New Forum Feedback

Btw two things, that want to add, which I find odd.

When I am on phone, when I click on topic sometimes it brings me to absolutely random page, not on top or bottom, not even on latest unread page.

Other thing is the replay button. You need to get on bottom on post to reply it. So if I want to add my build to the compendium, need to go all the way down. Build compendium isn’t discussion, so it’s not necessary to read all posts in order to write :smile:

Technically, you don’t actually have to go to the bottom on phone. I just checked. You can click ANY posts little reply button (that little reply arrow) nearest to you… click THAT posts reply button. Once your reply box pops up do this:

Done deal. Works the same on PC or mobile.

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Thanks !

That’s not something I even noticed, my bad :sweat:

It’s all good :smile: I’ve totally been neglecting finishing that “effective” forum thread of mine. I should really get back to that someday.

scrolling or even jumping to the bottom of the thread is pretty workable even on a tablet. Now, not being able to do between threads, in the categories, is a bigger problem.

How so tho? Take this “category” for example: Announcements and Information. I just click the orange button at the top of this thread under the title, go to it, and start scrolling down looking at thread titles. Literally like I would on the old forum. The only difference is that here when I get to the bottom of page 1 it automatically loads in page 2 for me while retaining page 1’s visibility.

If anything that’s actually a convenience for me over the old forum. About the only argument you could make against it is saying, “Well, what if I wanted to jump to page 4 to go to that thread I know is there?”. If you know what thread is currently living on page 4 then you know what that threads title is and search will get you there just as fast or faster.

That’s the only possible argument I could see tho having any viability and it isn’t even all that strong of an argument frankly.

Is there an option to unbound “ctrl+f” combo from the forum search? Cause i didn’t find it and it should be there. I want to be able to jump between words on the page, it’s a vital feature for any kind of browsing. Rn i have to manually press “search” in the browser options to do what i want, not what forums wants.

Hit Ctrl+F and then tap F a second time immediately after that and it will switch to the browser Find. Be warned tho that on large threads it ONLY sees what has loaded FULLY in currently. In a large thread Discourse does not automatically load in all replies and thus browser Find cannot see what is not loaded in yet.

Just use the forum search itself and make sure that this:

is ticked. Now search for whatever you’re looking for.

Thanks, didn’t think of that. Is that a common thing? Should probably mention this in the “key shortcuts” section.

Apparently so. I’m not sure why it’s working like that but my guess is that even tho technically using “forum search” is Ctrl+Alt+F it must be conflicting with the browsers Ctrl+F shortcut. I have no idea if Crate can modify that or if that has to be done on Discourses end.

I utterly despise infinite scrolling. It hampers spatial orientation and makes a mess of any discussion.
I also despise the “mobile” design which manage to both waste space and lack lots of details.

That’s two reasons to find these new forums unbearable. At least the second has an actual reason to exist (considering the amount of people who read on their smartphone), but the first is just inexcusable.

Seriously, what kind of argument is that ?

Show me how it is in any way “messier” than a paginated view. It works the same essentially. You start reading a thread, post by post, scrolling along. Paginated - you get to the end and click a button to continue. Here - it removes the clicking part for you. Want to go to the end instead? That function is just as available here as in paginated. If I really want to get PC about it there is a keyboard command that lets me TELL it to go to any post number I desire. I can even use my mouse and grab that slider bar to the right if I want to.

This “anti-infinite load” behavior in some people is where I’m still waiting for a real argument to come forth that doesn’t involve something as weak as “I just don’t like it and it’s in my nature to resist change because I can’t be arsed to learn something slightly unfamiliar to me”.

Bitching about “mobile view” has nothing to do with the PC version you’re viewing right now as those are two separate views that Crate can actually tweak on their end. You aren’t losing much more space here than you are on the old forum, no matter how much you want to lie to yourself otherwise still won’t make it any truer.

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Try a discord and see. One channel where people wander off topic all the time, try keeping track of what you’re replying to in there. Even reading it is difficult. Nor is quoting what you’re replying to as easy either because between you making the quote and actually typing out your reply, hey, someone else has leapt in and separated the two so it still doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I don’t like infinite scrolling much either, but unless the devs change it, if it’s even possible, then I have to put up with it. The new forum isn’t perfect, no forum is. There’ll always be something that someone doesn’t like and that also applies to the old forum. A lot of it was good, but other parts not. And at least, hopefully, this isn’t as vulnerable as the old forum was to being hacked. Or would you prefer losing days of posts/threads - try finding what you’re looking for when that happens.

It’s obvious you are only trying to blindly rationalize just to “win” so there is no point. I already had the Windows 8 fanboys claiming it was a good interface for years, I know how it rolls.

I know Discord, that wasn’t my point.
My point was that I don’t see how the fact that Discord is confusing is in any way relevant to the fact that these forums have bad design.
“well, these guys over there do it even worse” is a completely pointless response.

Or just give up and participate less (or even stop participating). I know I cut my use of WoW forum by A LOT since they went to this infinite scrolling pile of shit. I wasn’t really a regular here, but it certainly won’t give me an incentive to come back.

I can’t really see the bad design point, apart from the inifinite scrolling we don’t like. The layout is exacty the same as the old forum, you can quote the comment you’re replying to, etc. A few things work differently, but that’s only to be expected with a different platform. Okay you can’t go to a page for the comment you’re looking for, but instead of noting page numbers now just note post numbers instead (which you could also do on the old forum btw). Or just search for keywords to find them.

Like it or not we’re not going back to vBulletin in any form, Zantai’s made that quite clear. So it’s either this or something else or yeah, you just don’t visit as often.

What is the difference in infinite scrolling and clicking on “next page” :stuck_out_tongue: The post number in the thread you are watching is showing in the adress field of your browser and you can link to separate posts by clicking on the chain icon.

As long as people use quotes and click on reply on the actual message they want to reply to, it is easy to follow the discussion

And, instead of just complaining how about …

I find the infinite scrolling to be way better for navigating threads, and I bet I spend more time on it than you, so how’s that for an excuse! Such things are subjective though and change is scary, to each his own I guess.

The new forum has a far better search, runs faster, is more secure, and has the ability to display differently for desktop vs mobile. I have no regrets in our move to the new software.


I like the new forum ! At first its a little scary but after some minutes in it its familiar and easy to understand =) @zantai where is the patch :P?

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I don’t. Honestly, I still think it is terrible. Especially on big threads with a lot of replies since remembering something like page 153 is easier than post 4307.

It is subjective, yes. But atleast in my case, I would say it is less about change being scary and more about “fixing something that is not broken”.

I guess it is the same for most people complaining about infinite scrolling. They are used to having pages, see nothing wrong with it and wonder why it was changed just for the sake of change.

That is, unless the version of Discourse does not allow for pages. In which case I guess it was the lesser of evils since not having pages is still better than getting hacked every other day.