Next Thing Discussion

I wonder if 2h weapons getting components with 2x stats (like potent augments) would be a good thing or too op :thinking:


or just allow 2handers to slot 2 components ? :grin:


or that image


Ohhh yes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
That would indeed be a VERY VERY welcome change!

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Some unique items are missing mythical versions. I’d really like to see a Mythical Progenitor or a Mythical Blackwood Arbalest.

I have never nor will I ever use Roiling Blood in my gear.

I love procs. I love that sometimes a proc shoots at a different enemy than the one that triggered it. That’s probably a bug but it should be a feature because it’s genius. I do sometimes find it frustrating that you can’t do a pure build, like a pure melee build, because you inevitably end up equipping some proc items for their stats. On the other hand, I want there to be more procs. I would love to do a 12 proc aether lightning build. Even if sucks.

So in the past day I’ve been checking with every player with over 10 hours in grim dawn and confirmed that less than .5% of players have ever purposefully equipped Hagarradian Enforcer, and I’m one of them cause I was curious if the proc had some magical power to it. It does not. Nightblade gunners are super niche, mostly because they aren’t fun to play without major cooldown ABB mods, and getting enough acid and pierce conversion to even consider it is upsetting to think about. Can these finally be reworked to something exciting? I’d even humor cold pistol savagery, and pistol savagery never works well!


this pistol needs some Corruption of Gargabol treatment to become somewhat viable, otherwise it’s just utter trash


I have previously posted suggestions and videos regarding the clairvoyants coverist and codex of lies, but my impression is that it is too fluffy for the damage it does. It requires a lot of micromanagement to operate and seems to be more stressful than enjoyable. (Mostly due to the one-shot kills by Fabius.)

Afaik they are almost fine on Infiltrator, but it would be nice to have ~45/50% acid → cold conversion instead of the phys → cold conversion and a modifier to ABB that either reduces the CD, so it can reliably use ABB as part of its damage rotation, or increases it so that its CD matches (slightly lower) the duration of Lethal Assault when dual wielding the guns, so that it’s less annoying to use as a buff. No idea what the +3 Shattering Blast is supposed to ever do on that gun tbh, Mythical Crescent Moon is just superior in every single way for grenado. Bonuses to Fire Strike line, Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame or, as you suggested, to Savagery would make more sense imo.

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I use two of those, Mythical Hagarradian Enforcers on my Cold Trickster. For cold trickster, there is no better option, or at least ABB cold trickster, if I looked properly!

@RektbyProtoss But I agree, that M-H-Enf could be little bit “boosted”.

26 posts were split to a new topic: Darkblaze Conversion Discussion

Please no, that amulet is one of the few ways that Infernal Knight spam BWC can convert parts of Bat to Fire.

Korvaaks burning blade is ur friend here with 100% of vit. to fire to FT which allows for fully converted vit. on bat.
To make things even better now u have access to wendigo for Infernal Knight too! :grin:
Furthermore lights oath rings also convert bats pierce to fire for even MOAR gains.

Darkblaze amulet is nothing but a placeholder for any BWC build imo.
You say u want conversion from bat to fire yet the amulet even lacks any form of % fire damage.
If u would want to use it for a chaos BWC version the conversion is whatever anyways. :person_shrugging:

So yes, again, imo, please change that conversion. :clap:

18 posts were split to a new topic: Cleansing Waters Range Discussion

Korvaak’s Blade prevents the use of Herald of Blazing Ends. No way you’re not using that given that it has essentially a 50 % total damage modifier for BWC on it. I’d much rather lose 100 % fire damage on amulet than 50 % TDM on my main skill just to get conversion for Bat. You then take Blazeseer Signets on rings, cause they do the same conversion job as Light’s Oath except they have BWC points on them, where Light’s Oath has nothing useful. But with double Blazeseer, plus Ignaffar Gauntlets for pierce convo, you’re still at only 60 % for vit and 30 % for pierce. Darkblaze amulet gets the Vit to nearly full and has a granted skill to get some more ways to proc devos.

well, it appears to be strange on a chaos-dedicated set that already has fire>chaos conversion to have vit>fire conversion.
and compared to vit>chaos it’s kinda a dps loss (also ammy’s skill is pure garbage).


That it is. But at least it’s a proc source. BWC Sorcerer, for instance, has all of two mastery skills that can serve as procs (BWC and Mines) and it needs at least 3 (1 for Eldritch Fire, 1 for Bat, 1 for damage devo, and that’s if you’re not using Elemental Storm as well). Well, I guess technically it has 3 if you use Flashbang, but that’s an iffy proccer for some things.

I’ve seen people far too eager to make it a passive proc. If the quality of the skill is the problem, buff it, I say. Making it a passive proc can mess up builds that rely on the proc source.

Sorry edited out the section you responded to just as you posted, realised that for Mergo’s suggestion the Vit to Fire couldn’t stay there and would actually hurt what he wanted to do.

Is it possible to have an option in the settings to remove the dismantle confirmation popup? Would be a big time-saver when dismantling a lot of items to not have to click ‘yes’ each time.

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It’s usually run with Exterminus though, which is at least somewhat fire-centered.

It’s a Chaos pistol which can be used for Fire if you go out of your way to convert Chaos into Fire globally. It’s not “somewhat fire-centered”, it’s Chaos centered.

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