Hey guys, I’m still new to the game and I need some of your help.
I want to play a melee 2h fire paladin build with these skills:
so I need some suggestions on the devotions and gears for leveling and maybe for endgame for the build.
its okay for it not to be efficient, just enough to kill the lokarr boss or any boss in dungeons.
thank you
Thanks for this! Though I was expecting to hit mobs with the hammer and not using the seal ability.
I was planning to change the inquisitor seal with RF and smite, would it be viable? I dig more on the role playing aspect than efficiency. I want that traditional skull bashing undead slaying paladin trope.
If you want a true 2-h build (not like a one above, that wields its 2-h weapon for stats only, and doesnt really swing it), i cant imagine anything but Eye of Reckoning build. Probably, something with Mythical Wrath of Tenebris.Only then you can justify a Paladin class choice for it.