New Forum Feedback

Aaaaah ! <3 Thanks!

What I miss from the old forums is my subscribed threads. I had quite a lot of them, mostly from the builds section. Would have been nice if they had been converted to booknarks. I guess it wasn’t possible?

Apart from this and after some getting used to, I find the new forum vastly superior to the old one.

The equivalent of the old subscriptions is to watch or track threads (at the bottom of each topic). Being able to bookmark them is new.

I have only one big serious problem with the new forum, it’s about the roll eyes emoji. Currently it looks like this: :roll_eyes:

It. Just. Doesn’t. Roll.

Would it be possible to make it start rolling again like the one in the old forum, for the sake of humanity?

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Definitely has a more modern design. Sleek. I’m a new user but a fairly long time lurker, having played Grim Dawn on and off since beta back in like 2014.

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uhm… is no longer working… got to fix that fast before somebody makes a funny site out of that and some parents start to sue crate :stuck_out_tongue:

The domain is still used by Crate. They transitioned the forums, and stuff like the Game Guide will follow posthaste. However, you might have to update your bookmarks once they will have completed their work.

yep, was just joking, there was an easter egg on a game I can’t remember the title of that had a link to to a dead domain and… that happened :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t like the new forums in the slightest. The interface is garbage imo. I don’t come here often so my opinion is probably irrelevant, but I’m even less likely to come here now.

Well, i wouldn’t say it’s irrelevant, but rather that’s a good thing that Crate have priorities like as example “website security”, and while i’m not the biggest fan of discourse myself (though i finally get somewhat used to it), it’s still with its own benefits and advantages. As examples the load-times are insanely fast and smooth. (though dayone was kinda a mess).

Level 2

Get to trust level 2 by…

  • Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially
  • Casting at least 1 like
  • Receiving at least 1 like
  • Replying to at least 3 different topics
  • Entering at least 20 topics
  • Reading at least 100 posts
  • Spend a total of 60 minutes reading posts

I think many people already do this
but why they are not Level 2?

PS: old ranks (Supporter, Acolyte and etc.) don’t UP then user reached the required number of posts
OR? post must be created only on new forum? and counter of the posts are ignore

Zantai from 13th June post:

"The ranks are a legacy from the old forum.

By default, they do not exist. We would have to add new badges and triggers for earning them, which requires exposing the SQL. So unless we change something down the line, they will likely remain a legacy from the olden times, special titles you can no longer acquire!"


and this one to link to the right post. Right in this thread!

Not sure what you mean Boro.

There’s either this for the new forum

Or this one for the old rankings

Which, yes I had to search out to update my link for.

what about 2d level trust?

I was asking around.I am level 2,which opens new functions like creating new tags,but I can’t.Also when you reach levels in the trust system you receive badges,but also not have one for members level.I think it’s not working.

you are not 2 lvl
u are basic and it is 1 lvl
2 lvl is member

When I click on my profile,it’s showed Trust level member.And I have enough time and posts to be.

Then there’s a mismatch between the two; one says Basic, the other says Member.

Edit: Ah, I see what it is. Basic and Member are both L1 trust level. Looking at the way Zantai’s set it up L2 is only for playtesters and above. Nearly all the people registered on the forum are now Members, but you’re not going to go any higher up the Trust level just by being here, posting stuff, etc.

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So it’s impossible to gain higher lever,unless you are playtester? That’s odd.