Need help finding which files to edit for my small-mod ideas

I have 3 small-ish ideas for modifications I’d like to try but this editor is pretty obtuse (at least for me).

  • id like to remove the resistance nerfs on elite and ultimate but keep the leveled-up mobs and everything else (maybe even add some levels to them to make up for the untouched resistances)
  • i’d like to remove the XP cut at 10-levels-below the player so that all the mobs in my way to do a bounty are at least worth SOMETHING; Even if its like 5xp I’d be happy i just really resent it being 0.
  • much bigger change is giving the occultist’s summon familiar skill a modifier skill that swaps lighting damage for chaos/vitality damage and makes the fx red instead of blue (a’la an adorable lil mini doom-bolt). I’d call the skill modifier ‘Tiny Agent Of Chaos.’
    Any hints on where to look would be greatly appreciated cause this massive list of records doesn’t even appear to be searchable…
    Many thanks for your time guys!

resistances can be found in
database\records\game\balancingadjustment... files

I use Grep but maybe you can use GDSearch from [Tool] [Modding] Grim Dawn Modding Suite for searching (not sure if it works now but some other features definitely do). Here I wrote how I set up Mod Checker, Anything special needed to use a .pfx as a projectile? - #14 by tqFan which is another feature

How about changing the Familiar skill instead of giving a modifier to some item? that should be simpler

This I don’t know because I haven’t done it yet

PS You can also check out the modding section on Discord, it’s pretty active Discord

Great thank you for all your help! I did find the resistance one so that’s one down.
For the raven thing, yeah I mean it would be a transmuter skill like ‘Tainted Power’ that changes the damage type and color. I’d need to add it to the skill tree, etc.