That’s like saying Cadence is an AoE skill because it hits in a straight line (and with passthrough on Zolhan’s and other WPS, you have a good chance of all your ranged attacks being passthrough). A rather dishonest way of characterizing the skill. Arcanists already have multiple AoE skills like Callidor’s Tempest and the splitting projectiles of Panetii’s, let them have their gigantic nuke button (I know TSS and Devastation exist too, but it doesn’t scream raw power the way AAR does)
Fact of the matter is that enemies surround the character instead of walking in a straight line toward the character, making a beam skill like AoE a mainly single-target skill since you have to kill one enemy in order to guide the beam towards the rest, and without the existence of life-leeching procs similar to the proc on Aethereach, it’s going to be hard to withstand the damage necessary to clear in a circular fashion if you can’t kill the single targets quickly.
Fair enough. I can only speak for the stuff i played, and I don’t know a thing about minmaxing. Still. The whole thing started with “why vitality to fire”. The answer, IMHO, is “why not”. It’s a minuscule conversion for a miniscule part of the flat pool on a set that does have fire mods anyway -_-
On the topic of nonsense conversions, I’m still deeply curious why Chillwhisper vestments convert aether to cold, on a trio of classes that have 0 non-converted aether for the set to begin with. Why not convert vitality, or, god forbid, pierce.
Hello guys and girls! I don’t have much time to make a long post but can we have some attention on 2h AA melee chaos builds?
The endgame weapons are either for non-AA skills (tenebris and spin to win) or casting (Obsidian Tremor).
I have some suggestions although these are not super thought through.
tenebris could use +2 to shaman skills so it could be paired with chaos savagery conduit (but the weapon will be bloated)
Obsidian hamma could use attack speed for chaos Cadence.
Harbinger gloves and helm bonus could be change from 2h ranged to just any 2h ( this way rahzin WH won’t get any buffs.
And of course there is general problem for 2h melee wps skills. The game could get a few more of them on items/sets?
My main thought here is that it would be nice to have a green chaos 2hander m.i. Why? Simply because of the Abyss suffix that makes life of any chaos build that uses 100%+ weapon damage attacks much easier.
Can I politely ask if you tried that Sorceress? How does no exclusive skill and and no Nullification or Chthonic racial work in game? Is there a particular reason to overcap Temper and Searing Light here over said exlcusive skill?
Yes I’ve tested it for SR75-80 in 2 different patches in fact. The omission of exclusive skill was a simple matter of point efficiency. I don’t need the cast speed the exclusive provides, nor the flat, nor the conversion. All I get for a total of 30 skill point investment is 135 % fire damage. That’s what, 5 % total damage? Something like that. Those 30 skill points would have to come from somewhere. Given how terrible the health sustain on the build is due to the reliance on pretty much just Bat, Scales and Wayward Soul, there’s no way I’m shaving those 30 points off of anything defensive, like the DA on Temper. It takes a single Fabius crit to take the build to death’s door cause recovering the health is so slow. As for Nullification, yeah, that’s a mistake, the one extra point on Searing Light should go there. The missing racial on chest was a matter of preference, I could make the Grava fight better (but it’s not as bad as you think, not even at SR80), but the proc on Shattered Soul makes sustain in hordes better and the build is pretty prone to getting overwhelmed by sturdier hero groups (like Aetherial Colossi, hyper-resistant humans in the past, etc.). Since almost all Vit is converted to fire, that 33 % lifesteal on the proc has been a godsend in many clutch situations.
But none of that is the point is it? The discussion was about the conversion, not skill point allocation, not components. So let’s keep it on topic, shall we? If you want to debate the build further, that’s what DMs are for.
The point is, and again, it’s nothing personal or not to flame you, the point is that in my opinion if your Sorc had been put together a bit better then maybe Darkblaze amulet could be changed into the options that bring more value here, both defensively and offensively.
Like same with skills and exclusive, Star Pact for example would’ve shortened your cooldown on Mirror/Ghoul/Blast Shield/Scale and improve your surivability. Nullification is a very potent skill in tight spots. Having more damage (unfortunately 2150% in Fire + 680 in Spirit on single RR specs is not enough to tackle this game’s endgame content with vulnerable specs like spam BWC builds) means having shorter fights and less awkward/perilous situations, etc.
The recent discussion about IK sustain that @mad_lee & @lMarcusl had got me curious about the whole spam BWC thing so I took it upon myself to have a go at it too.
What I found is that the whole conversion thing forces you into making too many sacrifices & my damage ended up being a total mess and the sustain from bat felt very mediocre as well imo thx to the overall dmg % being on the low end.
Therefore I took the route of relying on devo procs like dryad, wayward soul, giant’s blood, turtle shell, arcane barrier & phoenix fire together with blast shield & mirror from demo/arca. (also aether cluster as “oh shit” and last resort option vs bosses)
I was very hesitant at first since I’m usually not a fan of proc devos to keep me healthy but glad I decided to try anyways so I’ll let the results speak for themselves here:
Sustaining in SR felt fine even when facing off VS the likes of Grava (bit of kiting needed) & Maiden.
Clearing trash/champ packs wasn’t an issue as well and when things got rough mirror was there to safe the day.
Furthermore null was very helpful in removing annoying debuffs/dots and debuffing strong foes that deal elemental dmg.
To my own surprise the toon even managed to down our beloved & favourite cannibals pet the .
Stutter step kiting was being used during the fight while paying close attention to (de)buffs & cooldowns of skills.
Overall sustain felt fine like this HOWEVER now we come to the part I see issues with, which is the dmg output of spam BWC.
Yes, while this toon has been able to tackle SR 75-76 & even the the process wasn’t exactly a fast one.
Imo spam BWC dmg takes too long to ramp up and could use some help.
Help in the form of fire % dmg & burn % dmg with burn duration % on the IK set as bonus + a fair amount of +levels to demon fire would be very helpful.
That’s it for my feedback on the matter.
Cheers, Mergo.
Hail Mary but how about a way to unlock savagery transmuter/equivalent on pistols/ludrigan? Ludrigan+dagallin pistol setups are slow and glassy right now, rf has no reasonable support for lightning focus, and barrelsmith is poorly moonlighting AA vs caster. Ludrigan set also blocks savagery medal, which may be the goal but really makes the chilling rounds support lame/hard to build into
I’d be really curious to see that. Lately I’ve had many discussions with my friends about boss design in diabloids (POE, last 2 Diablos, Lost Ark). I initially argued that GD bosses are, mostly, stat checks.
However, upon further thinking, that’s not true. Bosses in GD absolutely have mechanics - it’s just that any well-made build doesn’t interact with 99% of them. To the day I have no idea what Morgoneth actually does, other than that “he nearly oneshots me and then dies”. Some time ago I’ve seen Zantai say that eye mechanic from TQ Grey sisters fight is also present in the game. Which left me scratching my head and genuinely thinking “where???”. I still don’t know.
Having at least celestial bosses as interesting, mechanics-centered spectacles would definitely be a fresh touch.