New Forum Feedback

You get the latest ones by clicking on Latest at the top of the page. Okay, it’s not as great as selecting the final post in a thread, but clicking on a thread should take you to the last post.

I wish pressing there would also scroll down so you don’t have to do it yourself. It’s a pain to scroll so I only view new and unread. :confused:

Well, depends. If you’re up to date with a thread it should go to the last one you read so could be a few more past that. Otherwise, just click near the date/time at the bottom (anywhere the finger cursor comes up) and it’ll take you to the last one immediately.

What I wish is that the Latest stuff would clear itself after you’ve read it like reading New Posts on the old forum did. Seeing it still hanging around once I’ve read something is annoying.

thanks for the replies for the About me section etc

Actually i miss the signatures under the post and when in Grim Dawn forums on the right the streamers section.
Looks so empty now tbh, i dont know but some kind of visuals with pictures something something

For me, this is the worst forum i ever seen

Not intuitiv, look likes a reddit-like, Its realy the worst thing i ever seen

I miss the old and classy forums :frowning_face:

But I guess its only me

Hipster gonna hipster :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, nevermind ! I’m trying to see old post, old topics and the navigation is realy worse then i expected

Can we get the old forums ?

But the design is modern and beautiful but for the others things :frowning:

Whatever, i’m sorry for my poor english and my hatred, i had to tell my opinions :frowning:

Love this game w/e <3

Short answer is no, not going back. It’s this or nothing. Old forum is dead.

I think someone said that Discourse forum are not indexed at google and bad at SEO. Apparently it is indexed so not sure if he meant something else.

It’s takes some adjustment to how we perceived forums to be but I think it’s good improvement in many ways.

It’s normal, I need more times for the new forum

Sorry for the hatred

Have a Nice Day evryone <3

No worries… I get it. It’s different and takes a lil getting used.

This here isn’t ‘complete’ yet but it’s slowly getting stitched together. I still haven’t covered one of the most important topics of the new forum: using Search - which is leagues above the old search.

Regardless, it’s a start. Perhaps it might help.

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Yes, we all have some adjusting to do. There are things that are better with this one and other things that are worse. We’ll get there.

I don’t like the new forum. Just going to be blunt about it. The old one was in my opinion superior to this. I have seen these before and I avoid using them pretty much every time.

Same here. The only thing I like in this forum is :zantai: emote.

:zantai: You will be banned soon! :zantai:

:faction_eldritch: Eldritch icon is cool too! :faction_eldritch:

Is it possible to have a more… obvious way to separate posts? Alternate post colors? make the divider between posts a brighter, bolder color? make each post have a boxed outline? I kind of feel like posts kind of just blend into each other at times since it’s just a bunch of white and grey text and little else in between.
Also there’s a good amount of padding below the “like, share, show more and reply” buttons on the bottom right of posts.

Those are there for you to bookmark if you want, share or flag a post for a moderator/admin’s attention. You can also unpin a topic just for yourself if you want and watch/track threads.

Maybe a stupid question but what is the difference between Latest and New sections?

New only shows up when there have been new threads created that you haven’t read or dismissed yet. Otherwise it is not a permanent category and disappears until a new thread is next made.

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The thing is i just realized I have to scroll those sections down to actually see the new / latest topics. Because at first look those sections show just all the forum topics divided by sections. No matter what you click on either New or Latest you see same old topics list. Only when you scroll down you start to see the difference.

And how do I dismiss a topic in the New section without actually reading it?

Shouldn’t do. If you click on the New then it’ll give you the list of new topics. And Latest should show the ones that have most recently been added to. Of course the problem with this platform is you don’t erase a topic once you’ve read it. It still stays there, just greyed out to show you’ve read it. Since there are now thousands of threads on the forum you’re never going to clear the list and reach the end of it.

In the New category there is a dismiss button right below any new threads listed. You can’t miss it.