Nerf,Nerf and more nerf

Probably Zantarin lol but I couldn’t figure out the relation between blooms :rofl:


I’m afraid Acedian Aldric was nerfed because I was fighting with him on Veteran recently
with Guardian build and he seemed kinda easy. Easier than the last time I fought him.
Two Guardians annihilated him and Boris and I didn’t notice Health dropping.

Well, evidently there are 2 versions of him since he won the pvp twice so you might have gotten an easier one.


Did you watch hot tub streams while farming?


Of course, every session.

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It’s hard to notice him because you die instantly.

Keep going guys I think we can make him talk. Please write your replies in one post. And if you’re getting one-shotted by any monsters even nemesis you might be doing things in a wrong way with your character.

And is it maybe Reaper of the Lost?

In what area, Plains of Strife? Is it Loxmere?

My bet is on warden kreive (or whatever), final form.


The location could be anywhere because many are capable of a one-shot kill, luckily they do it like 1 in 10
encounters. The character who guards Darkvale gates killed me on two occasions so far. Didn’t come even
close to him.

Not after the latest update for sure.

Care to share a grimtools link with your build? Im willing to bet certain resistances are lacking if this happened to you on two different occasions.

I just did a casual Coven->Ugdenbog rift + Undergrowth run and came out with 8 blooms, and I felt like I got pretty unlucky by the end with drops :neutral_face:.

At a minimum, you have an exceedingly high/guaranteed chance of an Ugdenbloom dropping from Sylvarria and Bargoll who are easy to find/run in-between other Bloom sources like the plants/golems or tree stumps.

If you think this is too much now, you didn’t see how hard we had it during early/mid Ashes of Malmouth, both in terms of Ugdenbloom drop rates, how many were used and how hard it was to get the other materials to craft some of these components. Severed Claws/Oleron’s Blood were a lot harder to gather back then, there’s a reason Chipped Claws used to be a common trade material in the same league as Scavenged Plating.

The problem with this guy, we communicate like two different species. I mean what we are saying and what he replies is worse than playing multiplayer with 5 sec delay. I messaged him again to understand and help him, since we share a native language but he persists on not replying me, I guess he also doesn’t like his own people :rofl:


Well. I suppose we shouldn’t be entirely surprised. They did bestow upon us this thread some months back…

It went more or less like this one has I suppose.


This; let Crate milk their players through subscriptions and monthly paid content!

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They did not nerf chthonic seals of binding drops

They did not nerf ugdenbog bloom drops

They did not nerf nemesis spawns

They did not increase the number of “one shot killer”

Stop trolling

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Sorry, to many post to answer.

LOL.Good one.

This was in period of building the chars,but situation at Darkvale gate is that you’re still 5-10 meters away.