Nature's Call Regalia +X to Summon Briarthorn

Ulvar, pls share the build link of your physical pet conjurer who killed Callagadra Would like some input of what i am doing wrong being unable to take her down.

Maybe I do that when Maya starts playing current patch :wink:

Meh, I probably will eventually since I have been wanting to try this [Mod] Nydiamar (Update 13)

So I’ve never attempted Ravager or Calla before, as I’ve heard that you need some ridiculous defenses to withstand their attacks. What sort of defenses are we talking about for these fights? 80% Phys resistance? 50% overcap on everything? Enough cooldown so we can resummon and forget? Not being snarky; I fought Mogdrogen once with a non-pet Commando so I could be part of the toxic elitist club and even with 150% overcap and 2,000 health regen, I was facing serious damage spikes. I imagine the other two are even worse and with damage types you can’t easily overcap.

Also, I herd there was some talk about birbs. What did I miss?

On a Pet build? almost anything can do Ravager. no special requirements.

For Cally… min requirements: Birds of Bysmiel - Pet Occultist :stuck_out_tongue:

So not much really.

About birbs, they got -3% nerf on weapon dmg per projectile on their attack. But got compensated by increased radius and weap dmg increase on lightning strike. So not much of a nerf in the grand scheme of things.

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Ugh oh…

I’m afraid you’ve already demonstrated exactly how hard reading numbers and words is for you. So I would forgive anyone who doesn’t just take your word from the get-go.

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Sorry, who are u again?


Pet Malders LUL

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Completely irrelevant in contrast to my input. Or did you spend too much time on Reddit?

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I am curious because I am used to trolls being atleast entertaining.

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well… this took a turn :eyes:

nn folks, don’t make Medea swing the broom :wave:

Ignore Maya. She’s bitter because the nerfed pet builds and pets in general are still pretty much viable despite all her baseless asumptions about the patch. She’ll probably post again in reddit playing the victim card and telling everybody she’s quitting GD forevah because Zantai is a big meany that ignores her genius suggestions everytime and specifically nerfs her builds.

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Hard jamming to the cries of pet players

What are you talking about? I linked the threads right there.
You complained about the set nerfs while apparently being incapable of reading that pets got a global buff.
You complained about Cataclysm’s Eye getting nerfed while refusing to even acknowledge that Gate to Many Worlds is a pet item.
You even admitted that you aren’t installing and yet you claim to know how builds in it play.

If you don’t want to be taken seriously you should just say so.

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Well, you got one thing right atleast, I am bitter about pets getting nerfed. So… kudos?

Like I said, I am used to more entertaining trolls.

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I would say if you want to add Ravager to you list of victims, pets is definitely easier to do than players build (unless is really tanky). Check whatever Ravager you spawn for damage type he’s dealing and make sure your tank can hold up the aggro. I suggest to try Conjurer like Beastcaller, cause Briathorn is good enough to hold the ground even against berserk Ravager (when health drop below certain threshold). Moggy, you need some AoE to kill spawns quickly I guess.

As for OP, idea isn’t bad actually. You need your main pet initial node maxed and your set is providing very low amount of + skills, so it’s harder (not undoable) to max it.


Well, without a link it’s just words that you breeze through Callagadrah then.

Did not say it was a breeze.

But I am just playing the same game as you guys do when you announce pet builds are dead but refuse to play the actual game :sweat_smile:

I can also play the “who are you” card :wink:

Ulvar, you claim your physical pet conjurer killed Calla just fine like this patch never happened - your own words.
Whatever that means and how much time did it take?
Please share a link?

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