say go for GrimTools and GDStash if you want, but you have to keep in mind that there are also other People playing the Game, which want to enjoy the actual Game and want to invest Time.

Is asking questions being hostile? I was curious about how the game would look without double rares and if ppl would GD stash anyway (I guess the answer is yes, people will always “cheat”)

If GD stashing should be viewed as “modding”, then why not have a separate sub-forum for that? Similarly to people sharing builds and ideas for Grimarillion etc

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I don’t know, some of your “answers” after your Questions comes off a bit snappish. If it’s not like that i’m sorry.

By reading the rest of your reply above, it is pretty clear that we are on the same page regarding the core of the genre.

So you don’t want your soccer participation gold medal?

A little bit late here but by reading the topic I thought a good solution would be to have the possibility to reroll affixes, but just for magic. That way double rares would still be as hard to get, but you won’t have you perfect rare prefix drop screwed by Spellweaving anymore. Like Zantai said rare+magic combination on a MI is a reasonable target.
In the same time I realize that adding a new service to the inventor requires perhaps too much work at this stage of development, so the good way might be what @ya1 suggested. Narrow the magic affix pool so we have better chances to find a usable one. That should make it I think.

Narrowing the Magic affix pool is part of the changes of v1.1.7.0.

Although I don’t think the removal of Spellweaving will impact drop rates as much as some people would like to believe.


the old grimtools affix calculator shows percentages that make it look like the combined weight of spellweaving is the same as the weight of any single affix.

I could probably crack open the relevant DBRs to give actual data but nyeh, the one who needs to know already works on

Also, could we have more pet stats on various affixes?

And pet DPS value shown somewhere plz :smiley: